Deborah Lloyd is a Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master and certified holistic therapy practitioner, providing Distant Reiki sessions and training in Asheville, NC. Deborah is the author of two books, 22 Messages from the Archangels; and, Believe and it is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons. She is also one of the co-authors of Reiki 101: 101 Answers for Your Reiki Questions. Reach Deborah at [email protected] and on Facebook at Deb Lloyd Healing.
Services: Distant Reiki sessions
Deborah’s eBook: Be a Lightworker…. All the Time
Articles written by Deb
- What Is Your “Right” Spiritual Path?
- Our Teachers Are Everywhere
- Supporting New Reiki Practitioners
- Reiki and Unresolved Relationships
- Reiki for 2021
- The Gift of Patience
- Reiki Assists Conflict Resolution
- Reiki and People with Cancer
- Reiki Decreases Cumulative Stress
- Past Life Visions During Reiki Sessions
- Reiki Creates Simplicity
- Reiki Can Improve Dementia Symptoms
- Different Points of View in Reiki
- Become A Living Example of Reiki
- Your Own Healing Brings Healing to Others
- Using Reiki for Children During Pandemic
- Self-Care During the Pandemic
- Archangel Jeremiel: Gentle and Powerful
- Archangel Raguel – Looking for Justice?
- Haniel – Archangel of Inner Peace
- Relationship Challenges? – Call upon Archangel Chamuel
- Finding Beauty In this Crisis: Calling upon Archangel Jophiel
- A Gift in Health Crisis: Calling upon Archangel Azrael
- What Is Your One Wish for the World?
- Reiki Overcomes Fear
- How Reiki Practitioners Can Bring Healing to the World
- Reiki Heals Loneliness
- Surrendering to Reiki
- Processing Your Reiki Sessions
- How Reiki Can Help the Effects of Psychic Attacks
- The Challenging Client – Part VI
- The Challenging Client – Part V
- The Challenging Client – Part IV
- The Challenging Client – Part III
- The Challenging Client – Part II
- The Challenging Client – Part I
- Creating a Reiki Home
- Reiki and Law of Rhythm
- Reiki and the Law of Manifestation
- Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies Through Reiki
- Living in the Reiki Flow
- Returning to Reiki Practice
- Reiki Teaches Us Interdependence
- Responding to Clients’ Reactions
- Is Reiki a Complementary or Alternative Modality?
- Wisdom Grows with Reiki
- Reiki Enhances Affirmations
- Reiki Laughter
- Reiki’s Ripple Effect
- The Sharing of Spiritual Experiences during Reiki Sessions
- Healing Violence with Reiki
- Energy Conservation Using Reiki
- Healing Ourselves with Sound and Reiki
- Reiki for Traumatic Events
- Ancestral Healing by Using Reiki
- Reiki and the Law of Attraction
- Exploring Other Energy Healing Modalities
- Holding Space During Reiki Sessions
- Relieve Stress through Reiki
- Defining Success in Your Life
- Healing Tips on How to Slow Down in Everyday Life
- Reiki Bucket List
- Finding Your Soulmate
- Reiki Lessons for Children
- Gaining Insights through Reiki
- Stopping Mind Chatter During Reiki
- Having Doubts about Giving Reiki?
- Creating World Harmony
- Life Lessons in Reiki Practice
- Maintaining Passion for Reiki
- Communication within the Healing Community
- Moving Houses? Use Reiki!
- When Coincidences Occur….
- Changing Incorrect Perceptions of Reiki
- Protecting Your Energy Fields
- Celebrating Reiki Anniversaries
- Natural Elements, Part 5 – Water
- Natural Element, Part 4 – Metal
- The Natural Elements, Part 3 – Earth
- The Natural Elements, Part 2 – Fire
- The Natural Elements, Part I – Wood
- Reiki Spring Cleaning
- Reiki Is a Decision
- Reiki and Prayer Beads
- Reiki Heals the Past
- Listening to Your Heart
- Reiki and Happiness
- The Importance of Mentoring Support
- Can Reiki Prevent Illness?
- Unity, Not Divisiveness
- Amazing Grace
- Archangel Ariel and the Root Chakra
- Archangel Gabriel and the Sacral Chakra
- Archangel Michael and the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Archangel Raphael and the Heart Chakra
- Archangel Sandalphon and the Throat Chakra
- Archangel Uriel and the Third Eye Chakra
- Archangel Zadkiel and the Crown Chakra
- Archangels and the Chakras
- Reiki Humility
- Spontaneous Reiki
- Find Meaning in Your Life
- Environmentally Friendly Reiki
- Living a Reiki Life
- Marketing Your Reiki Practice
- Ending a Reiki Session
- Be Creative with Reiki!
