Sierra Koch is a Reiki Master Teacher whose passion in life is spreading the joy of Reiki. She invites you to learn how to play with your Reiki practice.
Articles written by Sierra
- Structured Reiki Sessions
- Byosen Scanning
- You Don’t Need That!
- Remembering Why Reiki
- Why Doing Reiki When You Feel Bad is the Best Thing You Can Do
- Help for when You Think Reiki Isn’t Working
- Coming Back to Your Self-Reiki Practice
- Increasing Hand Sensitivity
- Are You a Zombie? Using Reiki to Help You Back to the Land of the Living
Am interested in becoming a client. Personal health
Neither reiki link works for Sierra. I used to follw her, then everything disappeared. Suggestions? We miss you Sierra!
I am writing to clarify one of your blog comments that erroneously attributes scanning to William Rand. Scanning was taught by Takata to her masters, including John Harvey Grey, who in turn taught it to his students. William Rand perfected marketing and researching the Japanese Reiki history but he did not invent, discover, or rediscover scanning.