Water is vital for all living beings. Though it does not provide any calories play a significant role in maintaining good health. We all have noticed that our energy gets depleted when we are thirsty.
Dr. Masaru Emoto claimed that human consciousness, emotional energies, and vibration have an effect on the molecular structure of water. He observed that water exposed to positive speech and thoughts and pure prayers produced beautiful crystalline structures when frozen.
Water, a universal solvent, can absorb your intention and also could be energized with Reiki. As scientists believe that drinking water and brain functions are interrelated; it is better to drink Reiki water. I have experienced significant results with Reiki Water and it worked wonders for me and my family.
I would like to share my way of making Reiki water:
- Wash your hands.
- Call your guides or do your Reiki prayer.
- Express your gratitude to Reiki and water.
- Rub your hands.
- Draw the Power Symbol on each of your palm chakras and say in mind “Purify!” thrice while moving the hand in the anti-clockwise direction. I use Mukula Mudra (place the four fingers touching the thumb) to draw all the symbols.
- Draw Symbol 2 in green color and Symbol 3 in violet color to connect with divine energies and Symbol 4 (for Reiki 3 practitioners).
- Draw the Power Symbol again on each of the palm chakras and say in your mind “Charge!” thrice while moving the hand in the clockwise direction.

Now as our hands are infused with Divine symbols, we are ready to make Reiki water. The whole process is divided into three Parts: Purify, Charge and Empower
- Take any drinking water/mineral water in a glass container – purify the water with the Power Symbol and visualize the Power Symbol in red color on the water vessel or on the water itself and say in mind “Purify!” thrice while moving the hand in an anti-clockwise direction.
- Draw another Power Symbol and charge it by saying in your mind “Charge!” thrice while moving the hand in a clockwise direction.
- Make symbol 2 and visualize it in green color.
- Now we have to put our intention in the water and then empower it. The intention depends on the purpose of the water.
- Hold the water with both hands and put your intention by chanting mantras/switch words or positive thoughts and best possible required outcome according to the need for a few minutes while giving Reiki to the water. You can also put affirmation.
- Let the Reiki flow for a few minutes.
- Again Charge the Water and Empower it with the Power Symbol – The Reiki water is ready.
- Seal and Protect the session with the Power Symbol and Master Symbol (if you are attuned to it).
Reiki Water uses:
- For general household use/family/relationship– I use switchwords accordingly.
- For healing tired eyes infuse the water with millions of symbol 2’s in green color.
- In flower pots
- Water fountain
- Sprayed in rooms to remove the negativity.
- Can be used wherever you use the normal water.
- I have also given it to my child to drink during exams and have experienced excellent results.
Do try it and see the amazing results!
Always give infinite Gratitude to Reiki and just surrender yourself to the loving Universal Life Force Energy – you will notice the difference.
Thank you for reading this article.
Thank You, Reiki! Thank You, Reiki! Thank You, Reiki!
Thanks to all my Gurus for their divine guidance and blessings.
Love & Light!
Article by Shailja Kapur
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Shailja Kapur is a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher and a Certified Meditation Teacher. She conducts both in-person and online Reiki sessions, and her healing services include Distant Healing, Chakra Healing, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Candle Healing, Magnified Healing, Breathing Exercises, and Guided Meditations. Shailja also provides personalized meditations depending on your personal needs and choices. She always felt a strong connection with Reiki and since the possibilities are endless when practicing this amazing healing modality, Shailja is enthusiastic to experiment with Reiki and share her experiences with the world. She believes self-purification, self-dedication, and selflessness enhance our Reiki experiences.
For any sessions or communication, Shailja can be reached via her e-mail address: divinereikiblessings@gmail.com. You can also enjoy Shailja’s content through her YouTube channel: Showeers
your articles is so good so i tried in my office only this experiment.
Many Thanks.
Love and Light
Thanks for sharing dear.will try for sure.
Mina Sarvdaman.
Stay blessed.
Dear Mina,
Thank you for reading the article and feel free to share your thoughts with us once you try it! Maybe your experience will inspire others to try it too!
Hope it will work miracles in your life!
I found your article useful, however will you please clarify what you intend when you say symbol 2…
With gratitude…
Many Thanks,
Intention will depend on the purpose of the water. For example You can empower it by your thoughts that you have a pleasant day / successful in everything you do for the greatest good of all.
Love and Light
I’ve always Reiki’d my water, except I do it a lot simpler. I hold the bottle or glass with both hands and imagine draw the Power symbol inside the bottle. I will sit there for about 30-60 seconds and put light and love into my intention as well. I can taste the water before and after and it’s a big difference. As if the essential minerals are placed back in the water. <3
How can you do that? Krista diamond? Are you practitioner of reiki??
this is really amazing n felt myslf lucky enough tht i came across this process through ur article!!
thnku reiki!
thnku reiki!
thnku reiki!
Many Thanks
Love & Light
i found your article so useful!! its so nice to see uh doing soo well .. hope vill come through many more gr8 article like this.. thnku reiki..
The tips are really good i will use them especially Reiki water thank you reiki
Reiki water for pets, too.
Thanks for good tips.
Charging water with Reiki isnt this much complicated.. just purify with ckr n charge with ckr shk ckr.. n put your intention in it.. only intention n energy works brilliantly.. and easier for people with visualization difficulty.
Dear, thank you very much, nice rituals. please what do you mean by Symbol 2? which symbol yo uconsider this?
Dear Rada, Thanks for the appreciation, Reiki Symbol 2 is Mental / Emotional Symbol. Reiki Symbol 3 is Distant Symbol, Reiki Symbol 4 is Master Symbol. Enjoy the blessed water!
Love & Light!
than k you Thank you thank You
usualy i say my prayers, then ask for reiki to charge my water for healing, when i feel the energy flow inviting/flowing with ease i end it, usualy 25 – 40minutes depends on a person much, the effect is very powerful
Charging water with Reiki have very good results when applied on your daily life for health,relations,pets,agriculture purpose and for peace of mind .Give energy to mind ,body and soul.
Very informative.
Very informative. Shall be interested to know more on this.
Thank you for such an informative article.
Thank you thank you thank you
Thank you reiki thank you reiki thank you reiki
I am reiki level 2 practisioner What can we do to make this world free from pandemic COVID-19? please guide maam
Infinite thanks Anubha for reading the article and approaching to seek the way we can heal the world during this difficult situation.
Please refer to Shailja’s article ‘Healimg for World Peace’ published on Reiki Rays. I am giving the link but not sure if it would be hidden. You can also search for it on the site or click on the hyperlink of Shailja Kapur above (Given after Article By) you will reach Shailja’s page and there you can see links to the all articles written by the author.
Lots of Love & Light!
Shailja’s article, lets prey for the world