Article by Ashwini Chubé
The name sounded to me like some kids show on TV. Little did I know this was a touch of gold in our lives.
There are so many of us trying to find answers to many questions. We have known and tried so many spiritual practices and methods but there seems to be some missing link. We have read books but always feel the link is missing.
Well I went through similar upheaval a month ago and was just guided to use this meditation through various signs including my friend sending me book screenshots, another friend inviting me for a group Ho’oponopono exercise and finally “bumping” into a video about it on youtube. Like a good girl I took this as signs and especially so because I felt I had reached rock bottom. And the results were unbelievable. Peace of mind, cheerful attitude towards life and most importantly hope and faith that all is and will be fine.
Ho’oponopono is an old techinque which comes from Hawai. It is not just a technique but if embedded in day to day life can create miracles. It acts like an internal shower or bath cleaning every bit of our systems.
Ho’oponopono has created miracles. Right from Dr Hew Len who cured an entire batch of criminally insane patients without meeting them to every common man who has had achieved 100% results. So what is this about and how is it done?

Image by ** RCB **
Ho’oponopono is an easy technique which frees us from all kinds of negative emotions and any destructive patterns which we may have picked up. It requires no formal training or initiation or a teacher. All you need is a quiet place, time about 15-20 mins and an open mind and willing attitude.
How to Do It
- Sit in a quiet comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
- Take a couple of deep breaths.
- Now think of a problem bothering you. It could be anything. Right from a troublesome boss troubling you or that colleague who took away your promotion or that guy who duped you charging extra money for your purchase or that ex who has hurt you badly and no longer is in your life or age old best friend with whom you fought.
Think of the situation. Draw DKM and HSZSN connecting to the concerned person. - Think deeply about it and feel the emotions. Yes it could be and will be a bit painful but you have to think about it. Invoke the SHK symbol here.
- Now say 4 magical sentences in the same order
‘ I am sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you’ - Keep repeating these four till you are fully satisfied and feel lighter. Draw a CKR to add power.
- Or you can set an alarm for 15 -30 minutes and keep repeating these 4 sentences.
- You can alternatively use the person’s picture, it works very well too.
- Finally seal with a Cho Ku Rei.
Ho’oponopono works across time and space and creates positive vibrations resolving even the toughest of issues, as they say It Is Love in Action!
Here is wishing you all the best as you Ho’oponopono:-)
Love and Angelic blessings!
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Ashwini Chube
Dr Ashwini Chube is a Usui Reiki Grandmaster since 2014 and holds a Ph.D. in Energy Medicine. She practices Usui Reiki - Karuna reiki - Excalibur Reiki - Angel Medicine - Violet Flame Healing - Lavender Flame Healing and many more modalities.
Ashwini is also an Access Consciousness Bars, Body Process & Intro class Facilitator. Ashwini is an Angel Psychic - Divine Channel -Tarot Reader & Claircognizant and also the teacher of Angel studies. She is a Life Transformation coach and also a Twin flame coach. Ashwini is also an Ascension teacher with the Diana Cooper School of White Light and takes workshops on Ascension and also facilitates Spiritual retreats.
Ashwini works on Body movement as a therapy and is also a licensed Zumba Fitness instructor and takes in person and online sessions.
Being an ex-investment banker working previously in Mumbai & London - she is an impact speaker and Life Transformation Coach with corporates and groups.
Get in touch with Ashwini through her Website: or at Her Facebook page is:
Nice article… many time I have to do this process for a person….????
This method is very powerful and I doing from two weeks… Really changes the situation to lighter… Thanks Ashwini for giving method combined with Reiki.
Thank you for this imformation,so need to do this now ????
How can I use this to solve my jobless situation?
Dear Shubh,
Say to yourself, what in me is causing this issue?
And then repeat the 4 sentences as many times as you can
This will work for the highest good!
Love and light
Dear Ashwini, how can I use Ho’ oponopono to get success in a big project ( my hubby is trying to crack the deal from last 10months).
Actually I hv been using the Ho’ oponopono from last two years and result is amazing.
But I don’t know the exact way to get success in this project. I am regularly using Reiki along with SWITCHWORD & ECs to get success in it.
Please guide.
