Article by Pinky Punjabi
Many Reiki masters and practitioners are aware of the four symbols of the traditional Usui Reiki which are Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and Master Symbol but off late there are two new symbols which have been introduced in the traditional system which a few teachers teach along with Level 2 and many of them include these two beautiful symbols in Level 3a whereas few bring these under level 4 which is the grand master training.
These symbols have their own lovely energies and amazing powers to open our gates to inner peace and happiness.
I have used these symbols individually and also as a combined sandwich which has worked wonders for many of my clients.
Shika So
This symbol is best for balancing our Throat chakra and also heals people with communication issues. Those who are suffering from thyroid have seen lots of improvements after using this symbol. In fact I have helped many clients who find it difficult to talk in seminars or attend interviews and also for some who have had hypothyroid. This symbol is good if used individually or also as a combo with other symbols. One of the best way to use this symbol as a combo for those who have thyroid related problems is as follows:
- First I connect with my client through HSZSN and then I cleanse their chakras and concentrate more time on the throat related area which is most affected for thyroid.
- Then I use motor Zanon (usually I follow my intuition and change the symbols from person to person). Motor Zanon I feel here is apt because this symbol brings out the disease from the body so I give this symbol around the Throat chakra and combine Sei He Ki too so that the client does not feel strong energies.
- Last I give the Shika So to the Throat chakra alone along with the sides and back of the Throat chakra for complete healing of thyroid and seal the energies with Cho Ku Rei.
The above method has been tried and tested method by me for helping thyroid affected clients and they have seen good improvement in their thyroid levels with regular healing in this method.
Shika Sei Ki
This symbol is best used for heart related diseases or also for people undergoing emotional stress in life. One of the most amazing symbols for anger related issues. This symbol eliminates negative energies from the heart giving way to unconditional love. I will share on of my best client experiences here along with the way I combined this with my other symbols and made her come out of the emotional trauma. I had a young girl who came to me as her dad and brother had passed away in an accident on the same day and she didn’t have a mother, she used to get up at nights with fear of loneliness and used to cry for hours. When she came to me I analyzed her situation and started giving her Reiki of combo of symbols as follows:
- First I would connect with her using HSZSN and then cleanse her aura using the emotional Butterfly combined with Taoist grace which will remove the negative thinking and will assist in healing her emotionally.
- Second I will concentrate on her Heart chakra and give her the Shika Sei Ki along with Sei He Ki which will sooth her emotions and remove the negative energies from her heart.
- Last I used to give her the Shanti symbol as I felt she needs to heal the trauma what has happened along with the fears built inside her which have to be released too. Before closing the Reiki session I used to give CKR and SHK to all her chakras.
With this continuous Reiki treatment of 21 days she used to cry out after every session and feel something going away from her. After 21 days she started going back to her work and today she is happily settled in life and going to get married very soon with her soul partner.
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Pinky Punjabi is a Reiki Usui Grand Master. She practices also Karmic Reiki, Money Reiki, Imaara Reiki, Amadeus healing, Celtic Reiki, Magic Reiki, Soulmate Reiki, Violet Flame Reiki, Lavender flame Reiki, Crystal Healing, Dowsing, Tarot Card, Angel Card, Angel Healing, Iching, Runes, Shamanic Reiki, and many more forms of Reiki. She conducts workshops thru skype, whatsapp and in various cities for various Reiki modalities and Color Therapy, Candle Magick and Tarot Reading.
Pinky can be reached via her email address and on Facebook at
Wow.. Really nice article.. Loved the symbols.. Would like to be attuned.. thnxs
sure dear anytime
How to use..?
I m mentally quite upset due to disturbed life of two daughters.I have done master levelof reiki but not abke to practice due to the disturbance n guide
pls mail me for any help madan
do you need to be attuned to these symbols? I’m 2
nd level
I need to heal my daughter. Please give me more details
Would love to know the correct way to draw the symbols.. (What bit goes first then second etc ) thanks
It does not matter. Symbols are training wheels.. Unneeded to do Reiki.. A.false teaching.
