Article by Naveeta Singh
Being a healer we often feel as if we have a self-imposed responsibility to heal problems, situations, and people. It is also an exciting journey as each new situation brings us an opportunity to test our knowledge and heal and, thus, come up with a solution to a new problem.
But there are times when we really need to control this urge to Reiki/heal so as to get a better understanding of what the actual problem is. I feel that we need to restrict ourselves from giving Reiki when we or the patient is about to go for the medical diagnosis/test for his ailment.

Image by Bessi
For instance, patient A who is diabetic has an injury on his toe and the doctors want to know his blood sugar level in order to decide the future course of treatment. If we give him Reiki during the scheduled blood test, the glucometer will show his blood sugar level to be normal. And after the treatment starts his sugar levels may rise or drop thereby affecting his treatment.
Say, the doctor decide to ampute his toe to stop the spread of gangrene/Septicemia to his entire body and the test reflects his blood sugar is normal. They go ahead with the amputation and in case his blood sugar is high/low it will lead to blood loss and other complications. Once the doctors know through a proper diagnosis his condition they can decide how to stabilize the blood sugar, carry the amputation and post surgery treatment.
A proper diagnosis of the exact medical condition not only helps the doctor but even the healer to provide complementary healing. Like the doctor, he also gets to chart out his map of healing for the patient and aid latter’s speedy recovery. It also gives him a chance to explore the underlying mental/emotional/spiritual blocks that led to the ailment and help the patient heal and remove them. Hence, it is very important to know when not to Reiki as at times inaction is the best action.
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Naveeta Singh is a former journalist from India, based in Kalyan near Mumbai. She is a Usui Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki practitioner who loves to experiment with Reiki and various healing arts since 2009. She believes that everything and everyone in this world deserves to be happy and can attain this through Reiki. She is also into Magnified Healing, Money Reiki, Abundance Healing, Tiger Reiki, Navgraha Healing, etc. Though she loves to learn various healing modalities it is Reiki where she finds perfect solace.
I was taught to believe Reiki is for the greater good; “all this or something better”. I have a nephew that became diabetic at the age of 13. He is now 28. Your article resonates with me. I can’t believe that a Reiki healing would affect the decision to amputate his toe. Maybe the topic is too close to me but my teachers passed on the idea that all intentions were for “this or something better”. I fail to see amputation as better. Perhaps we learned from different styles of Reiki.
I agree. Not only can we trust in the Reiki energy to never harm, I have yet to find ANY medical evidence for claims such as the one in this article. Show me the clear evidence that Reiki will have such an effect and I may change my mind. Either Reiki is from the Divine Source or not. If it is, (and I strongly feel this to be the case, and so do thousands and thousands of other Reiki practitioners), there is nothing to worry about. The Divine does not make mistakes and Reiki always works to the highest good. Real research and evidence does not support the Reiki “myths” mentioned in the article.
yes I agree. I am more than a little surprised by this article. As long as we are at the purist and highest intent channeling universal love healing energy etc nothing bad can happen and only that which is healing on any required level with eventuate. How a body could ever be stopped from healing effectively by applying Reiki is tantamount to saying universal love energy has no divine intelligence. Heaven help us all if that is the case!!
Me too, agree. Nothing bad happens when our intentions are positive . We channel reiki for ourhighest good only.
reiki knows past, present and future. whatever the results will be for the persons highest good. dont worry about the results. trust in reiki and give treatment whenever you like. the big doctor knows everything
It’s yes and no…
Reiki hands on healing and energy technics can affect test results (I’ve seen that!), but I found remote Reiki session for “good or better outcome of this medical appointment /test ” can improve doctor-patient communication, expedite test results and improve medical decision making in the best possible way..
Reiki is divine energy that always works for both the giver and receivers highest good. I think we give human limits to it by putting this kind of interpretation on it. One of the principles of Reiki is not to worry, maybe sending Reiki to these concerns by way of a mandala will provide clarity and direction for these concerns for you. 💕✨
Like most of those who have commented, I also disagree with what you’ve said, Avalokiteswari : when one is taught and holds to the principle that ‘reiki does the highest good for all’, it is contradictory to then say reiki will show up wrong/misleading test results etc.
That said, I was told by my reiki guru/master not to do reiki when a person is undergoing surgery for bones to be reset – or rather to word intention carefully, thus ensuring bones get the chance to set properly….tad confusing, I know. But he has healed many patients so I go by his guidance!
Vas, see my comment below about Reiki myths and misconceptions. (I am a Reiki Master teacher of 25 years and nurse of 40 years)
From my article “Reiki Myths and misconceptions” 2010 Reiki News Magazine and on my website
“…A common misconception is that one should not give Reiki to a broken bone before it is set. It is believed that Reiki will speed up the healing process and the bone will not set correctly. To dispel
this myth it is important to understand that there are many different types of fractures or breaks. They range from a simple “greenstick” fracture where there is a crack in only one side of the
bone to an open fracture where the bone breaks through the skin.