Thank you. Love & light for you…Rainy
Thank you…. Ashwini
I think this does need some teaching as I have no Idea what the letters you are supposed to draw mean.
In order to use the symbols mentioned here, you need to learn Reiki, and use the energy gained through attunement
Those are the Reiki symbols dear.But you can just do the ho’oponopono even in absence of symbols! intent is everything
love and light
I used this tool long before I became a Reiki Master. Just bring your sincere desire to heal the situation <3
Very nice article ash. I will surely try this method.
Joe Vitale also promotes this prayer.
This method seems very wonderful and I can’t wait to try it!
But, could you please consider rephrasing the sentence that reads “cured an entire batch of criminally insane patients”? The word ” batch” dehumanizes these people as if they are objects and the whole sentence is ableist and offensive to the mentally ill community.
The word batch is used to refer to a group of people, whether students, a class, any set of people. It could be anything. Indians use it to refer to their graduating class aka “What batch are you?” Certainly it is fine to use here and is not dehumanizing at all if you understand the intent.
Would cohort be a less offensive word than batch? Words have different connotations to some people depending on personal exposure. Most times offense is not intended.
Thank you so much for this great information, I have used de hooponopono a lot( and believe me it works) but I never knew I could use the Reiki symbols along with it. Thank you again.
Seems good, but is it only for having a problem with another person or persons or can it help with other problems such as financial or other material problems??
Ashwini, Thank you so much! This is lovely and JUST what I needed now. I just did the meditation and feel so much better. Going to make this part of my daily ritual.
Thank you for sharing and will give this a go,but what is DKM and HSZSN ?
This is a very powerful technique and one that I have used extensively as an internal default response to any situation that occurs in my life. I learned the words in a slightly different order – starting with ‘I love you’ then through ‘ I’m sorry’ etc. This way there is an immediate acceptance of the situation or person before you move on to the rest of the clearing statements. The original statements (from which this is a shortened version) carry the idea of asking for forgiveness for any karmic act that might be playing out in the current situation. It’s all about mindset – if said with the correct intent the need for symbols are secondary, but do whatever works for you.
I think that’s the beauty of the different orders. I am experimenting with different orders for different situations and I have found there is a subtle difference in how the subconscious receives it based on the situation. For example- if there is a highly charged emotion like anger or sadness and my unconscious needs to feel the emotion of injustice, I would go with this order: I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you, because it gets right to the emotion and opens up my heart to feel it and allow forgiveness so the inner child has a chance to calm down and rest in forgiveness before sealing it with thank you and I love you. This order works for me for a more acute cleaning or something based on a charged situation or relationship like I feel wronged or I feel someone hurt me.
But if I have a situation that is less “charged” or less intense, I would start with “I love you, i’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” This order works for me for more “regular” situations, such as everyday anxiety or social anxiety where my inner child needs my assurance. So starting with I love you gives that immediate acceptance and openness as a guide for the rest.
Speaking to the unconscious is like talking to an inner child. We have to change our wording/order slightly based on the situation and make it appropriate. If a child is very sad or angry, I would not say I love you first, I would go with I’m sorry, please forgive me first and then end with I love you.
Can this be done on behalf of someone else who is in a bad situation?? How would I go about this please?? Thank you.
No it has to be done within oneself. There is nobody outside. We say sorry and send love to the subconscious memories within us that is replaying outside.
How can i make my child study as he not intersted in studying at all
Wow. Nice article. I read “At zero”, its all about Ho’oponopono. Finally I combine reiki and Ho’oponopono. Miracles are happening each n every day. I AM in higher conscious state now.
What are the symbols you are referring to?
I teach a Ho’oponopono workshop. I have been practicing this prayer for several years now and I can’t count the miracles in my life because of continuous clearing. I even add this prayer into my Reiki practice as I channel Reiki healing energy I infuse the intention of the prayer through out the entire session.
Even though there is no specific order in which to say this prayer, I prefer, “I love you, I am sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank You” – This is the long form of the prayer. Notice why I love it that order. The short for of this prayer is, “I love you, Thank You” – this is because, “I Love You” encompasses “I Am Sorry, Please Forgive Me”. I love you is a return to the Devine, and the Devine already knows all. As we return to love healing happens. Thank you is our gratitude for the healing.
