This article is especially meant for people who have just done their second degree and don’t have clear idea about how to send distant healing. Distant healing is one of the main aspects of second degree Reiki. There are many ways and techniques through which distant healing can be sent. Adapt any method you feel comfortable with.
This is one of the most common and everyone’s favorite method to send distant healing. You can select any stuff toy, doll or pillow as a proxy for your client. This surrogated stuff represents the person who is to be healed via distant healing. Connect the proxy thing to the person with the help of distant symbol HSZSN. Now perform whatever method you need to over this proxy thing, as per the client’s issue.
- You can use picture of your client to connect with their energy with the distant symbol. Hold the picture between palms and state your intentions to heal and activate the flow of Reiki.
- You can also take a picture of certain time phase from your past and connect to the energy of that time and send healing to the past issue.
- Connect the crystal to the person or situation with distant symbol. Hold the crystal between your palms and draw all the other symbols over it. State your intention thrice and give Reiki to this crystal. You can also ask your crystal to transmit energy to the person for allocated time.
- Alternatively, you can use crystal grid to send distant healing. Crystal grid is taught in Third Degree of Reiki but me being a crystal freak, I started using grid for manifestation since my level 2.
- Another way is to write your intention invoking symbols and put it under the programmed crystal that resonates with your wish.
- Picture – To heal a person, put programmed crystal over the person’s picture.
Reiki Box
You can write your intentions, draw symbols on back side of the paper and put the chit inside a Reiki box. Give Reiki to your Reiki box daily.
Hands on paper
Write your healing intention on paper, draw symbols and put between your palms and give Reiki.
You can carve symbols on candle or just draw over the candle. Connect the person’s with the distant symbol to the candle. Hold the candle between your palms and state your intention thrice. Light the candle with the intention to keep Reiki flowing to the person till the candle is burning. Extinguish the candle after desired time. You can anoint candle with essential oils too.
Journaling for past issues
Activate Reiki and invoke symbols. Connect to the past issue with distant symbol. Draw CKR and SHK on journal and start writing everything that comes to your mind about that particular incident/day/person.
Connect with HSZSN to the future event or situation. Either use visualization technique or write down your future wish. Send Reiki to your intention.

Image by Muffet
This method is generally used when you have no proxy around and you need to send immediate healing. Connect one of your finger with HSZSN to represent the person. Wrap your other palm around the finger and send healing.
This requires strong visualization skills. Imagine the person, send the healing as if you are actually there. Visualize the whole scene with the desired outcome.
Cupped Palms
Imagine the miniature version of the person or place you want to send healing to between your cupped palms. Send healing invoking symbols with your set intentions.
Group Reiki
If you are sending Reiki to many people at a time, list down their names, location and issues. Connect all with distant symbol and Reiki the paper that each of the listed person be filled with Reiki energy for their listed issue.
Knees and Thighs
Here we imagine that our right knee and thigh represents front part of the person and left knee and thigh represents back. Considering knee as a head point, give Reiki to all affected chakras and organs invoking needed symbols, especially distant symbol to connect with the person.
Reiki for cause or calamities
In case of sending Reiki to any cause or natural calamity, connect with the place and affected or injured people. With palms near heart center and facing out, send Reiki. Again, you can use any of the above methods to send healing to any cause.
Hold a CD, Mp3 or any musical player in your palm or open the video/audio of the music in front of you. Give Reiki to the music with the intention that anytime this music is listened, the Reiki will start flowing for that duration.
Healing Wall
Select an empty wall. Stick all your Reiki request on the wall. Give Reiki to the wall with the intention to manifest the wishes stuck on that wall. Every time you pass by the wall, you will remember one or other of your wish, which helps universe manifest it faster.
Switchwords and Mantras
Write person’s name on paper, connect with distant symbol. Hold in hand and chant switchwords or mantras.
Chi Ball or Energy Ball
Make a Chi ball or Energy ball, put symbols into the ball while creating, state your intention and try to visualize the desired outcome. Release the chi ball/energy ball to Universe.
There are some more methods for distant healing which needs the Master symbol DKM, so I have not mentioned those methods here. Do not much dwell on the method being right or wrong, your strong and powerful intention is what that matters.
You can send healing to people, house, offices, any work place, space, parking lots, situations, events, past, future, pets, electronic devices, Mother earth, Universe, causes, calamities, emotional problems, stress at work, past life and so on and on and on… The list is endless ☺
Article by Rinku Patel
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Rinku Patel is a Reiki Master Teacher, Doreen Virtue certified-Angel intuitive, Fairyologist, Realm Reader, Crystal healer, Angel card reader, and Indigo card reader. Other than that she is a Certified Tarot card reader and spiritual writer. Rinku can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at Magics n Miracles
hey rinku..beautifully explained …. never knew about the candle method.. shall try for sure. thanks for sharing the knowledge. god bless
Just superb. Loved the candle method.
Thanks for all creative ideas. Especially candle reiki. Love light luck n peace to you.
Finger, Chi ball, and cupped palms… I love these methods…
Thank you so very much for this article…
it’s superb Rinku.
Loads of love 🙂
* I use those three methods most
Thanks Rads, Vimi, Nivedita n Vedant 🙂
Благодаря!Много полезно!Намасте!
Thank you for beautiful ideas…
Thank you for some really great ideas!!
Beautiful explanation