Reiki symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help improve the flow of Life Force Energy (see this article for details). These symbols are an essential part of Reiki practice and they used to be secret and revealed only to Reiki students who are initiated into the advance or master level. However, with the technology available today it’s hard to keep anything secret :), so information about them can easily be found on the internet.
Although these symbols do not have any special power in and of themselves, using them after attunement helps a practitioner focus the Reiki energies. The primary three symbols used in traditional Reiki are Cho ku Rei or the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki or the Emotional and Mental Healing Symbol and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Distance Healing Symbol.
Meaning of Cho Ku Rei or the Reiki Power Symbol
Cho Ku Rei, which is considered one of the first symbols used in Usui Reiki essentially means “Placing all the powers of the universe here”. The Reiki power symbol basically works as a “switch” that helps to instantly increase Reiki practitioner’s ability to channel the energies. The main purpose of using it is to enhance the power of Reiki and draw the energy around and concentrate it on the required purpose. The power symbol looks like a coil.
The symbol can be drawn in both counter and spiral clockwise directions. Some Reiki masters draw it counter clockwise when applied in areas or places where there is excess energy – but others believe that the Reiki energy always works for the highest good and there is no need for us to try to influence it by telling it what to do.
How to Use the Reiki Power Symbol
The Reiki power symbol is used primarily to connect with Reiki energy at the start of a session and also to help boost the Reiki power whenever it is required during a session.
Some practitioners use it on their own palms and chakras before treating others, to help clear the channels and empower their hands. Using the power symbol over the client’s crown chakra helps create positive energy around them, while using it on the lower back and behind the heart chakra helps seal the energy at the end of the treatment.
Example Uses of the Reiki Power Symbol
Cho Ku Rei is an all purpose symbol that can be used anywhere and everywhere for anything. Here are a few ways that it can be used.
Empower other Reiki Symbols
Using the Reiki power symbol before other Reiki symbols such as Mental or Emotional Symbol or the Distance Healing Symbol has an empowering effect on those symbols and boosts their effectiveness.
Helps in Spot Treatment
Drawing Cho Ku Rei on a specific part of the body helps in focusing the Reiki energies on that particular spot, helping cure or heal especially acute injuries, but also chronic conditions that have localized effects in the body.
Clears Negative Energies
Using this symbol mentally is useful in clearing all the stagnated energies during a Reiki session. Similarly, drawing it on the walls of a room clears the negative energy in the room, and drawing it in the atmosphere around a physical space aids in cleansing the area. Drawing can be physical, such as with paint or a pen, or symbolic with the hand in the air.
Provide Protection
Drawing a large Power Symbol in front of a person or on each of their chakras works as a shield and protects the person from negative energies. Reiki works on different levels (physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually) and Cho Ku Rei will naturally provide protection on all levels.

Image by karindalziel
Makes Meals Healthier and More Nutritious
Using this symbol over your meals before you start eating helps remove the negative energies present in the food, thereby making it more healthy and nutritious.
Increase Effectiveness and Reduce Side Effects of Medication
Drawing the Reiki power symbol on your medication goes a long way in reducing the side effects of the drugs. It also helps them work in a more effective manner.
Improve Relationships
Empowering greetings, gifts and business cards with Cho Ku Rei will enhance both personal and professional relationships, bringing about the highest good for all the involved parties.
Prevent Misfortunes
The Reiki power symbol helps in connecting to the universal energy instantly, and using it can help prevent misfortunes or a bad events. Misfortunes essentially happen because of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei helps purify the energy system, making accidents or bad events less likely to occur.
Activating the Law of Attraction
Cho Ku Rei proves to be an amazing law of attraction focusing tool. Empower your affirmations with it, and to make it even more effective, end all your affirmations with: “for the highest good of all.” Doing so will help ensure that you don’t get attached to a particular outcome and remain open to new, creative solutions and experiences.
I use this a lot everyday and am using it even more. What comes to mind is ~ how does this relate to the Level 3 power symbol ~ DCMYO ? It is super-power? Have started adding it as an extra slice of bread on the sandwich ~ would love to hear what you think.
DCMYO breaks up negative energies. It creates a vacuum of sots. I was taught to always follow it with CKR to fill with positive energy.
These are nice articles on the Symbols including the Ebook “Reiki Symbols and innovative Ways to use them”, but unfortunately they are full of English grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. This detracts much from the otherwise good content quality.
nothing is perfect and what counts is the real message….may in your life you start to see more the positive than the negative things….
