When I was first introduced to Reiki… how excited was I! It was on my mind from the moment I woke up till the time I went to bed. I kept on reading a lot about Reiki and its practical uses to enhance my practice. My Reiki teacher, who is also my sister, told me continuously: “Do Reiki and Be Reiki.”
I was ever ready with the energy to heal and help others but I was bored while doing Self Healing. Even though I know how important it is, Self healing made me yawn like there is no tomorrow.
My sister shared with me a beautiful method of self-healing and amplifying our Reiki.
The method was to connect with any God/Archangels/Ascended Masters everyday for 10 -15 minutes and send Reiki to them. I have broken down the steps for everyone’s benefit.
1. Sit in a comfortable place where no one is going to disturb you, put on some healing music and connect with the distance healing symbol to any God / Archangel / Ascended Master. You may connect mentally or keep a photo.
2. Send Reiki for 10- 15 minutes. Talk to them during this time. This is important. Ask them to clear your Aura & chakras for Self healing.
3. Ask them to amplify your Reiki Power, make your connection stronger with them, or simply ask for blessings and guidance on any issue. They really like to listen to us!
In my experience, this method has worked for me in many wonderful ways. They do listen to us and show us the right path in such a subtle way that we do not even come to know there has been a divine intervention.
They also shield us from negative and psychic attacks. I have also requested them to be my “Reiki Bank”. Which means whenever I feel the need to increase the heat in my hands, I ask them to give me some of their energy. For instance I may say: “Dear Buddha, please send me some of your energy to increase my Reiki flow!”
You can practice this as often as you can. It is good to pick one Ascended Master / God / Angel for a week or so. The results are incredible! Not only has this made me a better practitioner, but also made me understand the spiritual aspects of Reiki.
Article by Reiki Master Sunetra Dasgupta
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A lecturer by profession, teaching undergraduate students Mathematics, Statistics, Research Methodology and Business Communication, Sunetra Dasgupta is also Reiki Teacher & Healer. She strongly believes that Reiki came to her rescue in difficult phases of life, helping her to cope and transform. Sunetra is currently affiliated to Alohahappiness - an MNC specializing in various healing services, remedial products, Vaastu, Numerology, Astrology and Past Life Regression to name a few. At Alohahappiness, she is an active Guide, Healer and Teacher regularly taking up cases for healing and courses for teaching. She has channelled Gajanan Vinayak Reiki, and heals with and teaches Traditional (Usui) Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Karuna Reiki®, Soulmate Reiki, Fusion Reiki, Wagle Reiki, Angel Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Lavender Flame Reiki, 30 more types of Reiki, Magnified Healing, DLA, Akashic Records, Access Consciousness, Aura Brushing, Cord Removal, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, EFT, Psychic Surgery, Angel and Tarot Card Reading, Runes, Tasseography, Violet Flame, Herbs and Oils, Candle Magick, Signature Analysis, Vastu, Numerology, Feng Shui, Bach Flower, I Ching, Fairy Ring, LOA, Diceology, Lithomancy, Hydromancy. She is also an Angel whisperer. She has also written a book “Lessons I learned from Reiki” which can be bought from Pothi.com.
She lives in India and can be contacted via Alohahappiness official page facebook.com/alohahappiness. Her personal Pages are facebook.com/soniele.daniel.
Dear sunetra
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article.
Your articles are incredibile and very useful.and I even
Thank you reiki rays ..
Dear Neelima,
Thank You for your kind words :)….I thanks Reiki Rays to give me an opportunity to share my articles.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Thank you
I request reiki rays to post and share wonderful articles..we can practice more and walk in a right path and get Better. Reiki practioner..
Thank you
I request reiki rays to post your wonderful articles and share with us..we can practice in better way and walk in a right path and implement to b better reiki practioners…we will be pleased with your guidance..
Dear Sunetra,
thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful article. As you said self healing is boring for me too. but from now on i will practise this and understand all the aspects of spiritual reiki too…..
Dear Ranjanai,
I am glad you liked the article and would like to imbibe it in your practice:)
Om Mani Padme Hum
Love the article. I have been doing self Reiki for a while and recently became a RMT. I will do this soon with Kwan Yin and I have had a connection with her for some time.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful thoughts and perspectives. I really look forward to reading them.
Dear Alix and Kim,
Thank you for your kind words. I have been practicing this method for almost a month now… and every week I connect to a new master 🙂
Beautiful article; please connect!
Thank you Sunetra for sharing this. Very inspirational and needed on this day. Namaste.
Thank You Kirk for your kind words.
Om Mani Padme Hum
I want to thank you for this information. It helps reading what other Reiki masters and practicioners are up to. As practitioners we need as much love and support as we can get. I know that healing others that accept the reiki also helps to heal us. I do have a question though, I don’t understand why the universe is sending me certain people for the reiki traiing. When I begin to formulate a class mentally and then get in down on paper, there are students who show up eager to learn. I am not sure what to do when some of these students have a mental illness, any suggestions? This is not my area of expertise. Thanks!!!
Dear Jon,
I do agree with you, it really helps when we all share each other point of view, I think it helps us in becoming a good practitioner. If Universe is sending you some people who have mental illness, maybe its the Universe way of telling you, that you have a special gift to help them have a better life. I think when these students come to you, You can send reiki to their Crown,Third Eye and Root Chakara for sometime, which will relax them and make them grasp things better. Hope this helps 😛
Om Mani Padme Hum
I receive this website from a Reiki practitioner to get alignement of my Chakras,will appreciate to receive healing rays
Amine Akh
thanks for wonderful tip….
i always call sun god for healing ….but it it OK to call him or request sun god for healing…if we are doing reiki in night…reallly curious to know the answer or suggestions….
