Automatic writing or psychography is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words are claimed to arise from a subconscious, spiritual or supernatural source. I came to know about this technique through my friend Radhika Mehta and my soul sister cum mentor Charisma Phatak.
Here again, I would like to thank my friend Neetu Jha for asking me to try with Mother Kuan Yin to get the channelized procedure for effective automatic writing. I thought I can share the same with all the Reiki practitioners, so that they can get divine guidance for their queries pertaining to their life and to the queries for their friends and family members.
Here is the divine procedure shared by Mother Kuan Yin during my autowriting.
- First seal all the four corners of the place where you are intending to autowriting with Cho Ku Rei. When intending to do autowriting for someone or ourselves, we feel there is a lot of energy draining in. During those times, seal all the four corners with Rama and Cho Ku Rei. Post drawing the symbols and reciting their name thrice, recite this small prayer. “Dear God / Goddess / Guardian Angel please (note that this is going to be the divine ascended soul with whom you are connecting with) cleanse and purify this place “, so that you can receive accurate divine guidance.
- Then draw a big violet Cho Ku Rei on the place and chant it name thrice along with the word “Purify, Purify, Purify”. Now you visualize the violet CKR washing off all the negativity and engulfing the space with divine serenity.
- Then draw a Dai Ko Myo on the place where you are going to sit. Again this is to establish a divine connection.
- Now connect to the God / Goddess / Guardian Angel (please note that this is going to be the divine ascended soul with whom you are connecting with) and request them to envelope you in a violet balloon, so that you are protected from negativity. Post enveloping, request the divine to shower a soothing golden white light. Imagine that this divine light is surrounding you, so that you are truly connected and protected by the divine.
Image by WerbeFabrik
- Now start drawing Dai Ko Myo on:
a. Your Head: This is to ensure and make you realize that you are connected to the divine and the thoughts are flowing from the divine and not from your subconscious mind.
b. Crown Chakra: This ensures in establishing the divine connection and helps in downloading the divine guidance.
c. Third Eye Chakra: This ensures in improving your clairvoyance and also protecting you from negative spirits / lower spirits influence.
d. Solar Plexus Chakra: This is to ensure that the divine is blessing the solar plexus chakra where it is meant for the creativity pertaining to do our work or healing (career perspective). - Now draw CKR, SHK, CKR, SHK, CKR and SHK in the form of encircled object around your crown chakra. This will again act as a shield for the established divine connection.
- Draw the Symbol “Shika Sei Ki” along with the “Harth” Symbol on the heart chakra. This ensures you in getting unconditional love from the divine soul with whom you are connecting with. Also, it makes you experience a wonderful divine connection established between you and the divine soul.
- Now draw the communication symbol “Shika So” reciting its name thrice. Post this, recite this small prayer. “Dear God / Goddess / Guardian Angel (please note that this is going to be the divine ascended soul with whom you are connecting with), please ensure me in having a lovely divine connection with you, so that I only receive a right divine solution for my question from you. Now I am surrendering myself completely to you and I am going to jot down as per your divine guidance. “
- In a notebook or a paper, draw the CKR on all the four corners.
- Now draw HSZSN chanting its name thrice. Now write the query on the paper connecting to the divine for the given query. Now request the divine to guide you by staying in silence.
- Now you will start receiving answers pouring from the divine.
- When the flow ends, seal off yourself and the paper with a reverse CKR and Udreka.
- Thank the divine soul who has guided you by saying “Thank You God / Goddess / Guardian Angel. Thank You God / Goddess / Guardian Angel. Thank You God / Goddess / Guardian Angel.” This act of gratitude frees the divine soul from the connection, so that it can go back to its realm. Also thank Reiki, your higher self, the higher self of the client for whom you are getting guidance.