I was trained through 3rd degree Master/Teacher and taught that the symbols were sacred. However ~~~ and this is what is key for me ~ since that time (and likely before) the symbols are everywhere ~ on stones, posters, cards etc…. I still do not share them personally but I do recognize with the increasing popularity of this awesome healing energy that this is NOT a bad thing. In my heart, I would love to see everyone trained in this modality. All things including philosophies evolve with time and perhaps this rapid evolution of the interest in Reiki can be seen as a positive ~~ For me it is. Still I respect most all points of view without imposing mine upon them as long as the Intent is for Healing and the Greatest Good of All.
thank you so much for sharing this.
I am a Chinese, I went to Australia as a student for 1.5 years , and I got to know Reiki on my Final Essay Project on the last semester, right before I left Aussie back to China, I studied Reiki Level 1, but with no body teach me further more in China, I feel at a loss, but then , I found you and your kindness sharing , and thank other masters on Youtube(with VPN in China) whom they provide free attunement demo or vids, Now can learn that all by myself. I feel great,very great, thank you all, and the devine wisdom ..
You can only be attuned to Reiki in person not in YouTube, anyone stating this disrespect Reiki. Start putting it to the universe she will bring a Master/
totally agree; totally against any Reiki classes online. The symbols are sacred and if we are responsible masters it is incumbent upon us to maintain their sacredness. They have sacred meaning; we show a level of disrespect to Usui and God when we marginalize their meanings and value.
I totally agree here. Everyone needs to be attuned IN PERSON by a Reiki Master and not ‘on line’, AND the symbols are indeed sacred and need to be taught live and kept within. Although I have sent Reiki across the country to someone (a family member or friend in need) who has given me permission to do so, at no charge to them, but I feel we all must charge for services when we give them to anyone ‘live’.
The only people who think it should be a secret are those making money on it. A reiki master wants everyone to be able to heal themselves and others, why would you keep it a secret?
Totally agree with you Julie. Reiki is a free gift from the universe or God. People who take money to teach it are not in line with the universal laws of giving/receiving. Everybody should be helped with reiki not only the ones who can afford to pay for it.
This was what Usui Sensei believed to, until he worked in the most poverty stricken areas for free & found that people did not respect the power of the healing when it was offered so freely. He insisted to all his students to always include an energy exchange, not only to ensure the practice was valued, but also because including an energy exchange inherently strengthens the healing container.
I studied and received the Reiki symbols when I had been given 6 months to live in 2008. I’m now finding myself in a bad psychological place in my mind and Reiki came to me as something that will help me. So thank you for the symbols and the prayers. I need them desparately.
I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you but it is not against any code to reveal these symbols which have been used in both Sancrit, Hindu, Esoteric Buddhism and Martial Arts practices for thousands of years. I would agree that training is optimal but not necessary. Define “formally trained” and if you are then you already know that healing is a SIDE Benefit of Reiki which was supposed to be a personal spiritual practice leading one to Enlightenment. I don’t know who taught you that there was some kind of code that stated that the symbols could not be revealed but they were mistaken and taught you something that is simply not true. They were probably passing on what they were taught and were well meaning.
I needed to add something, those who have studied and verified Master Usui’s way of teaching his own personal students have revealed that as was traditional in Japanese Martial Arts and Tendai Buddhist spiritual development training practices calligraphy was often used in conjunction with meditation. A student would be given a calligraphy project, which was done first in sand with a long stick, then with ricepaper and ink. The object of the exercise was to become so familiar with the deepest meaning of the symbol or symbols given that eventually the student would embody those characteristics…or gain wisdom from the symbol(s) (ideograms). This is how Master Usui taught. These particular symbols were not part of his training program, they were actually adopted by Chujiro Hyashi as part of HIS training program and then transmitted to the west through Madame Takata. The teaching that these symbols are in and of themselves sacred and to be kept secret is technically incorrect. Each student was simply given a character (ideogram) (symbol) poem, proverb as a meditational aid and it was unique to what they needed to learn.
Thank you for your expanded comments. While I rather knew this, your response is well put and in fact is prompting me to study the symbols in more depth. Although I use them daily and often multiple times, it becomes too easy just to do them by rote without truly focusing on their deeper meanings. While I realize that many do not use the symbols at all, for me they serve as an excellent point of focus.
