Article by Ashwini Chubé
Unicorns are beautiful loving creatures said to be of the 7th and 9th dimension. They are pure and loving and just like angels they have a divine energy.
Since they have extremely high vibrations, they are attracted only to light and purity. They know your soul purpose and can help you in seeking it, if and when you ask them for help. On the other hand, drama, fear and negativity can repel them. So stay away from all these if you wish to connect to unicorns.
How can Unicorns help us
1. To connect to our soul purpose and pursue it.
2. To open our third eye. The unicorn horn is actually an extended third eye energy, which is extremely pure ray of white light.
3. To open our heart chakra to giving and receiving unconditional love.
4. To heal issues of the soul which are carried forward from previous lifetimes.
5. To realign the higher dimensional chakras like earth star, stellar gateway, causal and soul star.
Quick steps to connect to Unicorns using Reiki
1. Sit in a comfortable place where you would not be disturbed. Close your eyes and relax all your muscles.
2. Take divine help from Archangel Michael to protect you from any negativity. I always do this before any meditation as Michael is a very powerful angel and shields you against any negativity known or unknown.
3. You may further do grounding if needed as this meditation will take you to higher dimensions.
4. Now imagine yourself in a ball of white light, full of divinity, love, peace, gentleness, and blessings. Let this surround your body; it will grow bigger and bigger.
5. Now draw the Usui Master Reiki symbol followed by the distance symbol. And connect to your unicorn.
6. You may simply say, “Dear Reiki energy please connect me to my unicorn”
You may see a very tall white horse like unicorn with your mind’s eye. He is full of love; be open to accept it.
7. You can further say, “Dear Unicorn, please heal me for any issues across lifetimes and make me whole again”.

Image by Abraham Williams
8. You may receive some additional guidance messages; be open to receiving.
9. You may further use the Reiki healing symbol and seal the experience with the Reiki power symbol.
10. Once you feel you are done, slowly and gradually return to your consciousness.
11. Express gratitude to the Unicorns, Reiki Masters and all the Archangels and send them love.
This meditation will relax you and give you higher vibrations. At times, you may also feel hot flushes going out of your body. Know that it is a normal way of releasing toxins and you are being healed.
Stay blessed!
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Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: or at [email protected]. Her Facebook page is:
Nice article Ash.Well written. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your kind words !
hi ashwini..its really very very interesting artical and easily applicable one .we expecting more like this artical.thank u
Thank you for your kind words.I am glad you found it applicable
Very interesting article, thank you. May I ask, if we haven’t been given the third symbol yet, how can we do so?
Dear Nicky,
I am glad you liked the article.
Well all I would say is, in reiki intent is everything.When you sit in meditatation and connect to reiki and take the help of it to connect to your Unicorns , you definitely will connect.Slowly and gradually you will.
The distance symbol is very powerful and so is the power symbol, so you can do it even in the absence of master symbol.I am sure you will get connected to unicorns and they ll help you in your spiritual journey
Would love to hear back from you.All the best
Love and Light,
Thankyou for this article , I will try tomorrow to contact a unicorn
I am sure you ll love the connection. Wish you love and light in your spiritual journey
Thank you for sharing! I am sure that this is going to be a powerful connection! Very nice thank you Aswin!
Really glad you liked it:-)
Love and Light,
Dear Ashwini,
It is indeed a great insights you shared with other Reiki Channels like me!
I did this meditation this afternoon and I had a great experience! My experience was
so soothing during those moments my mind became completely blank and very peaceful.
Can I use it for my family members in distant Reiki?
Love and Light,
Ofcourse you can.Unicorns are very loving…and can do wonders
.divine blessings!!
thank you thank you thank you
Most Welcome and divine blessings!!
Thank you for your article
Ofcourse you can.Unicorns are very loving…and can do wonders
.divine blessings!!
Veeeery wonderful article ????Thank you so much , blessings !!
Beautiful. Thank you. Unicorns are so special.
Sure…Thank You…Love Reiki with The Unicorns…
Thank you very much. I’ll do this meditation tonight. Can you please explain how to grounding?
I am inspired by your article. I will pray for my spirit unicorn. Thanks for enlightening us.