Article by Charisma Phatak
Greetings! This is my first article on Reiki Rays and I feel honoured to share information about this beautiful healing energy.
Few days back I got a call from my close friend. He seemed very confused. He was in two minds: whether he should go for lucrative foreign job offer or stay in his country with his present job and get married first. He wanted instant guidance. Hearing ” instant guidance”, my mind was popped up with Reiki Automatic Writing. Let me first brief up with automatic writing.
What is Automatic Writing?
Automatic writing is an alleged psychic ability which allows a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words are claimed to arise from a subconscious, spiritual or supernatural source. This process is used for receiving guidance from spiritual beings.
Well I combine Reiki with automatic writing to make it Reiki Automatic Writing for a few reasons:
1. Protection from negative vibes or spirits.
2. Increased concentration while doing this process.
3. Leads to increased accuracy in receiving divine guidance and hence more effective than simple automatic writing.
Steps for Reiki Automatic Writing:
- Ground yourself – visualize roots coming out from your feet and getting anchored into Mother Earth. By doing so all negativities are flushed out from your body. Our Mother Earth converts this negative energy into positive energy and gives you back positive energy. Your concentration is also increased.
Image by Fotorus
- Intention – ask your angels, spirit guides to help you in Reiki automatic writing of your question xyz – 3 times.
- Draw Dai Ko Myo ( Usui Master Symbol) at the top of head – please skip if you are not a master.
- Three sets of Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki encircling your Crown chakra. It goes this way – DKM at top of head, then encircle your crown chakra with CKR, SHK, CKR, SHK, CKR, SHK. This is for protection from negative spirits and powerful automatic writing increased concentration.
- Draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen on your both palms through minds eye and connect to your angels and guides.
- Talk to your angels and guides that you are going to do auto writing for your question for the time of 5/ 10 minutes.
- Set timer of 5/10 minutes.
- Start writing whatever pops up in your mind. Don’t judge or interpret anything. Be it language, grammar or words. Just write whatever is been dictated to you by angels and guides. You will observe that your handwriting is also different while doing automatic writing! That’s the angel handwriting 🙂
- Then read it loud either in your mind to convey angels and guides that you have understood and thank them. You can seal it with reverse Cho Ku Rei.
- You can burn the paper or keep it safely. If keeping safely draw all symbols on paper too to avoid negative vibes and thank Reiki and everyone.
Outcome – Message for my friend through Reiki Automatic Writing: “Stay in country, get married first and then go abroad.”
Booster Review by Reiki Friend Radhika Mehta
I was always curious to connect to spiritual guides and guardian angels. Being a Reiki channel, Charisma suggested me her unique Reiki Automatic Writing method to connect to them. After trying this method – first time I got some scribbling on paper.I was freaked out seeing the pen moving on its own. But I was confident that I was connected to right entity as it was Reiki infused automatic writing and I was sure I was safe and protected. In second attempt, I wrote words where in I got connected to my guardian angel and he gave me warm loving guidance close to 4 pages 🙂
I feel doing automatic writing with Reiki is one of the best psychic ability a person can develop. It’s easy, safe and very effective. So you can do Reiki Automatic Writing DAILY to seek instant Divine Guidance!
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Charisma Phatak
Charisma Phatak is an engineering graduate and a MBA from nationally acclaimed institutions. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer, with a long standing Reiki experience of 13 years. She practices Divine Light Ascension (DLA), Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame of Quan Yin, Wagle Reiki, Celtic Reiki, DNA Reiki, Magnified Healing, Imara Reiki and Kundalini Reiki.
She, along with her sister Jhilmil Bhalwar is the co-owner of “Supreme Reiki Centre” at Pune, India. Her life with Reiki has been like unlocking the door to unlimited happiness!! Find Charisma at
wow, a very interesting method.. have tried it.. got really interesting answers from angels. Thanks .. wish u all the best..
Quite unique and awesome method. Had never read on any internet site before.Thanks Charishma 🙂
Thank you very much Jhilmil and Radhika 🙂
Charisma is very learned and experienced reiki master. God bless her in all her endeavours.
Hi cherry its awesome .charisma is very helpfull nd have got lots of experience . God bless her. She using her knowledge to help everyone. Relly feel very happy to read your article .u ll gonna rock charisma
Charishma u write so well!!! Ur first article is a super hit,i will have to try this amazing method…….God bless u! may God help you to write more beautiful articles ,love u dear.
I am very happy to find Charisma sharing wisdom about this wonderful yet simple method about an aspect which wasn’t really given much importance off late. Thank You so much Cherry! I look forward to many more articles coming up. God Bless You! 🙂
@ Priti and Oindrilla – Many thanks for your lovely words and good wishes.. yes do try this method but you will get clear guidance by 3rd or 4th attempt. If you are lucky then by 2nd attempt. 🙂 Start by asking very general questions like Am I richly blessed ?
Thank you once again. Loads of Reiki love and blessings!!
@ SJ, Rajvir & Jyoti – Thanks for your kind and motivating words 🙂
Very interesting method.. I did tried and was amazed to see the wonderful guidance in those scribbled letters…. Thanks for sharing your knowledge here.
This is such an amazing article Charisma … I love it.
It’s nice to see to see you write for Reiki rays and sharing your wisdom 🙂
God bless you..
Loads of Reiki to you 🙂
Wonderful article and a very amazing step by step technique
God bless u for sharing!!
Love and Light
Charisma really happy to see you writing for reiki ray; yes i started this technique for quite sometime.
Its really astonishing to get instant guidance but its essential to combine it with reiki to avoid negative vibes
@ Veena, Vedant and Ashwini – Thank you very much. Glad that you liked the method. 🙂
Thanks Shubhadha for being appreciative:)
@ Saumita – Yes you are righ!! Simple automatic writing also gives amazing result. But I realised that being Reiki channels, we are vibrating at a very high frequency and hence more susceptible to attachments to a wrong entity. Hence, combining with Reiki we can be rest assured that we are safe and protecte 🙂
And thanks for good wishes 🙂
Super Article Charisma. Thank you so much.
Nice article charisma. Very well written. I do it already for self n others. Always get correct guidance though I know that person or not. Congratulations on ur first article all d v best for future ones.
Amazing going to try it! Thanks
Hi Charisma, am glad I came across this wonderful article. I have a question regarding disposal of the paper, is it necessary to burn it or can I also tear it up into pieces and dispose it after the automatic writing session? Thanks!
Plz follow your intuitions whether to preserve it, burn it or tear into prices. I generally preserve all guidances, becaise they are like dots, abd with daily guidances, you never know you are joining all the dots to form a bigger picture. So for that one should preserve it safely. Loads of love, thanks & Regards