Every time I read about the duty of self-healing I feel overwhelmed and without motivation to do it. This is something very strange because I really do self-healing every day and I also enjoy it a lot! However, reading about it makes me think of it as a task, a duty to carry out and without feeling joy. And I had that feeling for a long time until I found this way in which self-healing is a wonderfully pleasant thing to accomplish.
These are the recommendations
- Send Reiki to someone else
Every time I do self-healing I use the HSZSN symbol and request that this treatment reach someone else. I usually share it with my family. This makes that the self-healing have a broader purpose and causes me greater satisfaction.
- Start the treatment at a point that is requiring energy
Self-healing has specific positions to place the hands in a certain order. However, one usually feels that one needs to start in another position where the energy is required. Sometimes it can be in the heart, a tummy ache may require you to start in the second or third chakra. That’s why when I do the self-treatment I scan myself asking where my body requires more energy (generally is very obvious) and I start doing Reiki there and then continue with the proper positions.
- Think about filling yourself with energy FREELY
One of the things that stop me the most when I think about self-healing is the duty to perform the 12 or 13 positions; it seems to be something too long. To avoid this feeling, I start to do Reiki with the attitude that I am going to fill myself with energy no matter how many positions I do. I don’t put pressure on myself to carry out the whole process but to fill myself with energy freely. What is magical is that starting with this attitude causes such satisfaction that I almost always manage to perform all positions.
Note: If you are carrying out your first 21 days of self-treatment it is important that you follow the indications of self-treatment during that period.
Infinite love
Article by Magalí Giménez
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I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at magalienergy@gmail.com
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