Hi sharaz can u detail the process u follow in reiki along with this prayer
Hi Rajesh. I am a Reiki Master/Teacher. I have been practicing Ho’oponopono for the last 8 years now. I use this prayer for myself and my clients. Each location I position my hand for Reiki, I would say, “I love you, I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You”, or “I love you, Thank you”.
As Reiki pratitioners we feel/sense a lot in our clients as energy which sometimes translate to seeing. This knowing seeing, is only for us a method of helping, not sharing. This is the best opportunity to really use Ho’oponopono to clear.
I teach Ho’oponopono and how to use this prayer to clean on all aspect your reality. Giving people the full understand of this amazing prayer puts them in a place where they always want to practice it.
My suggestion is, don’t just use this prayer when you are helping others or when situations arise that you are having a hard time with, do it everyday, as much you want… The idea here, the more you clear, the better you life becomes. I see miracles all the time, my clients share their miracles with me from the moment they started practicing Ho’oponopono.
In my teaching of Ho’oponopono, I do inner child work to make this prayer truly work on autopilot. Combining it with Reiki truly adds to the healing process.
I am not a traditional Reiki practitioner. I created a new modality called Pyramid Power Activation, which Reiki is part of the activation process.
How do you do pyramid activation with reiki?
Do I draw the symbols on a pillow the way I do with sending and healing relationships?
I thought the DKM symbol is only to be used by a Reiki Master. I am wondering now if people who are not Reki Masters are using this symbol along with Hoponopono. This is not explained in the article so I have a concern about this. I would like to use this, but I’m not a Reiki Master yet.
Hi I can’t download any of the ebooks because of my email why is that? Needs different address it says
Thank You,this is wonderful information.
I jst want one clarity, if instead of a person we do it for the situation still do we need to invoke hon sa jhe sho nen? As u said to connect it to the person can we use symbols to connect to the situation
Powerful and magical article for practice if continue done. Thanks Ashwini ji
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! My spirit guides brought me here and my tears of joy that I can be healed, move forward, help others and finally live a good, no a great life! Thank you all and many blessings to everyone!
Does Ho’opon etc have a particular dialect sound or saying eg Japanese, Tibetan etc
Reiki has embraced me and healed me. I am a new person now. Much at peace and content with myself.
More creative too. Reiki rays. Com is my oxygen.
Hello mates, nice piece of writing and nice
arguments commented at this place, I am really enjoying by
Thank you for bringing awareness of ho’oponopono to the Reiki Rays community.
As someone who lived in Hawai’i for 10 years, and still have deep community ties there, I can attest that there has been a lot of cultural appropriation going on of this sacred practice. Ho’oponopono is MUCH more than these four sentences, much like yoga is much more than a few poses or breathing exercises.
With that said, it is true that those four sentences can be incredibly powerful and healing and, as someone who chants them in my everyday life, I can attest to their transformative power in my mindset and interactions with people in my life.
As “pono” means “make right” and ho’oponopono means “make right more right,” I highly recommend that each of you incorporate the first round of this much abbreviated “ho’oponopono” each day towards the Native Hawaiian people from which this practice came.
Also, to be pono, I also ask the author to please correct the spelling of Hawai’i in your article. Mahalo nui loa (thank you very much)!
I just became a Reiki master. I do not teach or practice much on others..But I do mostly distance healing. So this ho’opo….., is there a symbol attached to this word. ? Do I need to say this word ,then the given prayer that you have given and then do reiki symbols on client?
As an Advanced Practitioner of Ho’oponopono, your article has a few errors.
1. Dr. Hew-Len did not create this practice. It has been a part of the Hawaiian tradition for a long time. What he did create is Self Identity Through Ho=oponopono, or SITH, which is a modification of the traditional practice of Ho’oponopono, which is totally different, for an individual to do the process on themselves.
2. The practice has NO symbols. It works very well with Reiki, and you can use symbols along with it if you choose, but they are not a part of either the traditional or SITH practices.
3. If you are interested in learning this system, you can read ZERO Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale, who worked with Dr. Hew-Len to bring this to the mainstream arena.
I’m Sorry; please forgive me; I love you; thank you,
In Gratitude, Love, Compassion, and Joy.