Heidi Ronquillo is a spiritual healer focusing on Reiki and crystal healing in Miami, Fl. She has always been told she has one foot in the physical realm and the other in the spiritual realm. Heidi has been a spiritual person all her life seeing & sensing departed loves ones and angels since she was a child. Her main goal in life is to make a difference in the world and the lives of others. She wants to help those on their spiritual path and bring healing light and love to others. Heidi is a Registered Healer, INHA, Reiki Master, and a 200 hour Certified Yoga Instructor. For more information on Reiki, Yoga and Heidi, call 305-301-9615, email purplelotushealing@yahoo.com, or visit www.purplelotusspiritualhealing.weebly.com.
Articles written by Heidi
- Healing our Ancestors through Reiki
- Reiki and Candle Magic
- Reiki as an Aid in Mental Health
- Reiki and Crystal Grids for Manifestation for the New Year!
- Reiki and Psychic Development
- Sending Reiki Healing to Our Community and Planet
- Reiki, Crystal Healing and Sacred Geometry
- Reiki and Mantras to Heal our Chakras
- Reiki Healing with Peace Mantras
- The Healing Power of Mantra Affirmations and Reiki
- Meditation to Balance the Chakras
- Reiki, as Part of a Child’s Bedtime Routine
- Aromatherapy in Reiki Healing
- The Five Principles We Can All Live By