Of all chakras a healer should pay attention to, the heart chakra is probably at the top of the list. How can you tell if you have a balanced heart chakra? Just take note of how you feel and act in a certain situation, and read the signs.
The balanced state
With a balanced heart chakra, you feel loved and are capable of loving without compromising yourself. You’re interested in your well-being, as well as the well-being of those around you. You’re empathetic and see the good in others. People pick up your good vibe, and when you show up, they smile.
Overactive heart chakra
It can happen that your heart chakra has too much energy. Jealousy, a feeling of entitlement, being judgmental and putting the blame on others are signs of over-activity in this chakra. Also, giving too much of yourself, to the point where you have nothing left and are feeling lost.
Weak heart chakra
Feeling unloved is the theme with too little energy in the heart chakra. If you feel self pity, fear of rejection, fear of change, fear of letting go – these are signs of a weak heart chakra. As are neediness, clinginess, uncertainty, constant need to be told that you are worthy.
To find out how to bring balance back, see this article.
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heart chakra