What is migraine from the medical perspective:
Migraine is a pulsating or throbbing headache. Usually, it is accompanied by an Aura. Aura is a series of sensory disturbances that happen shortly before a migraine attack.
The four stages of a migraine:
- Prodrome – before the migraine attack
- Aura – migraine is usually (but not all times) accompanied by Aura which includes nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound
- The Pulsating Headache
- Postdrome – fatigue, tiredness, moodiness.
What can cause a migraine
There are two theories of migraine:
- Neurovascular Theory – which says migraine is caused by the excess firing of the trigeminal nerves and resulting in dilation of blood vessels and increase in blood flow;
- Cortical Depression Theory – says that spreading depression is the origin of the migraine in which slow-moving waves start because of an impulse in the occipital lobe.
What is migraine from the emotional perspective:
According to Louise Hay – headaches come from invalidating the self. The next time you get a headache, ask yourself where have I made myself wrong?
Forgive yourself and let it go.
Migraines typically are created by people who want to be perfect and therefore put a lot of pressure on themselves. Also, a lot of suppressed anger is involved.
Seek for medical support in case of migraine. For any illness, I consider meeting your physician is very important. Do not use Reiki as a substitute for medical treatment – however, use it to complement the medical treatment.
Medical treatment and energy medicine are the Yin and Yang of your healing. Each one is incomplete without another, yet both can’t substitute each other.

Image by cowins
Case Study
Elizabeth (name changed) had splitting migraine headaches on and off. She has tried taking medical treatment – the migraine subsided and then occurred again. She was very irritated. According to her, she only got relief after popping a pill and in extreme cases, this wasn’t working either. She only felt better after a good night’s sleep but there were also some exceptions.
What we did:
- Counseling and talking
- 21 days of Reiki Treatment (details are given below)
Reiki Healing Treatment
Before the Reiki treatment
Talk to your clients about the stress and emotions in their life. Ask them if suffering from any physical and/or emotional stress.
99 % of people who are suffering from migraine are control freaks – so ask them:
- What are you trying to control?
- Where are you trying to be perfect?
- Where are you suppressing any anger?
- How is your inner talk?
- Are you self critical?
During the Reiki treatment
- Ask the client to lie down
- Invoke Reiki
- Invite Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and other Divine beings to offer their assistance
Treatment Flow
- Use CKR to clean all the chakras – in case you feel dense energy in all chakras ask CKR to remove it; you can wash your hands with salt water.
- Use SHK to fill the chakras with healing energy – you can add the master symbol to enhance and stabilize the healing energy.
- Seal the chakras with CKR
Target the following chakras for treatment and do the above process for each one:
- Major Chakras
- Ajna Chakra: 20 mins
- Sahasrara: 15 mins
- Solar Plexus: 15 mins
- Root Chakra: 10 mins
- Minor Chakras: healing the chakras for 5 mins each
- Ear Chakras: forehead region
- Temples of head
- Foot chakras: dipping the feet in salt water may help
- Follow the energy if any treatment is required;
- Finish by sweeping the client’s feet;
- Finally, send extra energy to energize the body.
Repeat for 21 days and follow up with the client.
Other aspects to consider when dealing with migraines:
- I have personally benefitted from Homeopathy. It’s definitely worth trying.
- Maintain a migraine journal – write every time you experience an attack and notice the triggers. This will help you understand what to avoid in your life.
- Yoga: You can practice Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama or alternative nostril. Breathing practices can help balance energy centers thus reduce migraine attacks.
- Food and nutrition: Certain foods can trigger migraines and it can be different for each person so keep a track of your food and identify what you should avoid. Also, consult a nutritionist if you can. Ayurveda recommends some tried and tested foods – consult an Ayurvedic Expert if you feel guided.
- Lifestyle changes: Overall, migraine recommends a stress-free lifestyle, proper sleep exercise and diet. Go for it!
- Giving up control: the ultimate thing for letting of migraines is giving up control.
While I finish writing this article I heard singing ‘Let it Go’ song from Frozen in the background. How beautiful is this synchronicity where God is telling us we are on the right track!
Love to all readers,
Ashwini Chube
* Special thanks to Dr. Swapnil Chube, MD, my cousin, for his input on explaining the Medical Science behind this article.
Article by Ashwini Chubé
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Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: www.unicorninsight.com or at [email protected]. Her Facebook page is: facebook.com/ashwinichubeofficial
I have been a Reiki Master for over 20 years. I know it works. Thanks for all the information on migraines. I have a cousin who suffers from them.