The is a misspelling : Chi Ka So.
Shi Ka Sei Ki is supposed to be taught at level 2. Chi Ka So at level 4.
They are not that new, I teach them since 20 years.
Thanks for refinement info to background history of the signs. Are you aware from your historic teaching of a correct way that you draw them and also is there a special sound or reading mentally or verbally for these two signs.
That’s nice . Plz share more about your experience.
thank you very usfull
I am a master/teacher of Usui and have not seen these before. Can you please draw them using 1-2-3,etc what goes first, second and third, etc. I live in USA. do you need attunement, and can you do it remotely?
Greetings Pinky!! I would love to be Attuned to these two symbols. How can I do that? I’m already a Usui Reiki Master. Great article! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Let’s face it. Those extra symbols are just made up for people who sell Reiki for $$$$$. This is just as big a rip off as Karuna Reiki.
How do you know this ?
Do you have a reliable source ?
God is her source. Thank you for sharing your blessings with us
Sorry, it was a question fort Karl. Karlowski
Very true,
Totally agree Carl.. Levels 3a and Level 4.. Grandmaster.. Rubbish.. Money.. Money.. Money
Why are we continuing to believe we are channel new symbols.. The originals were just made to help practitioners focus and hopefully connect to the energies.. This is a limiting belief.. And non of the symbols old or new have any power nor are they keys to anything.. It is time to stop this practice of creating false idols and promoting them as real.. Stand up and become.
I am glad that I am not the only one feels so.
What concerns me is that in using so many symbols we are relying upon our own egoic, rational analysis of what is needed rather than relying on the much vaster and more intelligent Mind that creates and sends Reiki to make these decisions. That Universal Mind already knows exactly what is needed and tailors the Reiki to each person and their disorder at that point in space-time. The correct translation of the word Reiki, according to Hyakuten Inamoto, is “Miraculous, mysterious life-force energy of the Universe.” I find this a good description, because the energy is miraculously tailored to fit exactly what is needed – the right intensity, the right frequency, the right amount, everything about it is just right for that person or animal at that time, with complete consideration of all aspects of their being. The story is told of a woman treating her father for his diabetes: for two weeks she got no result and could not understand why until he commented that his hearing was returning – he had been deaf. I think the Universal Mind understood that the most important part of his recovery was to first return his hearing, perhaps to engage him in life more and make him want to live. Without a deep will to live, no disease can fully clear. Our limited perception cannot assess these situations, the entirety of a person at Soul level. Great Mind can. I think we make a mistake by taking so much into our own hands when God/Universal Mind can see so much more, understand so much more, and adjust everything to come out perfectly from the higher perspective. I also consider every other unnecessary complication of Reiki to fall into the same category, We are like well-intentioned toddlers messing up the broth in the kitchen by adding chocolate – to us it seems like a good idea. Mom has a better recipe. We will be of more help if we simply serve it up and trust Mom’s cooking. Be the empty vessel, the straw through which that perfectly tailored energy can flow. Usui Sensei spoke about how he admired the simplicity of Reiki; he did not want it complicated, but Americans in particular always keep tweaking things thinking we are making them better by making them more complicated. I am not opposed to calling upon Archangels or Reiki Guides to assist, if they are in alignment with Divine Will and in service to Light; then delivery can be faster. But my rational mind has no business trying to override the wisdom of Reiki itself, and all these symbols and additions to Reiki seem likely to be interfering with the best and highest good which can be accomplished. I always ask to serve the “best and highest good” as well as “the best and highest healing good” of a client. Then try to get out of the way.
I agree, Falcon. I obtained my Reiki Master Certificate about 3 years ago. I started to realize that my most powerful level was level one but I was stuck in that mindset that the symbols made the sessions more powerful. There are some days when I will use them if I feel the need for comfort or the support of the training wheels as someone else called them.
