Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: www.unicorninsight.com or at [email protected]. Her Facebook page is: facebook.com/ashwinichubeofficial
Articles written by Ashwini
- Healing Wounds Within: Reiki as a Treatment for Self-Harm
- The Reiki Merkaba Shield – A Case Study
- Discovering Nasika Chakra: A Spiritual Journey into the 6th Dimension of Healing
- Healing the Injustice Wound with Reiki and Archangel Raguel
- Spiritual Awakening – What to Do Next?
- Chakras in Hindu Mythology
- Angel Octahedron with Reiki
- ‘Glass of Water’ Reiki Ritual to Protect the Healer’s Energy
- Removing Writer Blocks with Archangel Gabriel and Reiki
- Healing Migraine with Reiki – Reiki Case Study
- Daily Reiki Practice in Lockdown with Reiki Altar
- The Wound of Rejection
- Reiki and Other Tips for Difficult Times
- Quantum Jump & Future Progression for You in 2020
- Reiki & Access Consciousness – A Masterkey to Manifestation
- Perfectionism vs Mastery ~ Which One Are You?
- Wound of Abandonment and Healing it with Reiki and Archangel Metatron
- Finding your Soul Land
- Manifesting Overseas Work Assignment with Reiki and Angels
- Reiki Holy Bath Method for Deep Relaxation
- What is Receiving?
- Soul Talk
- Lessons Learnt and Solstice Rituals
- Pillow Ritual to Release
- Piles Relief via Reiki
- Reiki in a Coffee Mug or Tea Cup
- My Encounter with Unicorns and How They Guided Me to My Calling
- Spirit Family
- Divine Timing and Surrender
- Throat Chakra and the Higher Throat Chakra – My Journey
- Get to Know Nadis
- My Unique Experience – Trust Everything Shall Pass
- Mother Healing with Reiki
- Rainbow Chakra Chi Balls
- Vows and Releasing Them on a Full Moon
- The Winter Solstice
- The Twin Flame Union
- The Scorpio New Moon on Diwali Night and Samhain Eve
- Black Moon Manifestation
- Dark Night of the Soul
- 3 Golden Energy Techniques
- Innovative Ways to Connect to Archangel Chamuel
- Tarot Cards Prayer for Manifestation
- The Iava Symbol of Karuna® Reiki and the 7 Veils of Illusion
- The Full Moon Bonfire and Archangel Nathaniel
- Transmutation
- 10 Things Reiki Masters Shouldn’t Forget
- Ho’oponopono – The Magical Words
- Full Moon on Christmas
- Reiki Vision Board
- The Higher Chakras
- Ear Chakras
- Manifestation with the Powerful New Moon of 11th November
- Insomnia and the Reiki Blanket
- Reiki in the Corporate World
- …and Reiki found me
- Reiki and Angel Therapy
- Exploring and Developing our Gifts with Reiki
- Flashcards Reiki for Manifestation
- Water, Sacral Chakra and Sei Hei Ki
- The Master Symbol and the Ascended Masters
- Healing the Seat of Love
- Unicorns and Reiki
- Reiki Cloud
- Reiki and Verbal Abuse
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