If you make a resolution to get fit and start going to the gym, but only get there once in a blue moon, what do you think will happen? Chances are, nothing :).
Just the same, as every practitioner knows (or will soon find out 🙂 ), it’s generally not enough to just dabble in Reiki every once in a while and expect to have the lifelong health benefits it can bring about. A healing session will surely bring short term relief, but generally, more than just a session is required.

Image by jojoscope
Mostly, this is because we have a lifetime of baggage and clutter on all levels that needs to be cleared away from deep spiritual, emotional, and mental level. This clutter is usually the cause of physical problems, and until the clutter is cleared, the body cannot feel good. Reiki works on clearing this baggage, little by little every session, starting with the biggest issues, and moving on and on until everything is cleared.
And when everything is cleared, the body is so light and lit 🙂 that you can almost see it shining. And flying.
But persistence is key. With Reiki, as with everything worthwhile in life. And as with life, Reiki is a journey of growth and discovery. A journey, not a destination.
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