I also stopped calling myself a healer, which to me is a misnomer. I cannot heal anyone who does not want to be healed nor can I heal something from another if it serves their highest purpose. What if the “issue” with your throat is a lesson for you to learn, yet I try to heal it because to me it appears to be imbalanced? This could cause both of us harm.
I have started simply saying that I channel Source energy. I then release control by allowing it to go where it is needed, not by where I believe it should go. Since doing this, I have actually stopped taking on other people’s junk.
My comment is not intended as disrespect to the person who wrote the article. We all bring purpose to the 3rd dimension, so there is no saying that there is a right or wrong way. It depends on you and your life purpose.
I feel exactly as you, Falcon Britt & Jynderyl. No criticism of the article & it’s author but my view of Reiki is that I am immeasurably honoured & fortunate to have become a Practitioner & that all I am is a vessel for the Divine Mind to gift me & others with healing energy. I don’t question, I change nothing, I have tried to follow the path as I feel guided & become Reiki & a huge part of that is learning to be humble. We humans do want to tinker, don’t we?
Though money is very significant part of life but can anyone make more than what’s destined to be .
I get surprised when people claim reiki with financial abundance forgetting the true purpose & aim of reiki the purest form of energy from the source
Falcon Britt,
Very well said! I love the analogy. I have just started to research Reiki, because I want to get better at energy healing. I can feel what is happening with people’s health and bodies. I can even tell remotely. I feel the same. Some things help me to focus, and others are just a distraction. I find that concentrating on God’s divine light entering the top of my head to my heart, hands, and the person that needs help. I love the way my 13 yr old Son puts it. He said ” It comes from my heart, I pull the bad out one arm to the other while love goes in.” From the mouths of babes! How more simple can he put it!
Thanks for in-depth details . Though me too believe in the basic symbols of usui reiki … the ENERGY flows where your intentions go
Like with all things, if there is belief, there is power! For those who believe the old or the new symbols have the power to assist in the rebalancing and healing of either the self or a patient, then the power will be present and healing can take place.
My father is an atheist, and his pholosophy is – if what you do helps people in some way then it can Only be good.
Instead of arguing and debating, would it not be of better service to the light, if we took strength, power and assistance from anywhere it is offered including any symbols and use it/them for the greater good of all concerned. If a condition is as part of a lesson, as was suggested, then healing would not be permitted and so we should not concern ourselves with that.
So reach out to each other in truth, love and light and let us not devide such a wonderful gift to our world. Let us not divide Reiki. We are all brothers and sisters, who share the same goal. There are many different paths , do not judge another’s.
Namaste x
Japanese master Hiroshi Doi said: don’t go for the new symbols but work on yourself so to transcend this old ones! Symbols are only tools, just like auxiliary wheels on bicycle. Grow with Reiki and you would not need them anymore.
I agree whole heartedly ??❤️✨✨✨
In respect to all, i think symbols come tot those who need them at that time to bring focus on a issue at hand. Like a reminder.
Sharing is nice and some may benefit from it from those symbols if they are attracted tot them.
Ik don’t think they are for everyone.
Since I am a reiki master,can I attune myself these symbols? Or we can simply use these symbols?
If I call name of the masters energy comes and chant the names of the symbols energy flows to the intentions.
The symbols of different type of Reiki can we ourselves get attuned or meditate and visualizing the symbols gets energised ?
when I asked for karuna reiki master level the charge is Rs 40000/- in Bangalore.and except attunement they will be giving us ICRT manual and (attunements also in mass nos and one training is not given).
though I am a Usui Reiki master level IV,the attunement for Karuna Reiki is starts from level I to master level.
I am interested in getting attunements . If any self attunement process is there please guide me.
OR anyone is conducting training(one to one OR distant) for nominal price provide us the details in Bangalore.