There is no right or wrong time to do Reiki nor there is a right or a wrong time to call upon any god/angels/archangel/Ascended Master 🙂 Hope this answers your question 🙂
Dear sunetra,
Plz advice me..after I call gods or archangles how long they will be with us..and is it neccesary to close the symbols..and return them back..
Dear Neelima,
They are always with us…. but they make their presence felt when we connect to them, and some of us can see them. We need not close the symbol and send them back, 🙂
Thank you so much for your guiiadanceand kind words…I really appricte your prompt reaponce and your patience.
You are most welcome Neelima 🙂
Good Morning Sunetra. I always browse my fb for some good inspirational messages and found someone shared reiki rays with me. I immediately sent u a comment. I believe life holds lots of magic and miracles in our day to day life. I was not at all sincere with self healing and only used to think if we heal others we are auto healed by reiki itself and all good souls above us. Your self healing came handy to make a small attempt to start with. Thank you and God bless you with more amazing/exceptional ideals
Gud Mrng Anuradha,
Thank You so much for your kind words. …. May God bless all of us and we all can help each other 🙂
Om Mani Padme Hum
I love reading your articles so very informative,I will definitely be trying this out, Thankyou so much.
Could your Angel be a loved one who has passed that was not involved with Reiki ?
very new practitioner …..
Dear Jasmine,
We prefer not to call our deceased friends/relatives etc. as its quite uncomfortable for them to come and visit us time and again.
Thank-you for your insight.
Why is it uncomfortable for our loved ones to visit us? I thought they would be happy to “see” us? Correct me if I’m wrong cos I talk to my parents every night before I sleep, sometimes asking them to guide me. I am very new to Reiki.
Thank you in advance.
I really liked the artical, I will request you to send me some more tips of healing in short time, also for increasing energy, clening aura and to balance my chakras.I am also a working women. Workplance is in Baroda, but family is in Pune.
Awaiting for your reply as an when it is possible for you.
Can you suggest something to avoid car damages .We are experiencing it frequently.
Thank you so much. You make it so simple and it goes right into my heart. May the angels bless you and keep you happy always
Thanks so much for sharing this, i have found this to be very inspirational. I will use this daily.
Love and Light
Hi Sunethra, Thanq very much for the wonderful article you shared with us.. God bless you with more inspiring ideas day by day. So be it dear
Sunetra…with love light & reiki… Thank u so much for sharing…..u just wake up me…..
Hi Sunetra
You are such a sweety girl.very nice and useful article. Much similar to you, my day starts and ends with thoughts of Reiki. Your tips are very useful for beginners like us .
My children love the feeling when I call Angels after their hectic day in school or whenever they are hurt or injured. They just fall into sleep in less than a minute.
Thank you once again..
This artical about using the symbol to connect with higher vibrational brings has inspired me. I’m also inspired by your enthusiasm for reiki. I felt that way too when I first became a reiki practitioner in 1992 . Somehow along the way that got watered down. So thank you for this page and the reconnection.
Wonderful way of self healing.really we love to heal others and pray for other.in this we forget to do healings for ourselves.When the time for my self healing comes, i really feels the task monotonous.But u showed a wonderful path if self healing.i will start practicing it from now.thanku so much.
Dear Sunethra, thanks for sharing this beautiful article ! I was wondering if only one angel can be connected at a time, or more than one is possible
Dear S unethra,
I recently became Shoden and will be doing 2nd in few weeks time. I feel obsessed with all things Reiki and read every thing i could but i feel bored during self treatment and thought I was doing something wrong. Thank you for addressing this and for providing solutions. Good to know that someone experienced feels the same challenge too. And for easing my mind.
Thanks really insightful.. Love ur articles.
Thank u Sunetra for such a nice article .I also very lazy in self healing. Now I will do as per your instructions.
Excellent article about giving healing to your God. I was practicing this long time back. After reading this article, I will restart again. Thanks once again.
Dear Sunetra
Thank you for such a wonderful advice,even i get bored while doing self healing
I love this article Sumetra, I think it’s a brilliant idea to give reiki to our spirit guides, guardian angels, ascended masters…I’ve always called on them to assist with a session but I’ve never done a distance to them. I will definitely try this just as a way to give back to them and send gratitude….thank you for this wonderful suggestion….Namaste, Sandra
Could you help me to improve my reiki flow?
As a working woman with two school going kids, with no time even for breakfast, I was doing this, when ever I sit for prayers, I used to do the attitude of gratitude, symbols and start my “saptashadi” chapter.
Hi Sunetra, Superb article. you have given the best way to connect with Angel / Archangels through reiki. Amazing.
Thanks a lot dear.
I am very grateful for all the wonderful advice you give. I was Reiki attuned some years ago and I too got bored of self healing. In the last 18 months I have become very spiritual, and am looking to achieve my Reiki 2 attunement as I feel the time is right and am looking for the right teacher. I know nothing about angels, ark angels and don’t know how to call upon them, I am eager to set up an alter, probably in my beautiful garden, I already have a Buddha in the garden and feel Buddha is my connection but am eager to explore all other avenues any tip’s would be gratefully received. Thank you xx
Hi Sunetra
It is an excellent information u have shared. It is one of the best ways to
Connect to Reiki on regular basis and also to ascended master. This will boost our energy level.
Thanks a lot
Awesome method to connect to God/Healing angels Sunetra. Love your articles.
We can connect with any God?
M follower of Shiva can I visualize
Shiva the Ultimate🙏🙏
Thanks for sharing your experience as I was also confused after doing level 1.. loved your article