Article by Dhwani Parikh
In one of the previous article, I have already talked about moon cycle. In the ancient times, they don’t have calendars like us and they used to have moon cycle for starting something new. These 15 days, actually have some energy patterns and if you are starting something around the new moon, you are actually bringing that energy to your life for all success. This New Moon, we are going to empty the baggage from the past and make amendments for all the cuts or problems you have faced physically or emotionally with anyone.
One of the ways to amend this is by forgetting those forever and removing them from your life and free yourself from the baggage of the past. It is like you carry 10 kg of burden with you wherever you go. You can’t work at your full potential. Similarly, if you are carrying the emotional burden from the past, your mind keeps occupying with these things and you can’t work at your best.
So, that why, it is very important to make amendments with all the hurts you have faced. Another way of doing this is by expressing your regret will release your mind and heart and possibly heal your relationships. The psychological burden of unexpressed regret can take its toll on your body and your psychological well-being. And it comes as either as a disease or as a mental stress.
To heal body and mind, consider making amends for past harmful actions. If you feel it is appropriate, express regret directly to a person you have harmed or forgiveness if they have harmed you. If you feel you will create more negativity by contacting them, confess and express your regret to someone else you trust. The meditation opposite will help you prepare to do either one.
List the persons you have harmed or being harmed by.
Write a letter to a person you have harmed
- Sit on a cushion or chair in front of your altar or sacred space. Light a candle.
- If you believe in God or a higher power or angels, ask for the guidance and courage for what you plan to do.
- Start the Reiki flow and bring to mind the people you have harmed, what you did to harm them and why you did so.
- Feel sincere regret for what you did. Choose one person you have harmed and write a letter telling them how you harmed them and why you did so. Express your regret and ask for forgiveness.
- After you have written the letter, visualize your higher power smiling at you while looking on with love and compassion. Feel the warmth of his or her acceptance and support in making amends with the person you harmed.
- Decide whether you are going to contact the person or let your letter suffice.
- After you have made your decision, feel your guilt evaporate. Generate good wishes, love, and compassion for the person.
- Protect everything in white light and with protection symbol.
Forgive the people who have harmed you
- Now, time to forgive the people who have harmed you.
- Write a letter to them that you have forgiven them. They may be right in their places because they may have to protect something else by harming you.
- Or they may have become the slave of their emotions and senses that time and due to that, they have harmed you.
- There could be a possibility that you may have done a similar thing if you were at their places. So, just forgive them for everything. Cut the black cords attach with them in terms of hatred or guilt or any negative feeling.
- Free them from everything especially karma related to you and give this Reiki energy.
- Thank angels for everything and fill this new moon energy in your 7 chakras.
- Complete your meditation with gratitude feeling for everything.
Thank you, readers! Lots of love and light!
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Founder & CEO of Race is Not Over, Astrologer, motivational speaker, counselor, pharmacist & Reiki Master Dhwani Parikh is the founder of "Race is Not Over" and a pharmacist by profession, attuned to master level Reiki. She has started her journey with Reiki nearly 14 years ago. She has given at least 4-6 Reiki healing sessions per week globally from these many years. She is an astrologer and gives remedies based on planetary positions combined with Reiki healing. She has an in-depth understanding of chakras, natural healing, energy healing, effect of planetary position on Reiki energy and healing. She has travelled across 18 countries. She is voracious reader and university topper in her studies. She has reduced 14+kgs of weight using Reiki and natural remedies. Also, consulted for weight management and healthy living successfully. She currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
You can reach Dhwani on [email protected] and on Facebook at
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