All of us find ourselves in tricky and difficult situations from time to time.
Maybe you need to choose between decisions but cannot find the clarity required to make a choice.
Maybe there’s a relationship in your life that needs healing.
Maybe you are being held back from reaching your complete potential due to unhelpful subconscious patterning.
Sometimes, situations can seem so blurry that finding the light at the end of the tunnel feels like an impossibility.
It is exactly during such moments that calling in our dear friends from the celestial realms – the Angels – helps!
The Angels, being compassionate Beings Of Light, understand human woes and are eager to help and support us.
Ritual 1: Call In The Angels
Here is a simple ritual combining elements of Reiki and Angelic healing, designed to support you during times of need –
- Light a candle in a safe space
- Sit or lie down comfortably
- Activate the flow of Reiki and proceed to do a full body Reiki self-healing
- If you are attuned to the symbols, do invoke them.
- Wait until you feel energized by the higher vibrations of Reiki.
- At this point, invite the Angels into your space and say, “My Dear Angels, I intend to attain the highest solution/outcome to the situation XYZ (briefly describe the situation that you need assistance with). Please work with me and help me manifest my intention in accordance with the greatest good of all concerned. I request you to be on my side until this is resolved. Thank you!”
- Let go and surrender to the process. Once you set an intention or send out a request, trust that a path will open up. Resist the temptation to obsess over the issue or to analyze it over and over again. Very often, over-analysis of a situation makes things even more complicated. The analysis must be objective and not obsessive. Be patient and allow solutions to emerge.

Ritual 2: “Pass On An Angel”
- As you read this, I send an Angel from my heart to yours!
- To help and support you in whatever way you most need today.
- Do receive the good energy and then send the Angel to another person. Let’s spread some angelic love, light, and joy.
This little ritual is another beautiful way to bring angelic light and support into the world. Just through the simple intention of sending an Angel to another, we help generate higher vibrations. As more and more people feel supported and send Angels to others in need, a cycle of love and positivity is created.
Sending you much love and light!
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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