Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
Imagine the journey of healing with Reiki to be a vast ocean.
When we receive the first degree attunement, we barely touch the water. Nevertheless, a process of deep cleansing and healing is initiated.
The second degree takes us a little deeper into the water. It helps issues that need deeper healing rise up to the surface.
Both the first and second degrees bring many blessings to our lives. They also bring a good deal of discomfort to many, as the body and mind adapt to new ways of being and looking at life.
The Master Degree in Usui Reiki introduces one to the symbol Dai Ko Myo. This is a powerful symbol that facilitates healing at the level of the soul. After this attunement, we go really deep into the ocean and find rich treasures buried underneath. We lay our hands on these treasures and our soul awakens. This awakening has a further impact on the body and mind. The cells of the body respond positively to this shift in consciousness. Every cell is literally bathed in divine light. This causes phenomenal healing. As light floods in, there is no place for darkness of any kind to remain.

Image by scott1346
Blessings of the Master Degree
- All residual pain stored in the energy field comes up to be healed.
- Karmic healing is brought to completion.
- Past life healing occurs.
- Brings awareness of the Ego’s role in our lives and of the suffering we have inflicted on ourselves by identifying with it.
- Helps establish a stronger connection with our true self; the Soul.
- Helps the heart chakra open up. We begin the journey towards a state of unconditional love, true forgiveness and compassion.
- Helps us reclaim our power and take complete responsibility for our lives.
- Helps us master the law of attraction and manifest everything that is in our best and highest interest. The Universe supports us by putting us in the right places at the right time.
- Helps us connect easily with Guides, Angels, Archangels and other higher beings and thereby facilitates profound healing for us and for others.
- Encourages us to be a guiding light for others who need help with healing.
The Reiki Master Title
The Master Degree also confers upon practitioners the rather controversial title of ‘Reiki Master.’
Much is said about the title of Reiki Master. Some views point at the title being ego based and burdensome. As per other views, it is just a title and does not imply that one is superior in any way.
But what if we could look at the title in a new light? We may just find a deeper meaning to it.
The title of Reiki Master is about the potential the Master Degree holds for us to master our own selves.
Mastery over self is not an egoistic affair. It is not done to impress others with our healing skills or qualifications. It is not to show that we are superior to the rest of the world, because we are not. The same light shines within everyone and souls incarnate to learn unique lessons. People will heal and awaken when their respective souls choose to do so.
But for those of us on the Reiki path, the Master Degree holds the potential for us to master our own selves, that is, to move towards enlightenment. The symbol Dai Ko Myo means “Great Shining Light” or “Great Enlightenment.” An enlightened person is not someone who is egoistic. On the contrary, he is one who is completely devoid of the Ego and who has awakened to his true self. Self mastery is not something to feel proud about in the egoistic sense. It is our natural state. We just have to wake up and see it. In Reiki terms, it is less about doing Reiki and more about being Reiki.
As Reiki healers, in what easier way can we awaken than with Reiki?
Does everyone who is attuned to the Master Degree awaken? Not necessarily. When people who have done the Master Degree find it hard to awaken, it is most likely because:
- They did it before they were ready for it.
- They do not practise Reiki regularly. Just getting attuned is not enough. We need to be in constant touch with Reiki in order to receive all its benefits.
- They have a different path that we may not understand.
Dear Friends,
If you have done the Master Degree, please be aware that you are seated on a treasure chest, with loads of treasure waiting to be discovered. Open it and enjoy it. It is all yours. Allow Reiki to help you detach from the ego and to open your heart to love. Discover the wisdom hidden inside you and enjoy true power. The third degree attunement gives you the key to finding the Master within you. There is no other Master who can save you. All teachers can only lead you up to the door. But you must open it yourself and discover what lies behind. This is the essence of being a Reiki Master.
And for first and second degree practitioners, I hope you feel inspired to consider moving up to the Master Degree! With Reiki acting as your guiding light, you are guaranteed to find more light at the end of the tunnel.
Love and Peace
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
u r blessed with the wisdom and strength. .u hv truly effectively and in a very balanced way presented the essence of being a master…
u r blessed and have done your best giving us the opportunity and insight to understand and practice the blessings that we too have in our lives
may reiki bless u with more and more
Love light reiki to you
Dear Neelam,
Thank you for your kind words.
With Love
just finding out about reiki. After reading many messages and ideas and practices inspiration etc the Idea I understand I’ve studied Buddhism zen Tao many years ago karate also mental sumari thought studied the arts experimental photography. Lost millions $ didn’t care made so many mistakes was a police officer retired line of duty. Lost son 21 years ago lost house with everything in it. Just left with the clothing onmy back. Had 2 hips replaced shoulder re done 3 x bladder cancer stroke 12 years ago. Lucky only effected right eye can’t see left knee it’s none on bone ? Don’t whatore surgery. 8 months ago my daughter took her life. My best friend she was involved w Don Hock yoga kettle bells integrated nutritional everything healthy. We talked all the time she was bibolar. Besides all this after my son died my wife who is also bipolar. Everything kicked in in and out of hospitals for 25 plus years. Don’t remember what I was about to say. But for some reason Reiki pasted they my face book. So I’ve been reading all and an on going to school in spring. Difficult in winter for me. Y Y? Was I drawn ? Need this for me. Oh my. Said a mourhful
Dear Drew,
Hope Reiki helps you gain clarity and wisdom and brings many blessings into your life .
Love and Prayers
Hi Haripriya,
You have truly given a new perspective to the way i looked at the different levels of Reiki and Divine Energy at large. Going thru this article brought great joy and inspired me to rise up the levels and go deep in the ocean 🙂
Namaskar , i am great fan aswellas fallower and reader of your wonderful ,much more understanding , giving full of knowledage articals. i will ask our Divine Reiki Light power pour on you.
I am going for my reiki master training 3 months from now and I must tell you this article could not have come to my vision at a better time. Thank you kindly for this lovely and insightful explanation of the gift and honor of becoming a reiki master. Many Blessings to you, Sandra
Hi, Harpriya madam, ur articles on reiki are really very informative & helpful for the reiki practitioners. I am getting lot of help & motivation from ur articles. Thanks a lot!
Hi, I love this article, the above was happening to me before reiki 2, a massive 7 years lead up to reiki choosing me, dreams about it led to my own research and always had known I was here to serve and first find my self, I spent many years looking for answers in others and always felt like I was constantly being turned away I did eventually get shown I needed to go within, I was spiritually attuned into reiki 2 with an dangles and my spirit guides, and had intended on a self reiki session that turned into something very profound, they drew symbols above my crown hands and third eye, and fear I was told would just be taken, iv learned both hands are for giving, that my first feelings of not needing to worry about receiving were correct and that reiki has totally changed my life, it is a way of life not just a healing modalitie. love and light x
absolutely fantastic !!!
It always a pleasure to read ur articles as a blessings from the supreme power I love to read ur all beautiful meaningful ideas u shared with all of us it’s such a blessing for us thank you so much for sharing loving informations..angelic blessing to u n our reiki rays n light
I feel very connected to you. I love your articles. Whenever I read title of any of new article, I just happen to know whether you have written it or someone else. I already read this article 2-3 times.
& today once again I read it. Tomorrow it’s a big day for me. I am going to take GrandMastership & I happen to read it at the right time once again.
God bless all of us.
Thank you !