In today’s fast paced world, when we are struck by any illness or real-life issues, we exhibit lack of patience and look for a quick or instant fix. Most of the times, the underlying cause of the issue is not external but lies in the wisdom of our higher self and Reiki helps bring our awareness to it, by working on our subtle energy system. Though the issue may seem to occur out of the blue or have an obvious reason attached to it, nevertheless it is a manifestation of our energies or beliefs (“Beliefs that are formed after the fact has occurred”). Like Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
For example, although someone has a decent job and is thriving, suddenly they tend to lose their job, or they struggle in earning a living. At the surface, it is likely to blame someone else or oneself and not take ownership to resolve it. Therefore, the issue remains, and other issues start accumulating. To explain further, if someone faces such a financial burndown, it could mean that the person, has a deeper belief about lack of self-esteem, not deserving money or has perceived financial injustice at the hands of someone close in his early childhood days. These buried beliefs manifest themselves in the present circumstances.
Honestly, I do not see a quick fix to this issue. Firstly, because the beliefs are deep rooted and secondly, the beliefs are established long ago. These beliefs are embedded into the cells or energy system and require replenishing of the energy system with the Universal Life Force energy. To turnaround the imbibed notions into a positive lifeward direction, Reiki needs to be channeled regularly to enable the existing energy system to resonate in synchronicity of the light/higher self. Reiki acts gently by releasing stress, unwanted beliefs and negativity thus enlightening the inner self.

Image by Quangpraha
Likewise, if there are relationship issues, it’s unlikely to get instant results by jumping to conclusions based on past beliefs. In such situations, healing with Reiki makes things easy for both partners while subtly working on their own self-image, mutual goals, respect and diminishing the ego. Reiki builds compassion, understanding and unconditional love between partners by working on their existing energy patterns. Patience plays a vital part and it is not far when magic happens.
While herbs and conventional medicine seem to heal your body sooner, they generally heal the symptom as they tend to work on the physical plane. The conventional medicine too takes its own time to cure an ailment. While carrying on with conventional medicine that cure the symptoms, Reiki complements it wonderfully, to enhance holistic healing. Reiki not only focuses on healing the energy system comprising of the cells and chakras (psychic energy centers) but frees the spirit from low vibrations and completes karmic cycles. It requires perseverance and patience to clear the old, dense and clogged energies and fill in new, light, free-flowing energies.
There is no fixed time for which Reiki healing needs be taken. Its duration varies depending on the situation, person, environment, belief system, ailment. As Reiki is an all-knowing energy, it aligns with your soul and lets you know when Reiki must be stopped.
I have not seen Reiki failing, if trusted and held on with patience. However, if you are someone looking for a quick result then you will find it hard trusting energy healing techniques. Reiki is magical and will bring out the hidden treasures of life if traversed with patience and love.
Article by Nivedita Bhosale
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Nivedita Bhosale is a graduate in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering followed by Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing. Serving 9 years in the Corporate sector, her strong inclination towards Reiki drove her to be a healer and a teacher. Born as an intuitive and gifted with deep compassion, she got enthralled with the divine gift of Reiki and would like to expand her experiences by nurturing Reiki in everyone’s lives. She is a Holistic healer, Independent Reiki Teacher, and a Traditional Usui Reiki Master-Teacher. You can reach her at
Agreed. I just wrote about this the other day!
Beautiful Article Nivedita !
Fantastic convincing article.