- Making a Difference….with Reiki
- Clearing Your Reiki Room
- From Head to Heart
- Building Relationships with Spirits
- Finding Extraordinary in the Ordinary
- Reiki Can End Addictions
- When Emotions Are Stirred Up
- Yoga and Reiki: Shavasana
- Kindness and Reiki Practice
- The Protective Powers of Reiki
- The Word Reiki
- Using Reiki for Major Life Decisions
- The Energies of Mother Mary
- Changing Energetic Vibrations through Reiki
- Reiki and a Good Night’s Sleep
- Renew Your Reiki Passion
- Sacred Repetitions
- I Am Worthy
- Continual Learning with Reiki
- Reiki Heals Victim Mentality
- Techniques for Distance Reiki
- Diving Deep into Reiki
- Use Your Gift of Discernment
- The Cost of Anger
- Lessons from the Elderly
- Praying with Reiki
- Reiki and Patience
- We Can End the Violence
- Good-Bye, Fatigue!
- What Are In your Dreams?
- Reiki for Grieving Parents
- The Highest Good
- This Reiki Community
- Children, Death and Reiki
- Balancing Our Emotions with Reiki
- The Divine Smile
- Reiki and Your Finances
- The Color Red
- Why are There so Many Kinds of Reiki?
- Reiki Tears
- The Color Orange
- The Color Yellow
- Our Ancestral Support System
- The Power of Archangel Michael
- The Color Green
- Front vs. Back Energies
- Reiki Practice: Empathy or Compassion?
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #60: Can You Kill a Person that Has Cancer with Reiki?
- The Color Sky Blue
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #56: Is It OK to Self-Protect on the Reiki Path?
- Healing Inherited Patterns
- The Color Indigo Blue
- Back to the Basics
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #52: How to Give Reiki to Someone Who Is Pregnant with Post-Natal Depression?
- Is it Time for a Reattunement?
- The Color Purple
- Hand Positions in Reiki
- Choosing to Accept
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #48: Why Am I Falling Asleep During Self Healing Sessions?
- Traveling with Reiki- for Easier, Safer, More Joyful Journeys
- Modeling Reiki for the Younger Generations
- All is Well
- Working with Archangel Raphael
- Your Reiki Spirit Guide
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #46: How Can I Help My Mother Who Is in the Hospital with Infection?
- Active Meditation with Reiki
- An “Ah ha” Moment, Thanks to a Client
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #45: How to Give Reiki for Parkinson’s Disease Patients?
- Reiki Teaches Us Not to Judge
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #40: How Many Angels Do Practitioners Receive at Each Attunement?
- Stepping Out of Your Reiki Comfort Zone
- Reiki as a Stepping Stone
- Healing Chronic Conditions through Reiki
- Is There Negative Energy in Hospitals?
- The World Crisis of Hunger
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #39: How Long Does It Take for a Wish to Be Granted Using the Practice of a Reiki Box?
- Reiki and Memories
- Reiki and the Blessing of Food
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #32: Why Does the Pain Increase after a Reiki Session and What to Do About It?
- Reiki and Freewriting Journaling
- Do Affirmations Work?
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #31: Why Does Reiki Feel Warm Some Times, and Cold Other Times?
- Life Lessons from Dr. Usui
- Bringing Positive Energies into Sessions
- Others’ Reactions When You Change
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #29: Is There a Reiki Special Way to Sell your House?
- Reiki for Couples
- Interview with Deborah Lloyd
- Right Side vs. Left Side Energies
- Always Find Joy in Your Work
- A Day of Rest
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #15: How to Get Attuned to the Midas Star Symbol?
- Ask Reiki Rays Podcast #9: Why Are the Symbols I have Been Attuned to Different than the Internet Versions?
- Reiki for World Crises
- Be a Lightworker….All the Time
- When Miracles Do Not Happen
- Heart Chakra Colors
- The Reiki Attunement Ritual
- Staying Within Your Scope of Practice
- Reiki Evolves with You
- Use Reiki to Breathe Properly
- Transforming the Energy in Our Homes
- The Throat and Solar Plexus Chakras
- Finding Mind-Body-Spirit Balance
- The Third Eye and Sacral Chakras
- The Crown and Root Chakras
- Creating Your Support Network
- Reiki and Being Quiet
- What is a Healing Crisis?
- Reiki for Your Home – The Ultimate Feng Shui
- Reiki for the Skeptical Client
- Setting Goals with Reiki
- Serving Others Through Reiki
- Feeling Uncertainty about Your Reiki Master
- Professional Boundaries for Reiki Practitioners
- Is it Possible to Make a Living as a Reiki Practitioner?
- Self-Treatment vs. Receiving Reiki
- Reiki, Drinking Water and Positive Thoughts
- Grief Lessens through Reiki
- Reiki and Forgiveness
- Reiki Practice and Growth of Intuitive Abilities
- Reiki or Your Medicine Cabinet
- Just for Today…Do Not Worry
- Reiki: The Exchange of Energy
- The Power of Reiki in Psychotherapy
Enjoy your articles, thank you! Please note… On your Facebook page, the website offered “does’t” work! Received following message when tried (multiple times) to go to it, “Access Denied”… Tried a different approach (which sometimes works), by searching through a search engine, to find the site and click from there, and found the site “isn’t” listed~!? Not certain if you are aware this aspect? Just thought you should know… Wishing you the best… Blessings to you and all you love… Namaste…