Johan I’m happy to have been of assistance. I rarely use the symbols anymore and since taking Seichim I’ve found new symbols and new uses…but you hit the nail on the head when you said that symbols serve as excellent points of focus…and that it is all too easy to miss their significance and deeper meanings in our lives. I would add how we can apply thier meanings in our lives…because …originally, that was what they were for. Remember that Reiki originally was for our own personal spiritual practice…everything else was a side benefit.
The symbols serve merely as a focus for the noviciate, a pointer, as if a finger pointing to the moon. When they are fully integrated into our being, understood deeply, become second nature, one no longer needs them, they are part of us and our connection to all that is, the source.
thank you so much..I am about to go on a great adventure with my Reiki but am having terrible doubts and confusion about the symbols and what is said about them..what you say about them is what I feel … thank you .. don’t know if this will help me or hinder me in my next step
I love this! Thank you so much!
Hello Bhadra – As this is a response to a post that is many years old, I hope it finds you well and healthy!
I was taught yoga by a master who felt the same way – that yoga is for everyone, but because of our perception that something which is not paid for must not have any value, he would charge a nominal fee ($1 or 2) for a class session. I have seen this same philosophy with Reiki. However, those that charge hundreds of dollars for their teaching, I agree is not what Master Usui intended because it was knowledge to be shared. The purpose of a “teacher” in these practices is to guide the student, not say “you must do it my way because only my way is correct”, because energy finds it’s level. And as to internet practices, Udemy currently offers Reiki 1, 11, and Master/Teacher classes followed by attunement. I have always been told that even the attunement can be done via distance (not necessarily on the computer). And of course everyone has their opinion – which for them is correct. Blessings…Gloria
I cannot believe with a manner like yours you should be even practiseing reiki.threatning a group of people who share a passion for reiki who share opions and ideas.the reiki symbols are of no use onless you are attuned first by a master.i have done my masters degree and i am learning more and more every day.But to leave a comment like this was not right.
with comments like that we are going to be held in the DARK AGES!!!
We are now moving out of the old “competition and Greed” energy – catch up, smell the roses and add reiki into your life, maybe put a Choko Rei over your mouth!
Why are you afraid of symbols appearing publicly? They do not work if a person IS NOT ATTUNED:)
Ask yourself: Would a surgeon display his instruments in public, on his/her web site, in the practice or clinic? What would be the reaction to that?
Why then should a Reiki therapist display symbols (which are his/her instruments) display anywhere?
I think that all on this page that don’t think think it’s a good idea to share the symbols,
Are extremely rude , materialistic (to the point they feel the symbols belong to them and the masters/teachers),selfish and don’t really have anything else to waste there energy on, because they are focused too much on the money side of things!.
I for one use reiki to heal whom ever may need it,I do not charge for my time , it’s completely free!,I have other gifts, which the services of myself and wife’s time are free ! It should always be this way ! It was why so few in the beginning had the abilities to heal ,or use there other senses to connect to the greater good, people that charge money are charlatans , you should not charge ,you get better results and more self empowerment and self worth, If people ask me what do I charge I tell them that maybe one day I will need something from them or I would ask for an energy exchange! Which could be a gift , or a service in return for mine eat … But never ask for money, some of my friends bring myself and my family food or an invite for dinner ect.. There are better ways to live then living in our materialistic throw away societies,we must try to bring back the carving and sharing nature of the human race , that is why it is in such a disgraceful state of war and hatred of others ? Everyone has become selfish and self possessed with wealth and stuff they have lost the true meaning of being a human being.
I was taught to respect other practitioners. So to banter back and forth seems to just breed the opposite of what Reiki is , what Reiki brings to our lives.
Well said.
I’m sorry, but this comment about a surgeon’s tools doesn’t make sense. Everyone knows what a scapel looks like, what an oxygen mask looks like. The images of these tools are not only NOT secretive, but anyone can buy them at a medical supply store. Now, does that mean anyone who buys a scapel is a surgeon licensed to USED said too? NOPE. Why do the tools themselves have to be hidden, when knowing what they look like doesn’t make one automatically attuned to them? Only cults try to keep people in the dark.
Here is another, earlier comment I posted about the inappropriateness of symbols being displayed in public:
Displaying and Sharing the Symbols
The question among both, Reiki practitioners and others, arises periodically whether it is appropriate to display Reiki symbols or share them casually. It is believed that Dr. Usui’s and Hawayo Takata’s intentions regarding this matter are clearly stated in their instructions. Though not an identical comparison, the question could be asked, “Do we give an untrained person a surgical instrument?” And to what benefit, if any, would this be? Could using a surgical instrument by an unauthorized person do any harm? Would you want to be treated with medical instruments by a person, who is not a health professional?
