Article by Deb Karpek
You’ve got to start somewhere, so let’s begin with baby steps. Short and succinct these Illuminations can help you to create and sustain a successful Reiki practice. From the emotional and mental to the nuts and bolts of starting a practice it’s all here.
Apply these Illuminations to all aspects of your life and practice and watch as things begin to shift.
1. Leave your Friends and Family Alone
They are on their own path. Leave them alone. Don’t expect them to be your clients or to support you. Respect their path as you wish them to respect yours. Lead by example. They may follow. Or not. Lose your expectations.
2. Find Your Tribe
Align yourself with like-minded people. Go to classes, Reiki shares, and business functions. Get out there and connect! In your free time find friends who share your energy and enthusiasm for life. Feed each other! Let go of those people and things that do not serve you or your highest good.
3. Examine Your Money Beliefs
Do you have money issues? What are your triggers in this area? Are you afraid to charge people for Reiki? Do you want to charge more because you need the money? Don’t base your business decisions and choices on money. Stay with your vision and the money will come if you are doing what you love. Find the balance between heart and head.
4. Get Good Training
Spend the money and take the time to get good training. Do your homework and use discernment when choosing your teachers. Go through your levels more than once and work with different teachers. Everyone teaches so differently, its good to get more than one perspective. This will help you as a teacher.
5. Market Yourself
Leave a paper trail. Business cards, brochures, rack cards, flyers, postcards, newsletters! Infiltrate your community! Set up a website, and become a presence on social media. Advertise in local magazines. Put flyers up in your neighborhood. Use whatever you can to promote yourself and your business, both online and face-to-face. Carry these items with you or in your car so they are readily available to hand out.
6. Clients Are Mirrors
Clients are highly polished mirrors of us. Always ask yourself “What is the lesson?” What is this client mirroring back to you? This is a healing opportunity. See it as one. Try not to judge or blame, but look deep inside and ask, “What do I have to learn?”

Image by Chung Ho Leung
7. Meet Them Where They Are
Everyone that comes to you is coming from a different place. Don’t assume they know why they are there or that they know anything about Reiki. Be kind and compassionate, as they are vulnerable and trust you. Earn that trust. Be gentle, on the table and in your classes. Seek out where they are so you can teach them in a way they understand.
8. There Is No Competition
There is no competition in Reiki. Don’t worry about this! Those with your vibration will find you. Trust that. Everyone has his or her own unique gifts to offer. Find yours and allow for the flow. Your clients and students will find you. Support your fellow Reiki practitioners; make them your allies. Come from a place of love and trust, not fear and jealousy.
9. It’s Okay Not to Know
If you do not know the answer to a question it is perfectly ok to say, “I don’t know”. We don’t know everything, even though, as teachers, we would like to. Get your ego out of the way. Discover the answer with your students. Consider it another opportunity to learn and heal. Your students will respect you and your honesty. Energy doesn’t lie and neither should you!
10. Teach Your Students to Help Themselves
Help your students help themselves. Don’t give them all of the answers, even if you know them. Keep your ego in check! Lob their questions back to them, so they can examine how they feel about something and come to the answer on their own. Help them but don’t do their work for them. Empower them!
It is my wish that these Illuminations help you to get started in your Reiki business. These are the things that worked for me. Use them as a template, lay your foundation and discover what works for you. Have fun, use your Reiki and good luck creating your thriving Reiki practice.
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Deb Karpek
Deb is a Reiki Master Teacher and the owner of Peaceful World Reiki located near Sedona, Arizona. She's been studying Reiki since 2001, practicing since 2003 and began teaching Reiki in 2006. She is an Usui and Karuna Holy Fire II Reiki Master/Teacher, receiving her Reiki Certifications from the International Center for Reiki Training. Deb received her Master of Spiritual Psychology from the School of Integrated Psychology in Glendale, Wisconsin. She is certified as a Level I breathwork practitioner, is a Reiki Crystal healer, Reiki drum practitioner and performs Reiki and sound healing with tuning forks. Deb is one of our featured guests on our Reiki Rays - Reiki Age of Light video which can be found on YouTube. Deb is also the author of a book about the nuts and bolts of starting a Reiki practice, including the emotional highs and lows that go along with that. Her book is called “The Reluctant Reiki Master’s Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Sustaining a Thriving Reiki Practice” and can be found on Amazon.
Having experienced profound life changes as a result of Reiki, Deb continues to study and practice the various modalities of energy medicine. She devotes her life to walking the Reiki path and helping others discover the benefits of Reiki. Deb can be reached on Facebook at
Excellent advise and great article, Deb! Thanks for sharing!
Great advice just what I needed to hear right now been struggling for a while with this thinking I wouldn’t be good enough been getting a lot of nudges from my guides and angels this is another one so thank you many blessings to you ????????????????