I came to know about the book about reiki self attunements in
I regularly follow your articles, they are wonderful and very useful.
Thanks for sharing.
Veena Ji I m a senior reiki master teacher,attuned with usai reiki nd other many reiki modalities.would like to help u regarding ur consent in ur post.i spread reiki awareness through Indian Doordarshan channel to many countries,You can connect with me +91 9878995575.India.
There are so many people that “make new symbols” and much of this is ego of wanting to “out do Master Usui” or to sell. Its like me saying okay I’ve made an new symbols that looks like a circle with two dots call it a new Reiki symbol and tell people I can attune you to them for $50. Most dont even know how to use and work with Reiki probably as Master Usui wanted you would be better off meeting a good Reiki Master and learn the basics.
there are some very basic issues here …. i.e., one of the important approaches to any Reiki symbol is in what direction, and what order, the outlines are made. I was attuned by a Reiki Master, but who attuned Mr Usui ?
My only concern with this article is that the symbols do not show arrows pointing the direction in which the symbols should be drawn.
That is awesome. The Reiki is obvious in you, showing your dedication toward your clients. Thanks so much for sharing. I love this website, it rocks… Blessings.
Thank you Pinky for sharing your knowledge
can I try this for my son’s thyroid problem
Fantastic, i learned more about reiki symboles. I am 2nd level i want to learn more about reiki. Can u help me please. to day luckly i got your article in Reiki Rays I am so happy I cant explain Thank u very much
Osiyo and Namaste family,
May the words spoken be received in the love and light they are sent.❤️❤️✨✨✨
Look to the 5 principles.
I will honor all living things: Sister Punjabi I respect the beautiful spirit that you are.
Gratitude: Thank you for the work you do.
Do my work honestly: (With this I look with in and allow Reiki to fill my heart and guide me.) with that said I ask from love in seeking guidance. How did you achieve Grand Master status? Is this within one of your other forms of Reiki, or has Grand Master Phyllis Furumoto (Takata Sensei’s granddaughter) and Paul David Mitchell(who shares the office of Usui Ryoho Reiki Grand Master with GM Furumoto) chosen another Grand Master?
I may have been mistaken in to which style you were Grand Master of.
No Anger and No worry: my heart is full of Reiki so there is no room for anger and as Reiki as my guide there is no need to worry about anything.
This being stated I love your article and the symbols.
Blessings of love and light to all
Rick Huffman
In what direction do I draw each one of these Ricky symbols? I was told they have to be drawn in a certain order.
Helpful article. Thanks
como se dibujan estos símbolos? How are these symbols drawn?
Where did these symbols come from, when, and by who?
Is there a diagram to show how to properly draw them?
As far as I understand Reiki, I am a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, there are no more Grand Masters since Mrs. Hawayo Takata. In my classes to become a Master Teacher, we were taught many non-traditional symbols which were brought forward by other Master Teachers, so I believe that is what we are seeing here. Non-traditional symbols, not new Usui Reiki symbols. Thank you for sharing.
Well, nice responses from readers, with concerns regarding how to draw the symbols and in what order and how are the statements actually pronounced to get as near the original sound bite for them. How does this happen? is the writer invited to produce a supplement to their piece which normally would or should have been included, if required, for completeness.
What part of people’s ego makes them keep designing new made-up symbols to be used just to get somebody to attune to them and give them more money? Originally Reiki had no symbols. The symbols were added to be like training wheels that are supposed to be used until longer needed! When you keep adding symbols you’re just adding more training wheels and not actually learning to use Reiki on its own and to just be Reiki. Also, people need to study with symbols truly are throughout the world they have no energy or power outside what you give them. All these new one extra symbols people just make up have no real purpose besides to feed one’s own ego Needs & Wants.
Dear Reiki Masters, one simple question to you all.
I would love to know where these symbols originated from? This is the first time I have come across these symbols, and I have been a reiki practitioner/master for many years.
Thank you.