Relationships are one of the most complicated aspects of everyone’s life. Thoughts, opinions, beliefs, points of view affect each other’s lives dramatically. The ever-going tussle between logic and emotions makes all relationships very vulnerable. It requires a great deal of maturity to handle them.
Relationships go haywire just because of differences in opinion between two or more people. The differences in their point of view, belief systems, opinions, influence, etc. are so rigid that they normally start functioning from a space of ego rather than allowance. We all have been taught to accept people, situations, feelings, etc., but never have been taught to be in allowance. Acceptance makes people function from a space of helplessness, with no option but to accept the situation, an act of force upon oneself; whereas allowance helps people to function from a space of understanding and no judgment. Even though people accept certain situations, they will still get affected by people’s behavior whereas people with allowance will not get affected naturally and will see everything for what it is, rather than what it should be.
There would be hardly any person on this planet who would not have any relationship issues. Someone would have felt ignored, abused, unloved, taken for granted, influenced, controlled, etc. depending on the nature of the person and relationship. We all have to understand that we have made some soul contracts before coming to earth plane and all the people in our life are just playing their characters. They never actually meant to hurt you but to help you with yours and their own journey. Forgiveness is the key to all relationships. Otherwise, you will be stuck in the vicious circle of hate and hurt for a lot of lifetimes till one of you decides to break free.

Here’s an insight on a healing process with the help of Violet Flame Reiki which will help you heal the relationship with anyone and everyone.
First and foremost make a list of people with whom you would like to choose to heal your relationship. After making that list, prioritize the names of those you would like to heal first. I strongly suggest healing with one person at a time. However, if you are guided, you can take two people at a time. Please make sure you take two people who have hurt you in the same event. Don’t take people from different situations and make the whole process chaotic for you.
Before starting the process:
- Find a clean and clutter free space.
- Make sure you are well hydrated during the session.
- Rest your hands on the thighs, palms facing upwards.
- Ensure your spine is straight.
- Place your feet firmly on the ground.
The step-by-step process has been stated below for effective healing:
- Gently close down your eyes and start taking deep breaths slowly. With every inhalation, inhale the fresh air. With every exhalation, exhale out all the worries till your mind, body, and soul relax completely.
- Shield yourself with the Power symbol of Usui Reiki or by invoking AA Michael.
- Thereafter, gently start affirming, “I allow myself to receive. I am open to receiving now”. Say this 3 to 5 times.
- Call upon the energies and express your gratitude, the way we do in REIKI healing.
- Then, invoke Violet Flame energies by calling upon St. Germain and AA Zadkiel. Keep saying the Violet Flame statement- “I am being of the violet fire. I am the purity God desires”. Keep repeating this as long as you desire while you visualize yourself in Violet Flame completely. The more you will say, the more powerful the flame will become and it will start blazing higher and higher.
- Now visualize the person who has hurt you or you hurt it. Visualize it coming towards you and sitting in front of you.
- Imagine that Violet Flame is engulfing it too and you all are getting soaked in the flames.
- “Transmute anything and everything that stands in the way of my healing with (xyz name) in all directions of time, in all dimensions of time and space, on all levels, in all bodies, past, present, and future. Done now.”
- Imagine all the situations that happened between you. Visualize as if all those events are burning out in this pure light of Violet Flame.
- Now we have to transmute everything to cleanse the toxicity out of this relationship. So chant: “I am the action from God above, sustained by the hand of divine love, transmuting the root cause of all discord, so that none of us fear.”
- Keep repeating this while you see all the hurt, grudge, disappointment, revenge, sorrow, etc. burning off, withering off slowly and gradually.
- See your soul getting free of the past.
- See that the person is feeling sorry of what they have done to you. See yourself understanding that it was just an experience that your soul wanted to live through them and that they played their character very well or vice versa.
- Transmute all the karmic and negative thoughts, actions, and deeds you did to that person in response to your anger towards them in all directions of time, on all bodies, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present, and future, done now.
- Do Ho’oponopono prayer with her till the time you feel lighter.
- You will feel liberated, kind, and compassionate and that together are smiling and hugging and soaking in the light of forgiveness.
- Visualize that they getting up and moving out of your space.
- Slowly and steadily you start feeling lighter and Violet Flame dousing off slowly.
- When it’s completely gone off, imagine a white light covering you fully and completely. It helps you feel calm and composed and you feel pure.
- Once you are done and totally in a serene state, express your gratitude to Violet Flame, st.Germaine, AA Zadkiel, AA Michael, and all the divine beings you invoked. Send them back to the universe as a source of love and light.
After the whole process is done, let go of all the excess energies to Mother Earth through your feet. You can imagine roots coming out of your feet and them going deep down into Mother Earth. State “I am releasing all the excess energies to Mother Earth. I request Mother Earth to recycle all the negative energies into positive and pass it to anyone who is in need of energy and is ready to receive it.“
Bring back attention to your body and slowly feel each and every part of your body by moving it a little, and slowly open your eyes.
Note: Please keep yourself hydrated. Consume salt or sugar if needed. In case you feel restless, you can ground yourself and give away the excess energy. Stay calm and composed. Do something that is really joyful for you.
Continue doing this healing session for a few days in a row till you feel the relationship is healed and thereafter take up the second person on the list. You will feel lighter and lighter as days pass by as all the burdens of worries, stress, anger, etc. will go out of your life, and will observe that few people, few situations don’t affect you as much as they used to. You might be less stressed and less fearful. For every person, it will be a different journey and different outcomes.
Article by Amisha Vasant Haria
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After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at [email protected] or by phone at 9820852076.
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