Article by Ashwini Chubé
We are very much aware of 7 basic chakras. In addition to those, there are many more chakras in our human subtle body. Each chakra has a function and its specific relevance. I wish to share some information in this article about our ear chakras. One of the most what I call as underrated chakras, hold profound importance in our life.
Location: Most do not know or realise about these diskettes situated right next to and slightly above our physical ears. They look like discs. Although 2 ears could have 2 separate subtle energy points it is technically a single chakra. They extend till our forehead just above the eye brows.
Colour: The Chakra is red violet in colour.
Body Parts Governing the Chakra
Ears and part of forehead extending till eyebrows are the body parts governing this chakra.
Physical as well as Mental and Emotional Issues
A block in each of the chakras can manifest as both physical and emotional issues. Usually a block in the ear chakra could be caused due to one or more of the below reasons:
- You have been verbally abused, i.e. heard harsh demeaning things about yourselves.
- Self-Talk about yourself, putting yourself down.
- Avoiding something you don’t want to hear.
- You have had suppressed anger due to hearing something unpleasant or disturbing.
- Too much of noise pollution.
Issues in Ear Chakras May Manifest as
- Vertigo
- Ear infections (both internal and external ear)
- Hearing disabilities

Image by Otodex
Ear Chakra and Clairaudience:
The chakra acts as a medium to what we call as “Clairaudience”- Hearing beyond the obvious. This chakra helps us to hear and process the right communication. It recognises the intention of talking without wrong meaning or sarcastic meaning of the words.
Clairaudience is what we call as divine hearing or ability to hear from the divine or spirit world. Very often highly spiritually developed people are able to hear beyond the normal. They are able to receive signs or commands from universe either through meditation or in an awake state of mind. This is a result of a developed ear chakra. The ear chakra perceptions or ringing in the ear are difficult to describe verbally. These could be more subtle than real sounds.
In my one of the previous article on “Exploring and Developing our Gifts with Reiki” I have explicitly mentioned methods to open to clairaudience.
Ways to Heal and Clean the Ear Chakras
- Music Therapy: A highly effective way to clear the chakras. However make sure the music is soothing and calming. Loud and disturbing music can however do more bad than good.
- Chants: Listening to chants like “Aum” or soothing chakra sounds can be an effective way too.
- Gongs or bells: When one visits a temple or monastery, the sound of bells and chimes is considered sacred. This is because this sound is said to have created vibrations which repel or break negative patterns.
- Reiki healing: Reiki by both laying of hands or by distance brings miracles.
Real life case study: One of my clients had throbbing ear pain and problem in hearing for weeks. She consulted an ENT specialist who told her that she had debris of ear wax causing this issue, which would take months to go or if severe may need to be removed with an anaesthesia. When we went back and traced this issue, we came to know she was demeaned a lot by her employer for petty things and she was terribly hurt to hear those rude and rash words. When we did her Reiki healing (along with the medications of course), she released a lot of pent up emotions caused due to hearing all that. Within 2 weeks her problem healed. She consulted her ENT again who told her that the stubborn wax had vanished miraculously. - Crystals: Using crystals like Labradorite, Blue kyanite, Selenite are said to have a healing effect on ear chakras. One can place crystals above the eyebrows as a healing for the ear chakras. Wearing crystal earrings is also said to have soothing effect on the ears.
- Light Meditation: Close your eyes and relax. Now imagine white light flowing through your ear chakras extending above the eyebrows. Imagine light filling up the space and filling it fully. Now imagine light purifying the ear chakras.
- Freezing the names: I read this beautiful technique by Doreen Virtue in one of her books. If someone has said harsh things to you which may affect your ear chakras, all you can do is write all the names on piece of paper and set it in the freezer with an intention to forgive them and let go of the anger. It works miraculously well and can help you cleanse the ear chakras.
To conclude I would say, listen to sounds of nature more. Listen to the gushing of rivers, waves of ocean, birds chirping and sounds of the rain. More than that listen to the voice of your soul. As that is the true voice of the divine talking to you.
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Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: or at [email protected]. Her Facebook page is:
Very beautiful article. Thanks a lot.
Beautiful article Ashwini 🙂
Thanks, was not aware of these Chakra,s
Thank you for this wonderful article and book full of information! I needed this right now.
I was not aware of these chakra’s. Thank you so much for the book and a wonderful article.
I’m very grateful. love & light
Thank you
Beautiful article Ashwini,
just love frezzing the name technique, thanks for sharing !
Love, Light & Reiki.
this is very excellent , I am hearing first time chakra , Nice article , I like always bird chirping .
Excellent article..
very useful information related to earth chakra..
Thanks for sharing..
Ashwini thank you for taking time to write this article. I thoughts my eyes were deceiving me when I first saw far more chakras beyond the traditional 7 and now I ensure my students are aware of this. Its so lovely to highlight the ear chakras. To me the block is often simply when people want to “hear no evil”. Greetings and blessings from Culcheth Healing, Warrington, UK
Lovely article and lovelier book. Thanks for the much-needed gift. God bless you dear!
it is beautiful article , thank you
Thank you good article!
I suffer from tinnitus. I feel you’re right in saying the ear chakra extends to the eyebrows. This is where the trouble started. I had a blocked nose and couldn’t clear it
My forehead upper face was all blocked/ snuffly from crying. I was desperate to clear it. Due to sinus problems (deviated septum)and difficulty breathing through nose, I was wary of doing blowing my nose hard but this night I felt so depressed I didn’t heed my body’s warning. Ignoring my better intuition, I blew my nose with all my might. Suddenly there was a mini explosion in my forehead/ brain that threw me backwards. Instantly I heard a ringing in my left ear.
That was 4years and six months ago l was told I have tinnitus and that there no cure. Do you know of any reiki or other healing techniques which may help my ear chakra to heal.? Or to right itself? Any advice greatly appreciated . Carolyn.
Thank you for this extensive knowledge!
All due, respect. But ear chakras? Please do try to be a little more reasonable. We do have many minor energy channels and “openings” to the outside of our energy body, but don’t call them ear chakras. All the best to you.
Thank you!
Hi there- this article was fantastic! My mom was in an energy medicine session and the practitioner was finding significant blockages in her right ear specifically so l began to look for metaphysical connections to the ears/right ear and found your article. You were spot on with the more emotional undercurrents as well as the need for considering one’s own communication issues and the sarcasm connected. She wrestles with this alot and sometimes offending people (unintenionally) because she words things in a way that can be harsh/too sarcastic. This was such helpful content to help her consider why she was experiencing the blockange too (significant history of abuse in childhood and in her marriage to my biological father where she was verbally berated and harmed for 20 years). Your content also addressed her own communcation and troubles with hearing/reading cues around her, esp divine ones when she really does long to hear from God. Hopefully the work done on her by this healer will help clear and balance her ear chakras and allow her to resolve the blockages caused by the pain she endured. Thank you ❤
Great article, explanation, and ways to work with the ears. Especially now we ‘hear’ news 24/7, and are sheltering in place. I’m listening to rain dripping and dropping from the roof to the deck, thinking, all the water will nourish the earth and then us. <3
Very good artilce. Quick Qeustion when you mention to freeze the paper when do you take it out of freezer and what to do please explain?