1. While waiting in a line, at the bank, supermarket, anywhere.
2. Before falling asleep.
3. Before meetings at work.
4. While your computer is starting up.
5. In the elevator (and while waiting for it).

Image by © Ahmed Amir
6. On the train, bus, metro (and while waiting).
7. During TV commercials.
I was told that we need to remove any diamond ornaments or jewellery before performing reiki. My wedding ring contains a diamond and its not possible to remove n wear it time and again. Please advise what can be done?
Not true., Only meant with metals. You can wear gold or silver. You can wear diamonds or any other stone.
Dear Sonal: Just a note here. I have a blue sapphire, diamond and gold bracelet; diamond stud earrings and a diamond and gold ring that I was allowed to wear while being attuned to Reiki I, II, and III; that was almost ten years ago (I only remove them to clean them). Many blessings to you on your path. Namaste`.
I don’t believe you have to. Diamonds are one of the best crystals for healing (similar to white quartz), the reason the back is open, is not simply for light to make it shine, but for the energy to be accepted by your body. So giving yourself or receiving Reiki when wearing can only enhance that. I use Reiki to cleanse and rejuvinate crystals between different people using or a while on the side unloved.
Love and light ZoZo
A diamond is simply a rock from the ground, most likely from Africa. Since it is a natural stone there is no reason for you to have to remove it during Reiki self care.
Thanks Dannetta.
Agree! Different Reiki masters have different opinions on this topic. We believe Reiki is not hindered by jewelry, or any physical object for that matter. See this post here: http://reikirays.com/1593/reiki-goes-through-walls/
I’d try both with and without it and see if you or your clients notice any difference.
Thanks ! I tried both ways and yes it did work the same.
What i wanted to know is that while waiting in queue in the supermarket or while the computer is starting up, giving Reiki to yourself is fine but how? I mean isn’t it that we say our attitude of gratitude, our thank yous!
It sounds like quick Reiki, please do let me know how do we do this in that short span of time.
Am a new Reiki 2 channel, every bit of information is awesome for me.
Normally any mattle is said to be avoided at the time of attunements.some say gold and silver is ok.But I personally feel that all mattles must be removed as I experienced during my attunements to my students. Even the leather belt is a no no. I don’t know about other masters.
Can I apply reiki on someone wearing metallic braces?