Energetic glitches are common as soon as you step out of your home. However, sitting at home throughout your life is not the solution. You have to stay equipped with resources or techniques that are useful in these situations. Have you ever landed in a situation where you needed immediate protection? By the end of this article, you will have 2 quick fixes that work perfectly for protection under such circumstances.
Why do I Need a quick fix? I perform a protection ritual every morning.
As a Reiki practitioner, you might think about the need for a protection technique in a short span. The Reiki practitioners or lightworkers are habitual in protecting themselves yet several of them come across some restless situations. The short and quick methods are helpful for speedy assistance.
There is no need to go into self-doubt about your practice. I have been through such situations several times (it’s coming from someone who has been practising Reiki for 9 years). I used to feel that undesired energies were attacking me and had to look for secret spots where I could do a quick protection ritual. Sometimes, this was not even possible. Therefore, I had to come up with some formula that could work on the spot.
Your experience is not the exact criterion to judge whether or not you can sense such unwanted energies around you. When you are sensitive, such sensations are common to show up. However, you can gain command over them with time. It takes consistent focus and practice. So, instead of starting by judging yourself for being weak or doubting your abilities, just trust your instinct and cover yourself up in the divine light of Mother Reiki.
What are the specific sensations telling me that I need immediate protection?
Every individual is different and so are their sensations. Not necessarily, your way of discernment would be similar to mine. Some practitioners are clairaudient while others could be clairsentient. Some might have stronger visuals (clairvoyant) while others would just know what’s happening (claircognizant).
Nevertheless, some signs are pretty obvious that could help you identify whether some undesired energies or entities are taking over you. Moreover, don’t forget that such sensations suggest that something might be wrong that needs to be addressed. Do remember that energy is impartial and you have the skills to use it positively in your favor.
Hereunder are those sensations that commonly indicate that you are experiencing something unusual.
- Something that clutches your stomach and you feel inexplicable discomfort.
- Sudden flashes of anger though you were happy and jovial just a few moments back.
- You start weeping without anything happening in particular.
- A perfectly healthy body part begins to experience pain.
- An involuntary nudge of landing into a feud with self or others.

These signs might be common occurrences for some while some of you would find them different. They suggest that you should do a small protection ritual immediately without getting any specific attention. The methods being shared here are meant for such instances when you have no personal space to perform an elaborate ritual. Just focus on your innerself and start following the tips mentioned right here, in this article.
1. Visualizing a Reiki Wall Around You
The easiest way is to draw a wall of energy or white light. You can use Reiki symbols as visualising them takes less time. While you are sitting or standing, you have to draw a CKR and imagine it multiplying on all sides. For example, think of yourself talking to a person that is making you feel drained or you experience one of the peculiar sensations.
Here is how you going to apply this quick fix-
- Start drawing a CKR mentally between you and them.
- Listen to them passively while drawing the symbols all around and see them covering you in white light. Imagine this light becoming so strong that you see yourself, only, and the other person is completely wiped off.
- Silently infuse the intention, ‘Mother Reiki, please protect me from all directions.’ Allow it to work!
2. Pink Light of Love and Protection Emerging from Your Heart
Love is the most powerful energy among all and it is splendid in protecting you from shallow entities.
Here is how you do it-
- Just stand or sit where you are and draw a SHK and CKR on your heart mentally.
- Visualize pink colour in these symbols.
- Now imagine pink light expanding from your heart and engulfing you from all sides.
- Visualize this light getting stronger and emitting vibrations that are echoing around you removing anything and everything undesired.
What to do afterwards?
Always give yourself the time to feel the shift in your energy and vibrations. Reiki starts working instantly. However, your consciousness might take some time to realize the same or feel the alteration in the atmosphere. Therefore, do not forget to give yourself some time to experience the energy shift.
On the Final Note
The centre of faith is within you. Therefore, believe in yourself! Once you are attuned to the divine powers, you are always protected. But, when you feel a lack of connection, just re-invoke Reiki and step into your divine power once again. Always remember, that your auric field represents who you are inside. Therefore, maintain the balance of a healthy body and mind to have a stronger aura that repels negative energies and entities faster.
Article by Aarti Seraphim
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Aarti Seraphim is a Certified Usui Reiki Master, Angels Therapist, and Tarot Card Reader. She has completed her Masters in English Literature from IGNOU Noida, India. Aarti is trained in Indian Classical Vocal Music and French Language. She works as a freelance writer. She idealizes love and peace as the sole purpose of the creator. She is inspired to enlighten the world about healing modalities and self-love. Her aspiration to restore love and peace in the world motivates her to use the blessings of lightwork for helping out those in need. You can reach her at [email protected] or www.facebook.com/AartiSeraphim777.
Thank you for sharing these protective reiki practices. These are especially helpful to remember when on the go and feeling strange energies and emotions as if they are arising out of nowhere. I love the pink light of love and protection emerging from the heart. This feels especially resonant.
Thank you so much for your feedback. I would be coming up with more helpful practices for you.