All bones have a natural healing mechanism built in. Depending on the nature of the break and the circumstances surrounding the event, a broken bone can be a physiological (vital processes of the body) as well as a psychological shock to the body. In reality, there is so much going on when a bone is broken that the body perceives it as a “threat,” and the stress response is initiated. The body has to adjust to all the signals it is getting from the injury and can at times even over respond.
Reiki heals on priority. Reiki calms the person and facilitates the body’s own natural ability to respond appropriately. Reiki can reduce pain and trauma, help decrease bleeding, spasm, and /or swelling, and put the person in the best condition for healing. By enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself, one can see how the healing process may be interpreted as “speeded up,” but in a timely and appropropriate manner.”
Thank you! Louder for the people in the back! 😆
I cannot get my head around ‘Reiki can do no harm’ & ‘Reiki always works for the greatest & highest good’ with comments like these, in this article. I’ve heard also that we should not do Reiki on broken bones before they are set by a doctor, which means we cannot help someone with their pain, which seems absurd. If Reiki is from the Highest Divine Intelligence & we are urged to trust it, then we must trust. The Higher Power knows what it is doing ….. need I say more?
Avalokiteshwari I have to disagree with what you wrote in this article. I am a Reiki Master Teacher of 25 years, a nurse for 40 years and 15 of those as a Diabetes Nurse Educator.
When a doctor makes a decision for treatment for a person with diabetes, they do not look at one blood sugar taken that day or at that moment. Many or most decisions are based on a 3 month blood sugar level test called the Hgb A1C
The hemoglobin A1c test tells you your average level of blood sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. It’s also called HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin test, or glycohemoglobin.
People who have diabetes need this test regularly to see if their levels are staying within range. It Diet and meds are based on that…..not one test of blood sugar
Also, there are various factors that contribute to a person’s blood sugar level in the moment…
I wrote about it in my article “Reiki Myths and Misconceptions” in Reiki News Magazine and on my website
Blood sugar levels are related to the balance between the amount of medication or insulin a person takes, the food they eat, and their activity at that time.
Reiki given during a scheduled blood test doesn’t necessarily lower the blood sugar that much….
and if it did, a decision would not be made on that one test.
As I said before, the other factors affect blood sugars more….food, medication and activity…
and a health care provider would not make an important decision based on one test in the moment…
Yes! As a fellow RN, RMT and CDE, I came here to relay the same message 💕
I must disagree with not giving Reiki during a medical test.
Reiki works for the highest good and can do no harm.
Could it lower blood pressure a few points? Perhaps.
Will it drastically drop the glucose test reading? No
Will it drastically drop the A1C test? No – that test measures levels over a 3 month period.
Would it make a fever go away and hide signs of infection? No
If gangrene has set in the only recourse is amputation. Gangrene sets in VERY rapidly. Once the spot appears and begins to have an odor you only have hours to get to a doctor. My grandfather lost half of his right leg to it … luckily, a good ultra-sound tech realized he had good blood flow half way down the calf so they were able to do a below the knee amputation instead of a whole leg amputation. We should have taken him in sooner instead of waiting another 4 hours like we did (it was christmas eve).
I have never seen any valid proof that Reiki has changed medical test results in the short term. Reiki over a long time period (weeks, months) can have great impact on health … five, ten, twenty, or even thirty minutes of Reiki before a test is not going to cause severe changes in numbers.
When you do reiki…
Just think that you are not a doer but just an instrument of divine will .
And if with this attitude you do reiki then it will bear desirable outcome but if you think that YES …. I can do this …. then Reiki may not have desirable effects .
So Humility & gratitude from the core of heart ensures positive results ….. from divine energy we call as REIKI
Recently I treated a client and discovered that her uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes were not in good working order. I asked my guides should I treat this area and was given a strong NO. As she had had a scan and was to see a doctor re the results, I decided to take my guides’ advice and not treat this area, but went ahead and treated her elsewhere. I really felt she would need a hysterectomy, but it was not up to me to say this. So if in doubt, ask your guides. Yes, I believe that Reiki can not do harm, but it is always good to be careful.
I also agree with most of the c Moments made here that Reiki healing will be for the highest GOOD of all and cannot imagine it interfering with any medical procedure…..altered blood sugars do not cause increased bleeding either. I’m an RN and need to educate to the fact that the inability for the blood to clot would be because of a poor functioning liver which produces vitamin K which is what clots our blood. I know the intentions of this article were good but there are, in my opinion, too many errors in the message itself