While the symbols used by an untrained and non-attuned practitioner may not present any danger per se, they are nevertheless powerless and thus not for the the good of anyone involved. The question then remains, what is the point in sharing or displaying the symbols with an unauthorized person? Would it not smack of dishonesty, insincerity and deceit?
Our symbols are not really “secret”, since Reiki practitioners have nothing to hide. However, the symbols have always been treated with utmost respect and sacred reverence. They are meant to be used for healing. They are not artifacts, which rather would constitute an abuse of the Symbols.
With this logic, you would outlaw the use of sharp kitchen utensils in fear of someone trying to conduct heart surgery. That doesn’t really make sense to me.
Wow so much anger for a practice that discourages anger in practitioners. Now we know it is all a scam.
**just for today I will not anger
**just for today I will treat all beings with kindness
I agree. The masters saw all, and they believed that Reiki should be an ORAL tradition. Not written or printed. There was a reason for this determination. We must not let our human ego’s erroneously lead us to think we know better than our Masters. Respect Usui and all of his teachings so your Reiki practice can grow. in fact by printing this, it could be said you are violating the Reiki Tenets of Respect my Mother, Father and TEACHERS. Are our masters not our Teachers? How can you possibly grow as a healer if you choose to disregard the foundation of your own learning? May Rei energy guide you on your path. Respect.
John, while I agree with your point of view, it is just your point of view and as you know we were taught differently. It is extremely in appropriate.. Usui-Sense and Hawayo Takata would be outraged for their intentions are clearly stated in their instructions. Do we give an untrained person a surgical instrument? same thing. Symbols for the untrained is dangerous and not for the the good of all.
Takata wouldn’t give anything away for free! She is credited with bringing Reiki to the west (it also got here by other routes) but she excluded a lot of people by charging thousands of dollars for attunements!
I suspect that’s why she wouldn’t want them made public…no money in that!
Reiki is for everyone to share
Am I wrong, or is the attunement that activates it, and without the attunement to the symbol, it is protected?
There are three parts to the symbols: the symbol we see, the mantra or name which is chanted, and the attunement to Reiki. Without the attunement to Reiki the other two parts don’t work, meaning the picture of the symbol is just that: a picture. It’s like watching a documentary on television about a beautiful place: you can get as much information you like about that place, you can even see it in your mind’s eye, but you need to go there to experience it.
Actually, while an attunement helps activate a symbol, really it activates the psychic centers.
Master Usui did not do attunements. That was one of the many things changed by Chujiro Hyashi, who only achieved 2nd Degree Level before Master Usui died (according to some of Master Usui’s students who are still living in Japan). Master Usui did a blessing similar to a shaktipat, an energetic transference of knowledge/power/blessing/merit called a Reiju each time he met with students.
The power of the symbols is in the attunement. Anyone can see them, use them, invoke them; however if one is not attuned to the particular symbol, it has no real power or value. An example would be the Christian symbol of the cross…for those educated (or attuned) in Christianity, the cross is very powerful. For non-Christians, it is simply the letter “T” For those attuned in Reiki, holding the symbols as sacred or sharing them, is a personal choice. I personally hold them sacred, yet I believe the sharing can cause no harm.
+ This cross, similar to the “Greek Cross”, symbolizes in its horizontal line our lateral (chronological) time and action, while the vertical beam (upwards) connects to Higher Power (God/Yahweh/Allah/Great Spirit, Tao, Brahma … any deity) and the vertical line (downwards) emphasizes our grounding to Mother Earth. We live in the here and now, stressing our mindfulness, but we are also spiritual beings in an effort to transcend beyond earthly cares. Signings can found in virtually all spiritual paths and religious traditions throughout the ages.
When signing over our body, we start with the head (mind), then the chin (speech) and finally the chest (action).
Why Reiki symbols are not displayed is for the very same reason as any doctor’s office, hospital or clinic would not display their surgical instruments. It is completely unnecessary and would not make sense.
Hi Julie
Imagine if everyone thought as you do……..there would be no Reiki.
We need to bring it into MAINSTREAM life. everyone needs to be familiar with the symbols and be begging us to become attuned so they can use them.
What is your intention by saying these words?
