Have you heard of these statements like “I am bad”, “I am not worthy”, “I am not loved”, “I don’t deserve love”? Yes. I am sure you all say this to yourself quite regularly. We don’t leave one chance to self-sabotage and we abuse ourselves to such an extent that we actualize it in our reality.
I was no different. I cribbed about my life going wrong all the time. My thoughts, point of view, belief system was always to keep others happy first. I overlooked my needs, desires throughout my 40 years of life to become the best in every relationship which made me only feel disappointed and ultimately resulted in thinking that “I was only wrong”. But seldom did I realize that I was pouring from an empty cup. I never loved, valued, respected, or understood myself for me to have my cup full and hence I always ended up rejecting others but most importantly myself.
However, things started shifting slowly and steadily with Reiki but still I was in drama trauma, till I started cleansing myself with the help of Karuna Reiki®. I did all three levels of cleansing one after the other for 21 days. And I noticed that not only did I grew “COMPASSIONATE” towards others but also myself which is the crux of this lovely modality. I started filling my cup and the best part that I noticed was that I had started responding to 70% of the time than reacting. I started to create healthy boundaries towards all and didn’t let their actions affect me. If at all it affected me, I worked upon myself to come out of the vicious circle of dilly-dally thoughts as soon as possible. I started noticing that along with chanting, Karuna Reiki® was helping me dissipate and recover from the incidents really quickly. I was quickly gaining composure and was able to gain focus on my things without taking too much time to recuperate. The gap in coming back to normalcy was also decreasing.
Now, this was possible because I was able to love myself and be with myself as the strongest support. I stopped seeking support in others and talking about it. Instead, I chose to chant or meditate or initiate an extra session in Karuna Reiki®. Not that I didn’t honor my emotions, but I became my own best friend. I coped without crutches and I came to a point where I started going to movies and dinners all by myself. Now this doesn’t mean, I got detached from people around me but I surely no longer wait for others to be free to accompany me on my outings. I love and care for each and every soul that is present in my life but I am no longer emotionally dependent on them.

The procedure I adopted during my Karuna Reiki® cleansing.
Please note, I did the cleansing in three phases for 21 consecutive days each.
Step 1
Initiating Reiki: I invoked Karuna Reiki® energies, grandmaster Mikao Usui, my masters, spirit guides, and guardian angels.
- I call upon Karuna Reiki® energies.
- I call upon Grandmaster Mikao Usui.
- I call upon “your name” from place.
- I call upon “your name” and my masters, spirit guides, and guardian angels.
Step 2
Gratitude: I thank Karuna Energies, grandmaster Mikao Usui, masters, spirit guides, and guardian angels for their presence in the healing session.
- I thank Karuna Reiki® energies for being here.
- I thank Grandmaster Mikao Usui for being here.
- I thank “your name” from place for being here.
- I thank “your name” and my masters, spirit guides, and guardian angels for being here.
Step 3
Intention: I had kept intention for developing compassion and healing anything that is for my highest good and is ready to heal.
- Dear Karuna Reiki® energies please make “your name” compassion be fully healed, whole and complete.
- Dear Karuna Reiki® energies, please make “your name” be fully healed, whole and complete.
- It is so. Thank you. Thy divine will be done.
Step 4
Shielding: I shield myself thoroughly before any healing session starts so that no energy affects me in any way.
- One can tell AA Michael to shield you
- One can create a shield box
- One can use the power symbol Cho Ku Rei from Usui Reiki.
Step 5
Using Symbol: I used to draw an amplified Symbols on my entire body and kept meditating on it for at least 5 to 7 minutes. So my healing duration used to go to 45 minutes at times but it used to be an experience in itself.
- Phase one: I connected with self with help of Zonar symbol and then meditated with the help of Halu symbol, then Harth symbol and then Rama symbol. A deep sense of healing was sensed while I used to meditate on Harth symbol.
- Phase two: I connected with self with help of Zonar and then used to meditate with the help of Gnosa symbol, Iava symbol and then the Shanti symbol. I used to feel deep sense of peace while using Shanti symbol.
- Phase three: I connected with self with help of Zonar symbol and then used to meditate with the help of Dumo symbol, Dai Ko Myo symbol, Tibetan Fire Serpent Symbol, Om symbol and then Raku symbol.
Step 6
Gratitude: I extend my gratitude to all the divine beings along with Karuna Reiki® energies for helping me heal.
- I thank Karuna Reiki® energies for being here.
- I thank Grandmaster Mikao Usui for being here.
- I thank “client name” from place for being here.
- I thank “client name” and my masters, spirit guides, and guardian angels for being here.
Step 7
Intention is achieved: Here I thanked as if the intention is already achieved.
- Dear Karuna Reiki® energies “your name” Compassion is fully healed, whole and complete.
- Dear Karuna Reiki® energies “your name” is fully healed, whole and complete.
- It is so. Thank you. Thy divine has been done.
Step 8
Cutting cords: Its very essential to cut cords with clients so that you are detached from them energetically and there is no exchange of energies after the session.
- You can just move your hands in “X” thrice.
- You can ask AA Michael to cut cords
- You have to wash your hands in running water keeping an intention that you are energetically disconnecting from the person.
Step 9
Sending back all the divine beings as source of love and light.
- I would like to send back masters, spirit guides, and guardian angels back to the universe as a source of love and light.
- Please come back when I call back and forgive me if I have hurt you intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly.
End of session
Slowly and steadily I started observing the changes in me and I started focusing on my things first. These 2 months of cleansing were a life-changing experience for me as I started to lay down the foundation for my dreams and put myself first along with supporting my loved ones in their endeavors as well. I was able to make them a part of my universe and not the WHOLE universe.
Article by Amisha Vasant Haria
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After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at amisha.haria@gmail.com or by phone at 9820852076.
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