As we progress on our Reiki journey, many Reiki practitioners get to a point where they feel ready to step into their power as Reiki Masters and Reiki Teachers. To do this there has to be a certain sense of mastership.
Becoming a Reiki Master is not the end of your journey, but rather the beginning of your own, life-long path of personal and spiritual development and enlightenment. A Reiki Master is not suddenly a better or wiser or more enlightened person than anyone else. It simply means that as a Reiki Master/Teacher you are now able to pass on the gift of Reiki to others.
Hopefully, a person seeking to become a Reiki Master is already a kind, considerate, compassionate, and spiritually developed individual who is seeking not only to enhance their own life but also the lives of others.
This is a natural progression for many but what is a Reiki Master?
Yes, it is certainly someone who has received the Master Level Reiki attunement. However, Takata Sensei said that for a person to be considered a Reiki Master it was not enough to have received Master Level attunement and to know how to carry out the attunement process for all three levels. You must have taught at least one class and thus have attuned at least one student.
A Reiki Master could also be someone who has elected to accept a greater responsibility for their own life by acknowledging that they are without a doubt the Master of their own destiny and accept the effects of causes that they have created. Whatever your understanding of the concept of “Master,” getting to the level of Reiki Master takes time, effort, dedication, and commitment – being a Reiki Master is not for the faint-hearted and/or ego-pleasing individual.

Here are 5 concepts that underly mastership within the context of Reiki…
1. Through Reiki we have access to and receive infinite love from the great Universe.
As Reiki Masters, we have an innate realisation of and trust in the abundance of love that the Universe holds. We practice spreading the light of this great Universe over the earth in all aspects of our daily lives…
- To realize happiness for ourselves.
- To contribute toward the wellbeing of others.
- To harmonize with all existence.
2. In the simplicity of practicing Reiki, all is embraced.
There is a school of thought that proclaims that Reiki should be taught over 5 levels (for example), claiming that the more traditional 3 or 4 levels are no good enough or sufficient for spiritual upliftment. The intention is understandable, but all true study and mastership cannot be finished in classes only – it has to be followed by practice to build confidence and experience that would lead to mastership. To achieve mastership, it is also necessary to embrace ALL of what Reiki and the practice of Reiki bring into our lives. Reiki is not what we practice… it is what we become.
3. Reiki Ho, i.e., the method of Reiki is very simple (as opposed to complicated, convoluted, and abstruse).
Due to the beauty of this simplicity, Reiki Ho can easily be combined with other techniques. As you advance into mastership you may feel strongly that you want a more powerful ability, mysterious experiences, or the like. Whatever additional therapies or techniques you choose, it would be best if the technique can work together with Reiki. Also know that Reiki will brush up the essence of other techniques and boost their effectiveness. You may even replace Reiki with these therapies and techniques as your primary focus, but remember, Reiki would always be part of how you are.
4. Reiki holds the key to unlock the light of our soul and our ability to shine spiritually
The focus of practicing Reiki is an interpretation of your own unique understanding of and connection with the essence of Reiki and how you receive its beautiful loving energy… its light. Reiki light is given in abundance and in unlimited quantities. How you receive it would, however, be in accordance with your own openness, choice, and ability to receive. When you feel unsatisfied with what you have received and are urged to look for something else, it may be an opportune time to look at deepening your understanding of Reiki. Further study, Reiki Shares, and the like could be highly supportive at this point. You may even find something seemingly better than Reiki. Allow yourself the opportunity to explore and pursue other teachings to support your spiritual growth. You are also free to leave Reiki after viewing Reiki from a new standpoint… And you can return to Reiki again at any point as well.
5. A Reiki Master is meant to be someone who propagates the enlightenment of Usui Sensei
In reality, there exists a great distance between Usui Sensei and you, but the path is the same. You are supposed to be someone who loves and practices Reiki and preaches your own awareness of what Reiki is and how it is practiced. The foundation is given to you through the teachings of Usui Sensei – this is your guide. The expression of this in your hands… literally.
Mastership can only be achieved through embracing the essence of Reiki as taught by Usui Sensei and making that your own through following your own path of self-development, spiritual growth, and practice. Ultimately it is not only about what we learn… that is just the foundation. It is what we practice. And practice we must… practice, practice, practice.
Article by Thea van der Merwe, Ph.D.
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Thea van der Merwe, Ph. D. is a nationally and internationally trained holistic energy, certified and experienced Master Reiki Practitioner, qualified in Usui Reiki, Reijukido, Karuna® Reiki, Karuna Ki Reiki, Crystal Reiki, and Gendai Reiki. She obtained the title of Shihan (full master/teacher), the highest level in Gendai Reiki Ho. Besides her greatest passion which is Reiki, Thea is also a spiritual shaman, healer, and teacher, offering readings as a way of accessing spiritual guidance. Her journey of personal discovery, growth, and healing started back in 2005 when she was personally in need of healing and searching for something more than what conventional medicine and therapy could provide. Thea is currently nationally and internationally registered with the South African Reiki Masters Association and The Reiki Healing Association respectively – both professional associations for the local and global Reiki communities, working to promote the wide-reaching practice and healing effects of Reiki throughout the world and where the primary philosophy is that together, we can do so much more. You can get into contact with Thea van der Merwe at, which is her website, and at on Facebook.
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