I know Phyllis Furomoto, Madam Takatas’ grandaughter, and have discussed this. She is not as closedminded about this, rather she honors that we all bring unique perspectives to a modality that once had to be secret, but thankfully no more…it is individualized, so do as you you will, but please also do no harm. It is fear and limiting beliefs that hold us back. Remember the tenets…just for today…
You know Madam Takatas’ granddaughter !!! I am SOOOO jealous. 🙂 Is she a Reiki Master ? I would love to get a Distance Reiki session from her. I am in Ontario. Respct, Penelope.
Julie, visit the philippines and teach people for free then. ;p areyou saying that the information given is correct and accurate? thank you!!!!
I love reading about the symbols. The words alone activate my crown chakra and I can feel the energy of Reiki flow through me. Thank you =) ♡♥♡
Thank you!
I agree that it is no longer necessary to keep these symbols “hidden”. It is a new time a time that secrets are made known. Even the secrets of the Kaballah are now out for all to learn. When the symbols can be found everywhere it does not make sense to hide your head in a hole and pretend they are not there because they are secret. Yes, without training and attunement the symbols do not hold power except as meditative tools. Julie I would also like to remind you of our daily Reiki Principals as you seemed to be angry over this issue. Blessings Love and Light
Hi, thank you for information. I am not really familiar with Reiki, but when I tried this symbol out, I suddenly realized it’s in practice quit the same as making a cross, like Christians do with their hands. One makes the same movements. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Also, but I never learned that, people do sometimes the same thing on their forehead, which is the third eye. Just an observation.. 😉 Thanks again, Ellen
I am thinking the symbols were kept secret at the beginning because they probably would have been beheaded in their old country.
We have nothing to hide. Symbols are everywhere but are not important to those who don’t know how to use them.
+ This cross, similar to the “Greek Cross”, symbolizes in its horizontal line our lateral (chronological) time and action, while the vertical beam (upwards) connects to Higher Power (God/Yahweh/Allah/Great Spirit, Tao, Brahma … any deity) and the vertical line (downwards) emphasizes our grounding to Mother Earth. We live in the here and now, stressing our mindfulness, but we are also spiritual beings in an effort to transcend beyond earthly cares. Signings can found in virtually all spiritual paths and religious traditions throughout the ages.
When signing over our body, we start with the head (mind), then the chin (speech) and finally the chest (action).
Why Reiki symbols are not displayed is for the very same reason as any doctor’s office, hospital or clinic would not display their surgical instruments. It is completely unnecessary and would not makes sense.
Hey, just thinking how about wearing a locket of cho ku rei to keep all negative energy away from us…is it allowed?
Allowed by whom?
Hi all. Namaste! Thank you for these wonderful, in-depth sharings. YES, after teaching full-time Reiki for over 15 years, I do feel, and respect, that it is good to honour the tradition of maintaining the secrecy of Reiki symbols. However, there could be times one gets guided to reveal the symbols with the pure motive of guiding others to the path. And it is clear that the symbols are just mere drawings without an attunement that brings ‘life’ to them. As regards comment about Madam Takata’s ‘money mind’, it is this VALUE for Reiki practice that sustained the energy till today, and helping it to grow. Money is concretised energy that is very necessary to nourish the roots of any practice. Namaste.
Reiki is my passion since i leanr it 5 years ago it has amazing effects and i feel so calm when heal any body suffering distress and other ailents
love light n peace
I think the admin of this website is really working hard in support of his site because here every information is quality-based data.
I do not even know the way I stopped up here, however I assumed this publish was good.
I do not understand who you are however certainly you are going to a famous blogger in the
event you are not already. Cheers!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about cho ku rei.
Displaying and Sharing the Symbols
The question among both, Reiki practitioners and others, arises periodically whether it is appropriate to display Reiki symbols or share them casually. It is believed that Dr. Usui’s and Hawayo Takata’s intentions regarding this matter are clearly stated in their instructions. Though not an identical comparison, the question could be asked, “Do we give an untrained person a surgical instrument?” And to what benefit, if any, would this be? Could using a surgical instrument by an unauthorized person do any harm? Would you want to be treated with medical instruments by a person, who is not a health professional?
While the symbols used by an untrained and non-attuned practitioner may not present any danger per se, they are nevertheless powerless and thus not for the the good of anyone involved. The question then remains, what is the point in sharing or displaying the symbols with an unauthorized person? Would it not smack of dishonesty, insincerity and deceit?
Our symbols are not really “secret”, since Reiki practitioners have nothing to hide. However the symbols have always been treated with utmost respect and sacred reverence. They are meant to be used for healing. They are not artifacts, which rather would constitute an abuse of the Symbols.
Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this like you wrote the book in it or something.
I think that you can do with some pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is a magnificent blog. An excellent read. I will certainly be back.
I find it interesting that many Reiki practitioners choose to focus on the ‘wrongness’ of showing a piece of a spiritual practice that is used for only the highest good.
I was taught that we do not control Reiki, as a surgeon might control a scalpel. We practice a process that opens us up to the life force energy, and we become a channel for that energy. The Reiki goes where it’s needed. To use the analogy of the scalpel in the hands of the untrained demonstrates a lack of understanding of what Reiki is and how it works.
Lastly, how does scolding someone align with the principles of a Reiki pratictioner?
I appreciate this website, the info and the blig. I do not participate in a community of Reiki practitioners and sometimes lose touch with my gift. This site, and your book has brought me back to my practice. I am now practicing, sending, and blessing with, reiki. Thank you, most humbly.
The informations on Power symbol are very usefull
Why is no one answering the question of, what happens when things go wrong? And typical europeans to encourage the sharing of a ethnic culture
That is a very racist comment! I would not wish to learn from one such as you 🙁
I have just read all your comments and as you all feel your points are valid surely no one would begrudge any other person knowledge of Reiki and its symbols as it works for the highest good of all . It is not meant for the chosen few no matter what part of the world your from , and using Reiki can never go wrong as it is meant to heal , love and light to everyone xxx
what does and means ? reference in Activating the law of attraction it’s mentioned – end all your affirmations with for the highest good of all.
end all your affirmations with for the highest good of all. can any one explain the symbols mentioned in this statement >
Reiki cannot be used to harm. There is no scalpel so to speak. Curious as to who mentored this person for them to hold these curious beliefs….thanks for this article 🙂
Empower your affirmations with it, and to make it even more effective, end all your affirmations with for the highest good of all.
End all affirmation then there is this symbol mentioned here , what does this symbol means ?
Hi all great to read more information on Reiki symbols and history of Reiki! We are all healers , some are further along their path than others and that s ok! Bless us all in love and light ♥
Thank you so much for u r information
Reiki is not driven by anyone or anything. It is pure divinity and can never be dangerous. It can only be activated through unconditional love and forgiveness.
Reiki is not about blame or speaking on anyone else’s behalf.
Love and blessings to you all
I’ve been attuned and I understand the controversy surrounding ‘Sharing/Not Sharing’ and ‘charging/not charging’. This is a healing instrument we are all born with ability and Reiki reminds us. And the symbols are just that – symbols.
Someone mentioned “you would not allow someone untrained a surgical instrument’ well you are not going to harm anyone with Reiki and you cannot affect another being without his/her permission.
This is not a surgical tool and I appreciate your opinion but this is not an issue about harming others.
We have moved into an enlightened time where we now share healing tools which were once ‘hidden’ aka that is what the word ‘occult’ means. Occult only means hidden it is not witchcraft or black magic.
It was once kept from the population and now we share. imho. Namaste, Pia
“For the highest good of all” It seems like someone watches “Charmed” on TV.
May I add, I love Reiki and I love the symbols in my heart. I have gotten through some really hard
times because of that love. If one chooses to practice Reiki, that love is essential.
Hi, I am not attuned by any reiki masters yet but practice reiki everyday. Does this mean that my reiki practice is not working? Does this mean my practice has gone in vain? how can I get attuned. Can anybody attune me? Thank u very much.
Menuka, you will be using your own energy not Reiki which is universal. So its not Reiki as this is only when you have been attuned by a Master/Teacher in person. You can not be attuned and truly learn Reiki by the internet or books. Put it to the universe and a good teacher will come to you.
I am a third degree healer. I want to know the most effective way of using symbols. Should I first use DKMY and follow it with CKR.
I cannot thank you enough for this website.
I have a low dose chemo injected every week and used to feel very sick and drained the next day. Then I remembered that I could Reiki it so I now use the Power Symbol and the Tibetan Master Symbol (Dumo) to Reiki the injection site before and after and as the injection goes in, I ask that the side effects are taken away and that only the ingredients that will have a positive affect upon me actually have an affect. Since then I don’t suffer with such intense sickness or exhaustion. I’m not bouncing about but at least 60% better! It’s well worth remembering x
Thank you for your inspiring story, Wendy, Woo!
Thank you. I thought it was worth sharing. I hope it helps others
I got the first Reiki attunement over twenty years ago.We were required to practice the Reiki sign but were not allawed to teke any of those drowings.Same for the second attunement.i had difficulties memoriesing the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. At thet time i found a book called Essential Raiki by Diane Stein and i kept it as a referance.
