Article by Magalí Giménez
October 19th was my mother’s birthday and on the 20th we celebrated Mother’s Day in my country. She was my first energy teacher, without knowing it, her or me. Although she is now cosmic energy, she continues teaching me throughout dimensions and time.
In a way to honor her existence, I want to share with you the Meditation of the womb. I did this meditation guided by Silvia, my Reiki Teacher (another beautiful maternal figure to honor) in the attunement of the third level of Usui Reiki and I experienced a wonderful reunion with my mother’s energy.
I hope you can enjoy and rejoice with this maternal womb meditation
- In a moment of tranquility, sit or lie down in a comfortable and quiet place. You can put music and fragrances.
- Make 3 deep breaths becoming aware of your entire body. Imagine yourself wrapped in a large sphere of energy that contains you.
- Within this sphere, you can feel safe, protected, at peace and happy. You can summon the angels, guides or teachers to assist you during this meditation at this moment if you wish.
- Place your hands in the gassho position and imagine yourself in your mother’s womb.
- Take a deep breath and pay attention to how you feel. Do you feel relaxed? Do you feel happy? Do you feel content? How do you feel?
- Keep your positive feelings as you continue to breathe.
- Imagine yourself in the future. Think a long period of time, 5, 10, 15 years from now. Take a deep breath and imagine how you would like to see yourself at that moment.
- Take a deep breath and visualize a positive image of yourself, a healthy, happy person with a passion for life. Imagine you healthy, happy, full, your ideal image.
- Now connect the image of that ideal with your mother’s womb feeling. Connect that person of the future with the one you were in your mother’s womb.
- We hold that image by breathing deeply. Send Reiki to the person that you want to be in the future in contact with the baby in the womb. Use the HSZSN symbol and name it 3 times, SHK name it 3 times, CKR and name it 3 times.
- Take a few minutes for the energy to flow and reach both images peacefully while breathing deeply.
- Reiki will heal good and bad experiences in the past and the future.
- Now take a few minutes to send Reiki to your present state. We connect with him and achieve healing in all aspects necessary to achieve our ideal future.
- We appreciate being able to be on the path of Reiki.
- We take a deep breath and connect with our breathing and our body.
- Before concluding we thank our angels, guides or teachers for assisting us in this wonderful experience.
This work can be done with each year of one’s life. I hope you have a beautiful experience.
Infinite love
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Magalí Giménez
I am Magalí, I am a Molecular Biologist, I have a PhD in Biological Sciences, I specialize in plant genetics and epigenetics.
I am a Master in Usui Reiki and level two Karuna Reiki®. I am a reader and healer of Akashic Registers.
You can visit my meditation channel in Spanish @ElMayorBien, and you can contact me at [email protected]
Thank you for sharing! For those who weren’t graced with a kind and loving mother… Replace her image with the Divine Mother of All… Then proceed with what is suggested and/or whatever else that inspires you… “Those who were born of love, view life differently from those who were born of survival.”\ Everyone, no matter the parents that brought you to this physical plane, was brought into existence with the spark of Divine and Infinite Love… “Be the love you wish to see in the world”… You are That… Namaste…
Thank you so much for you wonderful comment.
Thank you for sharing!
I would love the meditations on here to be on audio I get distracted wen I have to keep looking at the text to see what is next it would be nice just to back and connect – there is some lovely meditations posted