Saummitta A Mazumdar is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and counselor. Her interest in occult studies started at very young age when she met with her school principal’s father. She is a Reiki practitioner and healer and combines various healing modalities including DLA (Divine Light Ascension). She has an MBA in human resource from a reputed institute. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, deep healing Reiki and Divine Light Ascension and she is a a beginner in Pranic Healing. You can contact Saummitta via her website saumaazholistichealing.wordpress.com/ or follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Saumaaz-Holistic-Healing and www.facebook.com/saumaazholistichealing/
Articles written by Saummitta
- Cut the (Negative) Chord – The Reiki Way
- Healing Oral Submucous Fibrosis – A Case Study
- Chakras for Treating Hair Loss Effectively
- How To Deal with Stress During COVID-19 Lockdown
- Healing COVID-19 – Method to Transmute the Diseased Energy
- Child Conception Is Easy Through Reiki – A Case Study
- Tantra – Spiritual Number 99
- Reiki for Triglycerides – A Case Study
- Spiritual Number 88 – Sexual Transmutation
- Angels and Ancestral Karma – Spiritual Number 77
- A Case Study of Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cymatics and Healing- Spiritual Number 66
- DNA Strands Activation and Hidden Codes – Spiritual Number 55
- Getting Recruited and Healing – A Case Study
- The Jewel Is in the Lotus Spiritual Number 44 – Part II
- The Jewel Is in the Lotus – Number 44
- Case Study – Healing Liver Cirrhosis
- DNA Strands Activation and Numerological Path of Our Soul’s Journey
- Reiki to Heal Acne
- Reiki and Timing of Events
- Reiki to Untie your Spiritual Knot
- Cho Ku Rei Pyramid Shield
- Aura Scanning with Cho Ku Rei
- Black Tourmaline and its Amazing Benefits