Thank you for the reference, Peiro!
Reiki symbols are sacred, not secret. They have value or power if people have been attuned with them. And it appeals my attention strongly people here, and in different Reiki forum who seem to get upset (some write with many punctuation signs to reinforce what they are saying) related to some Reiki issue. Isn’t it supposed that at certain level of this spiritual practice we should be in harmony with the universe, with ourselves and express it most of the time?
I think, if I may say so, you are asking a question based on logical errors.
(1) Not all people who are ignorant to Reiki are living longer lives.
(2) Reiki is not an antidote to longevity and illness.
(3) Just because Dr. Usui and Takata died relatively young (although 61 back then was considered older than we would think now where people generally live much longer) does not logically conclude (a) that it was Reiki’s fault, and (b) that people who never received Reiki are necessarily living longer.
Good very nice
Then secrecy of the symbols and the benefits derived from Reiki is an anomaly. We are all looking for a better world with better values, but it seems people are still happy to deprive others of something unless there is a price attached. Reiki has a bad name caused by the not inconsiderable financial gain available to those savvy enough to expolit it.
I don’t know that Reiki has ‘had a bad name’ anymore than any other form of spiritual or energy practice. Nor have any spiritual/energy pathways been exempt from the profiteers of the world. This makes Reiki no less effective as a tool. For me, how we share it says more about our own integrity than it does about Reiki. I have decided, that although it was not freely given to me, I cannot, in good conscious, charge a fee for a gift Spirit has given me. I don’t condemned others for choosing to draw their livelihood from this practice, I have simply determined that I cannot use Reiki in this manner.
Namaste ~
I just tried to download – We’ve created a one page PDF infographic (or “cheat sheet”) with the most important information about each of the four main Reiki symbols. Download it here.
but keep getting the message that “you are already signed up, etc”
How and when can I download and print out a copy of this “cheat sheet” for myself???
Thanks for providing such useful information about usage of Reiki and Symbols,I had got through level 1 and 2 workshop and got certified also ,but for some reasons I had not used the reiki and symbols since then,I want to to be enlightened about this,whether if after atunement we are not practicing Reiki still the symbols power remain with us and we can use it as required or we have to re atuned ourself,as now I am learning various other healing methods like Bach flowers and Chakras ,energy I want to feel empowered through Reiki also,kindly Guide me and if possible if you can Reply me on my mail ID so that I can see it as and when reply is send,Thanks !
Kindly let me know about clockwise and anticlockwise Cho Ku Rei. Which Cho Ku Rei should I use draw on my palm or visualise. And which one should I use on patient’s body..? Also tell me which one should I use to give attunement ? Should I use both for attunement because the person will need both of them in future.
Still i did’t get any aswer from you
No one is supposed to use the symbols until Reiki 2 anyway. The thing is, its entirely an individual choice.
I’m learning Reiki for self treatment (on Reiki 1), but I really feel the need for the extra help now. I know im safe because Reiki is safe and its helping. If it was a SECRET this wouldnt be happening. I have the greatest respect for my Reiki Master and all im being taught.
I understand the attunement better with the discussion on symbols.Thanks.
The important thing is the symbols should be given respect. The thing I as often is people are saying that they are Masters selling online cheap courses downloading info books on Reiki then telling people that they are attuned. This is something that needs to be addressed as them we have people ripped off thinking they can work with Reiki when they can’t as they have not been trained or attuned. . As the symbols should always be sacred. Master Usui would cry at what has been done to Reiki by some and if we truly respect the craft we should be addressing this.
