Article by Reiki Master Moumita Rudra
I am a hard core traveller so I travel quite often. Sometimes solo, sometimes with friends or family. So I give Reiki to my travel every time I step out. This topic is very close to my heart and I have been practising it regularly.
I have been seeing great results for my travel using the following simple yet very effective Reiki techniques. When we travel, it’s important we keep ourselves and the surrounding safe.
The steps are stated below:
• While travelling, the most important thing is to shield yourself either with the help of Reiki or by calling Archangel Michael. This is important, as in crowded places we might just pick up any foreign energy which might not be healthy for us.
• After you shield yourself, connect your destination and the roads mentally with HSZSN or if you have a map handy, you can send Reiki to the route, the people at that place, your co-passengers and the situation. By doing so, you are sending loving healing energy to the entire trip. Close it with Cho Ku Rei. If you are attuned to Master Symbol, you can use that as well.
• You can use affirmations that you are having a safe and comfortable journey.
• Another very useful way which I learnt during my third attunement from my master – Koki Ho, healing through breath. I mostly use when am driving a car or sitting in a car or bike. To do so, invoke Reiki, and then draw Cho Ku Rei with your tip of tongue inside your mouth. Mentally chant the symbol thrice and then blow it off towards the road – with the intention to have a safe and happy journey.
• While travelling, especially in crowded places or in public transport try flooding people with Reiki. To do so, invoke HSZSN. Imagine the white light entering from your Crown chakra, filling each and every part of your body with the white light. And when your entire body is filled with white light, imagine you are flooded with the white light and the white light from your body is flooding the other person or situation.
• If you know the dates and your travel route before hand, you can connect to the entire travel. You can write down the dates of travelling, for an example May 5th to May 15th 2015 and the places you are planning to travel. Draw the symbols you are attuned to at the back side of the page and send Reiki to the paper whenever possible. Carry the paper along with you when you are travelling, you can give Reiki for 5/10 minutes to the paper everyday throughout your travel.
• Keep yourself grounded during travelling.
• Giving Reiki to your food and beverages during travelling helps keeping you in good health as well.
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Moumita Rudra
Moumita is a Reiki Master Teacher, a spiritual healer who practices Usui Reiki, Magnified Healing, Soul Mate Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Deep Healing Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Kundalini Reiki and some more. She is also a tarot and oracle card reader. She offers in online/distance tarot consultation healing, as well in-person consultation. She also communicates with angels and believes that the angels are always around us looking forward to guide anyone who needs it.
Her journey into healing has been magical where she was chosen by Reiki over various situations and gradually revealed beautiful insights of life, spirituality and healing.
She is now a fulltime mother, raising her daughter with love, kindness and compassion with a dream to pass on the beauty of healing to her offspring.
She quit her 12 years long corporate job recently to spend more time with her daughter and doing things that she really loves and enjoys doing. Healing is one of them.
She created her Facebook page The Healing Space by Moumita in 2015 with a dream of spreading more joy, love and awareness. She believes that we all come to this earth to spread love and spiritual awareness can help to spread love.
I agree. Because Even I called Archangel Michael Just recently. I was travelling and could not get my way back to my hotel. So I called upon Archangel Michael and he guided me through. He is a constant guide and companion to me.