- Post auto-writing, do the following:
a. Place your cupped hands on your head stating that I am cutting away the divine connection from now for the highest good. State it thrice. This activity will ensure us to be gentle and down-to-earth forever not making your subconscious mind to develop an ego for such a divine ability.
b. Place your cupped hands on your heart chakra stating I am cutting away the emotions stored in my heart pertaining to the divine guidance I have received. State it thrice. This helps in not developing any cords.
c. Place your cupped hands on your stomach region covering your solar plexus chakra and sacral chakra. State thrice that “I am cutting away the cords that are formed now during this divine process”. - Now the auto-writing that has been received will always be accurate.
- Few tips / Suggestions for beginners:
a. For some, the connection becomes spontaneous and quick as their higher chakras like Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakra are well balanced to receive and download guidance.
b. If you don’t establish a connection, don’t lose hope. Keep trying, so that you will be able to do it accurately.
c. Chanting Om and staying in silence ensures a great breakthrough for beginners to do auto-writing.
d. Trusting and surrendering to divine soul and Reiki without an ego is again an important aspect to be followed by beginners. - Few tips / Suggestions for auto-writers:
a. Dispose away the auto-writing that you do for others.
b. Please note the messages / divine guidance you get for yourself in your book while doing auto-writing for others.
c. Never do auto-writing for someone without their request out of your curiosity.
d. Never try to know about a person’s true nature or life purpose although the person is troubling you or hurting you. Rather request the divine to give you the learning you are suppose to learn because of this person.
I wish all the Reiki Channels to try this process and let me know their wonderful experience. I wish all of you to become successful auto-writers.
Happy Practicing!
Article by Vidyaa Bunty Talreja
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Vidyaa Bunty Talreja is an IT Consultant by profession. She has studied Psychology and was introduced to Reiki in 2011 by her aunt. Now Reiki became an integral part of her life from then on to change her life and the lives of others. Vidyaa is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster, Money Reiki Grandmaster, and a Karuna Reiki Master level Practitioner. She has learned and practices close to 25 different types of Reiki like Lavender Flame of Mother Kuan Yin, Shaman Reiki, Dragon Reiki, Gajanan Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Unicorn Healing, Angelical Akashic Registers, Telepathic Reiki, DNA Healing Reiki, Wagle Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Acu Reiki and Deep Healing Reiki. She is also a Tera Mai Seichem Reiki and Spiritual Healing Practitioner. She reads Tarot and Angel card. She does auto writing using Reiki along with card reading to get accurate guidance for an issue. She draws and interprets Mandalas. She uses mantras, bach flower remedies and crystals in her daily practice. She practices Eknath Easwaran’s Passage Meditation, Praveen Rishi’s Ashtamangal Meditation and Mantra Meditation. She practices Forgiveness meditation and gratitude exercises to enrich her day-to-day life. She lives in Chennai, India. Vidyaa can be reached via email at [email protected] or through her Facebook page KishanGanga - Divine Mystic Haven
Wow.. Too good!!
So you mean to say that Angels gave a method that can be used by the ones who are attuned to DKM, Karuna Reiki, shika so, shika hei ki? Angels have become quite complicated.
Sanam yes it is a channelized process. It was suggested to reiki practitioners so that they are protected from any psychic attacks and other factors like energy drain and to ensure freeing oneself from cord formation. This is effective as it can protect someone from not stopping their auto writing ability
Awesome. So people who r just reiki2 can try the previos method shared by Charisma. And in above too which symbols we r nit Attuned should be skipped. Thanks
Vidya mind blowing article:) thanks for sharing.. stay blessed dearest
What I was thinking of has appeared before me today. I was royally cheated by people who call Automatic Writers on wattsapp. At first they wanted Rs. 999 through Google. After that only an simple introduction was given to Automatic writing. That’s all. Again after a few days time introduced many modules to choose. When chosen, asked again for 2,500.
I really didn’t get anything from them except for a few minutes of hitch potch English.
You have given full information for nothing which I appreciate very much.
I am interested in Automatic writing please. Love your response