After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at [email protected] or by phone at 9820852076.
Articles written by Amisha
- Transmuting Shame and Guilt with Violet Flame
- Heal your Relationships with Violet Flame Reiki
- Choose Peace and Happiness with Violet Flame Reiki
- Violet Flame Reiki To Overcome Fear
- Reiki Healing for Herpes and Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Love Thyself with Karuna Reiki®
- Manage Your Medical Procedure Anxiety with Reiki
- Practicing Money Reiki with Other Healing Modalities [Exercise]
- Healing Diabetes with Reiki
- Crown Chakra Meditation
- Unraveling the Spirits’ Presence with Reiki – Healing Case Study
- Third Eye Chakra Meditation
- Throat Chakra Meditation
- Case Study: Reiki Treatment Plan for Cord Dissolving
- Reiki Magic for Allergic Cold
- Heart Chakra Meditation
- Money Reiki and its Magic
- Sacral Chakra Meditation
- Pain Free Menstrual Cycle
- Bell the Cat-Aract with Reiki
- Root Chakra Meditation
- Reiki your Interviews
- Healing Addiction with Reiki
- Reiki Chooses You