Greetings to everyone.
This is my 3rd article on Reiki Rays. We know that it is our soul’s choices that make our destiny or divine life path. Between reincarnations we choose and evaluate our next life, the challenges, lessons and gifts. That is to say we choose our parents, spouses and other members of our soul family. Soul families share a similar energy pattern, which is why they take birth with us repeatedly.
How nice it would be to communicate with the souls of our soul family members. Soul communication has the ability to create amazing changes in your life. It has many benefits such as it gives us the courage to know what is to come, to avoid certain people and circumstances and even to get closure from pain in our lives. One can communicate with their own soul, with the soul of a deceased loved one and even with souls who are alive. Soul Communication is known by other names, such as Séance, Spirit channeling and Mediumship. Most of these require if not skills but at least intention.
When it comes to intention, Reiki is the best way to enhance it. I believe in Reiki, the stronger your intention the better your manifestation powers. Let’s first see what benefits can be achieved in all the three kinds of Soul Communication.

Image by Flower’s.Lover
When you communicate with your own soul:
- You can get insights on your current life challenges and problems
- Your soul mission becomes clear
- You can prevent attracting bad karma
When you communicate with the soul of a deceased loved one:
- You can achieve clarity on why they have died
- You can get closure for the pain their death has caused you
- You can heal when you get to know your deceased loved one is ok
- Your loved one can tell you what your life has in store for you
When you communicate with any soul who are living:
- You can heal many relationship problems you’re currently having
- You know the right approach to a relationship
- What you’re not able say face to face can be expressed to the other’s person’s soul
- Most importantly, you can ask questions as to why is that person behaving in a certain way
Start by doing chakra clearing. Your chakras have to be wide and open for soul communication to happen. Connect with HSZSN to the soul you want to connect with. Keep your mind completely blank. Keep sending Reiki, till you feel the other soul has entered your energy space.
Now, ask what you need to ask or send them any message. Usually, people will either sense or see the soul. It doesn’t matter whether you see or sense the soul, have faith in what you experience and communicate. Note down, everything in a journal cause, this will enable you to communicate better next time! Give thanks to everyone in the process!
Article by Ananya Sen

Ananya Sen
Ananya Sen is a crystal healer gifted with claircognizant abilities. She lives in Bangalore, India, but she can offer distance crystal healing all around the world. Ananya also gives mantra diksha and offers free pendulum readings.
You can reach Ananya via her email address: [email protected].
Dear Ananya,
Thanks for your article.very informative.interesting.awaiting for more and more beautiful articles from you.
Dear Ananya,
Thank you for such a nice article. its very interesting and informative. awaiting more interesting articles from you.
In Love and Light
thanks for reading!!
You can mail me your photo….sometimes this can happen due to spirits or other negative energy…
my ph # 9845004215
Hai Ananya 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful article, I loved It !!
Thank You
Lets connect on facebook 🙂
plz join my healing club 🙂
Hi Ananya,
It’s lovely and inspiring article . I just wants to ask you recently going through bad timing with shop in short any hairdresser does not want ti work for me, they come in,work week or two and they make excuse and leave, before people work for me three to five years so can you tell me something is there or am I asking you silly question ?
mail me your photo…. I will check & tell u
Hi ,
I have been suffering from alopaecia and resulted in bald patches througout my head. I always have some or the other issues wih my health always.
Can the cause could be deducted , is it due to some bad karma
mail me your photo…. I will check & tell u
Hello Ananya,
Kindly give me your email id , want to send my photo
mail mentioned above
i am Reiki 3rd channel. I have problem with digestion. I tried many things but not able to get rid of. Can you help me out to solve this problem.
with light and peace,
Digestion issues are related to carrying emotional baggage. We tend to hold in our emotions and as a result, our digestion suffers. Try EFT therapy.
Send me your picture and DOB, I will get back to you with the root cause.
mail me your pic…i will check
Hi Ananyaji,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful article, hope to see more, thank you… thank you so much, sis.
Thank you 🙂
we can connect on facebook 🙂
Plz join my healing club 🙂
thank you for a beautiful and inspiring article!!
how does one clear one’s chakras? thank you for any info
Dear Rohini,
One can balance/clear the chakras, by giving reiki to each chakra 🙂
Thank you for this nice informative article. Is this not something like “Automatic Writing” in Hypnosis?
No it is not! I do automatic writing frequently and its not the same!
My son Abhishek aged 14 yrs is very choosy in eating habits. sometimes he does not eat at all. Due to this he is always sleepy. does not study rather not interested in studies. However he is interested in all pc related games apps etc. Request you to kindly heal him to study well and for this eating habits.
Thanking you. Ajitha
mail me the pic…i will check
Hello Ananya,
Kindly give me your email id , want to send my photo, joined ur healing club in facebook.
hi send me the pic,,will check
[email protected]
When we try soul communication can we use lengthy statements or short questions alone?
try using shorter questions initially to know you are hearing your soul correctly….do some deep breathing before soul comm as it will blank out your mind… start by saying how are you…am I keeping you comfortable etc?? is there anything u want me to know or do?
let me know how it went
Hello Ananya
I would love to send you my photo, but I am unable to see your email address to send it to. Would you be so kind to send me your email address. Thank you!! Denise
How do you clear your chakras? I am fairly new to Reiki.
Hello, Ananya!
I can see that You are súper busy, helping other people, and that means that you are so kind! I want you to help to learn how can start talking to my soul, I try but I can’t and feel that u really need to start with this communication. I hope you can help me! I feel stock so I need help! You can find me as angela dorado on face book.
Thank You ! Blessings full of light for you;)
Dear Ananya,
I know I will meet you one day!
Hello Ananya, In this article what is HSZSN an acronym for?
Thank you
Gloria Quraan
HSZSN stands for Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen… 🙂
Hi Ananya, thank you very much for very informative and interesting article. I have a question , I would appreciate if you can help me. My daughter was engaged about 6 years ago, and she broke the engagement since then she has seen some people for a short time and it did not go any further. I sent Reiki to the situation , but it hasn’t work. Would you help me how to sent Reiki to her or what the problem is? Thank you very much. Roya
Hi, there could be past life issue that is not letting her go further or it could even be troubled childhood. To find out what the problem is you can mail me on [email protected]
however, try sending healing to her past lives with the intention that whatever is not letting her move forward with a man should get transmuted. You can try my article on simple karma clearing as a technique to transmute karmic and past life influences.
Thank you for all your articles.. Never have i seen such interesting articles about Reiki practice and experiences….
I just have a question that when you say connect with HSZSN(everywhere, like when connecting to soul, connecting with the universe etc) what should be our hand position?
Thanks again 🙂
Hi Ananya,
My brother is facing peoblems in business. Whatever he does, he always suffers losses. He never gets good opportunities or will miss them despite of all his efforts. He has a few properties but tenants have occupied it. At home, there are age old things kept from generations but he is not able to get rid of them. If he buys new things, they will either go out of order or lost. He is sort of stuck in life. Can it be due to ancestral effect? If so, can reki help him getting out of this?
Ananya… Wanted to get in touch with you… Can you please share your email address
My mom left us few days ago . I was wondering if I can communicate with my Mom .. Your article is of great help to me .. if u can guide me more on this I can connect with my MA. I hv done Reiki 1st & 2nd degree.. Thnk u .. love & light .. Anindita