I have done my level I,II,III A in reiki and regularly practicing with yoga and meditation.some times i expirienced that the effect of reiki is easily happened, many times it took its oven time and happened.But recently i suffered a lot beacuse of back pain and herpis and within a time span of six months.( still not cured)I would like to know how is it possible?and what is the method to follow and protect me from sufferings
Well in my experience with Reiki symbols I use them everyday, in my healing, and I have great, great success recently I had two people who came back from a major Heart Attack and a stroke, the person that this happened to is called David Williams from Melbourne Australia, I Attune him to Reiki 1 by distance, and it Really worked because it is the intent that makes it happen and my second friend is called John Pretlor he came back from a major stroke, you can read the whole story on my wall on facebook at both David Williams, and John Pretlor, are Reiki 1 both Attuned by me Marvin Smith Bugalu Reiki master reach me at
My story of Reiki is a long hard journey first I have 44 years of buddhist practice in my life, and a very deep understanding of all the sutras the lotus sutra in particular, which in the 16th chapter of the Lotus sutra the Reiki energy can be found,, my Reiki system is called Daimoku Reiki let me explain the word Daimoku Reiki, Dai of Daimoku Reiki means supreme and moku,, means invocation and Reiki mean spiritual guided Energy, I looked deep into the Lotus sutra for this Energy and found it in the 16th chapter of the Lotus sutra that I chant everyday it is the very reason that I’m having great great success and loving every minute of it if you have any questions on anything reach me at
I was trained in the fear that if the symbols were written down or seen by a non reiki person this was really bad. In my journey with teaching, I have realised we have many sacred symbols around us everyday and some are more important to people than others. We have the cross, pentagram, Star of David, om ect. Reiki symbols are just the same. For those who respect and know their meanings to work with them with love. I don’t agree with the online trainING but hey, people will find their teacher eventually. It might be all they need at the time. Who are we to judge?? Love n zapz xxxx reiki on!
And besides all that, I was told my practitioners, that even if someone see the sacred Reiki symbols, they cannot really use them properly because they have not been attuned and so the energy will m=not properly come into them and go thru them to the client.
So I wouldn’t worry about that.
Most of us had a full weekend for just the 1st atonement…then we had to wait months or a couple years for the 2nd atonement, then I waited another 2 years and got my 3rd degree/Masters degree.
Its incorrect to call Cho Ku Rei sanskrit. Sanskrit is the spiritual lettering found derived from Indian tradition. Sanskrit is not Japanese.
I have my CKR and SZHSN tattoos on my arms, I wear them with pride, reiki is my way of life, we have been crushed by controlling rules, i reiki/manifest all wrongdoing on earth, bring out the beauty of reiki for the highest good of earth. We should be proud we take the time and pay to train, I don’t charge for reiki but if it was my main job I guess I would, family and friends put 1 pound in the piggy bank as an energy exchange, only if they want to. Negativity breeds negativity, save that for Facebook, reikirays is filled with positivity. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🌈💪🏼🙏🏼👋🏼
Don’t worry people. Energy comes from the universal oneness and god force that is a part of all of life. We cannot stop someone from accessing and connecting to that energy when ones intent comes from a loving heart, no matter how we might try. Carry on. Be happy. Connect to loves oneness that connects us all and we will all experience the true meaning of Reiki and energy work, for ourselves. Arguing over meaning only creates separation and disconnect.
Was scared found these symbols all over the town house I’m renting
Thank you for your wonderful generosity. Your article is filled with blessings. I’m very happy to see the symbols and explanations published. To those who criticize it, maybe in times of great need, the symbols want to be in the open to help guard the goodness? I think they may work for some who have not received the initiation yet. They are sacred and the limitations set for them at a different time and space may not apply here and now, especially when the student is ready. Or they may draw the person to seek further instruction and attunement. Or not. I think that charging for sessions is OK. Those who do it proffesionally are usually better channels for energy flow and transmit it better. It is great to do it either way. One doesn’t expect gifted people to stop using their gifts because they should make a living by other means. I received 3 Reiki levels years ago and am very happy to see Reiki being practised, symbols being displayed at sites that honor them, and articles being published that invoke the sacred meaning. Thank you!!!
Hi Krysta,
Thank you for your kind comment and wise perspective when it comes to symbols. We share your vision and hope many of us could benefit from this divine gift called Reiki.
Reiki Rays team.
The comments regarding the Usui Reiki Symbols as seen as sacred, yes, but we can share them, it is for the good of anyone. I am a reiki Master and Teacher and Know that The Usui Reiki finder Mikao Usui was not attuned to those symbols, they were reveal to him through channeling.
From this point, they can be used by anyone, but to be attuned and follow the course make sense to it, we should as well grow with our time.
And Cho Ku Rei is always useful against any pain in the body and clear the bad energy, so when someone is using it, his headaches or back pain will disappear..
And see this it has not time and space, so time change we adapt to the new changes, Reiki energy always goes directly where it is needed, does not matter how you are doing it.
And a Reiki Meditation with Chakra cleanse online on youtube can be very relaxing too. Why not experiment it?
Thank you for breaking down the significance of Cho Ku Rei so clearly! I found it fascinating how this symbol can be used to amplify energy in Reiki practice. Your insights really helped me understand its application better. Looking forward to exploring more on this topic!