Here’s a simple technique to make your showers even more energizing, by charging the water with Reiki.

Image by viëtor
1. Draw or imagine the power symbol in the air
2. Start the flow of Reiki and imagine creating a ball of energy around the power symbol
3. Draw or imagine the emotional healing symbol creating some “stamps” on the energy ball
4. Put a HSZSN inside, affirming or intending that the flow of Reiki continue to energize the ball for as long as it’s needed
5. Now start pushing the energy ball slowly towards the shower head, so that the shower head is inside it
6. Seal the ball to the shower head with a Cho Ku Rei, intending or affirming that the energy is passed to the water
7. Turn on the water and enjoy
This should not only make your shower more refreshing, but also give your aura quite a cleansing.
I wonder if it might also be possible to do this with the hot water heater tank? I think I’m going to try it. Perhaps the whole family could get a Reiki shower that way, if the Universe is willing.
Usually I will switch on d water n draw d symbols n affirm it at the same time. In my mind’s eyes I also visualize d reiki water washing away all d unwanted stuff from my aura. It works wonder for me 🙂
I so do this. I find self reiki at lest for me is more effective I visualize the water as a tangible source energy and I visualize all the negativity washing off of me and love and light surround me and I receive healing were needed. not only is this so purifying and beneficial spiritually and physically there is no excuse not to do self reiki it hold me accountable and its a true blessing!
Hello. My name is Lilian Paulina and I really liked this article, there was no author listed, tho. And I would like to ask for permission for translate it into Spanish so I can post it on my webpage where I share Reiki articles for the spanish speaking community. So, please let me know who should I ask for permission, thank you!
What is the most honorable way to dispose the Reiki candle when it is melted down when there is nothing left to burn? I sent Reiki blessings over it before disposing it. Is it OKAY to dispose it this way or not? Thank you
Hi again, Lisa! We already sent you an answer to this question saying you can recycle the glass candle jar for other activities and old candles can be used to create new ones for your Reiki practice. Of course, you can also send Reiki blessings before disposing it. It is very important to follow your inner guidance and cultivate self-mastery. If your intentions and the energy you’re using to manifest those intentions are crystal clear, so would be your actions. 🙏
Should one bury the written intentions in the Earth of their own property or should they be burned? Thank you
Similar to your previous question, my advice would be to clear your mind and follow your inner guidance. Once you connect to that inner wisdom, the answer will be felt rather than known.
For example, I would say it depends on what you’re writing on that piece of paper. Usually, we burn what we want to release and we bury what we want to grow into our lives.
If I’m writing on it that I want to heal from a past trauma that caused me a lot of pain, for sure I would not want it in my garden, buried, seeing that place every time I go out to relax with a cup of coffee. It would be self-aggression, right? But if my intention was related to having a baby, it would be nice to also plant something in that place, along with my intention, and watch it grow. It will be a physical manifestation and also a great spot to meditate upon and send energy to it, as long as I can truly surrender the process and release my expectations and attachment.
So just follow the energy of that written intention and simply notice the way it flows – do you feel it is better to bury or to burn it?