Article by Taryn Walker
A Reiki box can be used as a wonderful way to energize something. The idea is to create a space that can receive all your Reiki requests and to supercharge it with Reiki to amplify it’s potential. What is put into a Reiki box and how it is used differs slightly according to the uniqueness of the practitioner. Here are some ideas:
How to make a Reiki box
1. Find a suitable box. The size will depend on what you intend to put in the box.
2. Personalize your box by decorating it and making it beautiful. You could get really creative here. You might like to paint, draw or add stickers, glitter, images from magazines. Have fun with it!
3. Line your box with something soft and beautiful. A piece of scented satin cloth would be nice.
What to put in your Reiki box
1. Distant Reiki requests, either written on a piece of paper or photographs of the receivers.
2. Personal healing of past events. Write down what you wish to be healed. This could be a memory from childhood, a painful relationship, a lost friendship, any trauma.
3. Personal healing of future events such as a job interview, performance, challenging situation, a vacation. Remember that Reiki cannot change or determine the future but it accompanies our positive intentions for our highest good. When we offer Reiki to a future situation we are asking that situation to be receptive to the benefits of Reiki.
4. Send a positive message to any part of yourself that needs it e.g the part of you that has been so strong to help you deal with a trauma, the part of you that is exhausted, the part of you that feels anxious or afraid.
5. Crystals that you wish to clear and energize for healing or meditation.
6. Personal trinkets, jewelry and talismans that you’d like charged.
7. Drawings of any Reiki symbols you’d like to assist your requests.
How to send Reiki to your Reiki box
1. Place your hands on the box and connect with Reiki in the way you usually do. Reiki flows by Grace so nothing needs to be done here except to get out of the way and allow the energizing to happen naturally. In addition to Reiki you may choose to create an intention or affirmation to state during the charging of the box.
2. Another way to charge your Reiki box is by distance using the same technique you’ve learnt for distant or remote healing. You can charge the box from wherever you are. This is perfect for traveling when you can’t take your Reiki box with you.
3. You can also create a virtual box for yourself on your phone or computer device. This is especially useful if you travel a lot or just don’t want to make a box.
You may choose to put one thing in at a time but it’s okay to put as much as you want into your Reiki box. It will depend on the personal affirmations or intentions that you’d like to accompany the Reiki. It could get confusing for your subconscious mind to process too many changes at once in which case one request at a time is more suitable. Charge your Reiki box as often as possible to keep it energized.
When you decide to remove and replace your Reiki requests either tear up the pieces of paper or burn them, releasing them for good. You can then burn some sage or palo santo as a ritual of clearing and welcoming the new requests that are finding their way to your magical Reiki box.
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Taryn Walker is a traveling Reiki Master Teacher who wishes to inspire people to realise that they are miraculous! She believes that Reiki can reveal our natural ability to heal ourselves and this empowers us to take responsibility for our lives. She works a lot with distant Reiki and loves the way it allows people to experience the illusion of separation. Taryn is grateful for being able to connect with her Reiki clients even while traveling. She usually lives on a little island in Thailand, where she practices and teaches Reiki, but finds ‘home’ wherever she is. Taryn enjoys yoga, nature, creating art, cooking and finding magic in “ordinary” places. Follow her here:, and alchemyhealing.
Nice post, I love your ideas on content and ways to use and clean a reiki box. I have a small soapstone box on the table that I’ve made a reiki grid with a rose quartz point as my center stone, & clear quarts (6) around it. When I recharge my grid, I also charge my reiki box.
Thank you Linda 🙂 Your Reiki box sounds magical!
Just the other day I asked myself, what can I do to make my Reiki box serene and better?
Hey Taryn Walker
This is such an important and beautiful article. Thank you very much.
God bless you 🙂
Thank you Vedant 🙂 I appreciate your kind words. Hope you are enjoying your Reiki box more now Xx
I desperately need to build a Reiki box. My husband died on 24 May this year and my heart has been shattered into a million pieces. I’m utterly lost without him. We were together for 25 glorious, adventurous years………
HUG! I understand. I lost my husband of nearly 26 years 4 years ago. Putting together your Reiki box might be very comforting for you. Be sure to Reiki yourself, too. More hugs, love and light.
Thank you for your Reiki box article. I started a box a few months ago. Lots of things happening… son found a job, daughter sold all her crafts, found inexpensive ways to renovate home. Awesome things 🙂
Where in Thailand do you live? My sister lives there on a little island too
thank you for sharing…what a wonderful thing to create
Hello Taryn. Very timely article. My wife and I just created our first Reiki box last week. And it is already working very well for us. Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! Thanks for the tip.
I was taught and teach (and have read in many books on Reiki) to Reiki the piece of paper using the CKR, SHK, and HZSSN, with the receivers name, a brief description of their condition and location (city/state, etc.) on it, and date it in the right hand corner, before you put it in the Reiki Box and THEN you Reiki box again using the 3 traditional symbols. You missed this crucial step. Typically you don’t do lists in a Reiki box, you do individual pieces of paper for each person who you are sending Reiki to because you remove the ones who don’t need Reiki anymore after 7 days. You date them because you send Reiki to the box for them for 7 days and then after the end of 7 days you re-evaluate whether they still need to receive Reiki, if not, remove and burn the slips of paper. If they do, you re-date the paper, Reiki it (using the CKR, SHK and HSZSN) and put it back in the box and Reiki the box again. You continue to Reiki the box every day and if you are adding any requests into the box, you must Reiki the paper with the request on it first and then put it in the box and Reiki the box (using the symbols I mentioned). You don’t mention using symbols ????? This is a Level II Reiki skill and requires the use of the symbols. I have never ever heard of putting crystals or anything else in a Reiki box before. I personally think this would muddle the purpose of the box and I wouldn’t recommend it. If you want to charge, clear or program a crystal, you just hold it in your non-dominate hand, and go through all the steps (using the 3 traditional Reiki symbols) giving it Reiki with your dominate hand, to do that. Or run it under cold water, dry it off and stick in on a sunny window sill for a day. Better yet set it out in the light of the full moon.
You Are right Patricia and it should have NO metal or very little metal.
I am a Reiki Master/Teacher, you are absolutely right about using the symbols and treating each individual paper and then Reiki the box, also it is very important to dedicate & program the box just like you would a crystal.
Can anyone tell me why a reiki box should have no metal on it please?
Why would putting crystals in muddle the purpose of the box?
Some crystals can help clear energy such as clear quartz and crystal energy and Reiki energy work very well together.
I used to have a fabulous clear quartz pyramid in mine with Reiki symbols on it. I now use a Reiki Book instead of a Reiki box but crystals only send energy where it is needed so would not interfere with Reiki at all
Lovely post Taryn!!
Thank you for being a Reiki healer!
Keep going girl!! ????
I like your CV traveling , cooking one of my hobbys to, the vegetarian chef 😉 I find it verry inspiring and thank for sharing Piet from Holland
This is so awesome, I went right out and bought a beautiful box after reading it! Thank you! <3
I feel there are n hard and fast rules regarding Reiki Intention box, for it is our intentions that counts and nothing else matters. I know during our times, many ears ago the Reik masters were quite strict about many thins, but people change according to the time and now a days none of the rules apply. I have stopped following all rules form a very long time, and i am doing fine
Sorry for some spelling mistakes, didn’t edit it before posting, however, I am sure everyone can understand what I meant to share. Thank you.
Thank you good idea.
Love and lights
The diagram does not download anymore.. Great article! I have always put people, things etc in a virtual light box and set an intention for reiki to bathe them as appropriate.
Yeah I tried to download it too with no luck. It said the website was no longer valid.