As everyone is aware, there are an awful lot of healing methods in the world, from modern Allopathic medicine to traditional cultural methods like acupuncture or Ayurvedic medicines to New Age energy healing, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I have three complementary healing methods that I use to solve pretty much all of my day-to-day aches, pains, and woes. These are Reiki, Homeopathy and the Perelandra Co-Creative processes. And what’s nice about all three is, they are either cheap or free and always available.
Reiki should be familiar to everyone given that it’s the main subject of this website. Reiki is powerful but peaceful, subtle but profound and is a great help in many ways. However, it has some drawbacks (such as taking a long time to work) and is not a panacea. There are other methods of healing that have stronger portfolios in some areas of treatment.
Homeopathy is powerful but difficult (at times) because using it effectively comes down to finding the right remedy for a given issue or symptom picture. The wrong remedies won’t do anything and sometimes lead to frustration, BUT, when a remedy works, it REALLY works and it works on all levels of one’s being. Homeopathic remedies are very cheap to buy, last for years, and are easy to administer.
Perelandra Co-Creative processes
And finally, the Perelandra Co-Creative processes. Perelandra is a garden in Virginia started by a woman named Machaelle Small Wright who, after spending time at the Findhorn garden in the UK in the ’70s and learning how to garden co-creatively with the Nature Consciousness, she then came home and started her own garden, determined to see how far she could push co-creative gardening. From her research has come a number of wonderful things, but for me the best is a “coning”. A coning is an energetic meeting you create where you set an intention to do something (like make a garden or fix a truck or heal some part of you) and then you asked to be connected to: one or more appropriate Devas, Pan, the appropriate White Brotherhood team for the project and finally your Higher Self. Within these meetings one can accomplish almost anything, and I use them for healing work all the time.

So, then, how do I use these three methods day to day?
First, let’s say I have an accident, say I stubbed my toe in the middle of the night, I’ll immediately use Arnica cream (homeopathy) on the injured toe, to deal with the pain, take a 30c dose of Arnica pellets to reinforce the cream, and then I Reiki the heck out of the toe. The Arnica instantly deals with the pain, and the Reiki helps stop the bruising and speeds the healing.
If there’s a part of me that needs emotional/mental/spiritual healing I’ll beam Reiki to those issues, applying all the appropriate symbols and taking as long as needed to turn dark energy into light energy, stuck energy into flowing energy. Using Reiki this way I have healed all my genetic/inherited energy problems, past life energy problems, and lifelong psychological issues that I used to carry around with me like heavy luggage.
And if there’s something I come across that can’t be cured with Reiki or Homeopathy, I turn to the Perelandra conings. My most recent example of how this works was that a few months back I noticed that the front aspect of my heart chakra was damaged and looked like a wilted flower.
I tried using Reiki on it, and while I ran the energy, the chakra perked up, but if I stopped channeling the energy, the whole chakra flopped over again. I realized that Reiki wasn’t going to heal it. So, I opened a “chakra healing coning”. I laid down on my bed, asked to be connected to the Deva of Healing (the main Deva for doing any healing work), Pan (the only universal nature spirit), my White Brotherhood chakra healing team, and finally my higher self. Once the meeting had convened, I told my White Brotherhood team what was wrong and asked them to either fix or replace the front aspect of my heart chakra. They worked on me for two different sessions, each an hour long, on two consecutive days, and when it was done my chakra looked and felt completely normal. They had done for me what a trained energy healer could have done, but completely for free and without any complications and on my own schedule and convenience.
Homeopathy isn’t exactly free, nor is Reiki, but once you buy a remedy and a book on using Homeopathy for acute issues, and once you pay for your Reiki training, they are skills which can last a lifetime and are always there when you need them. So far there hasn’t been any common health issues that I haven’t been able to deal with by using one, two or all three of these methods on a problem. All three methods have little to no side effects, they are gentle, they are always available, and they can be used anywhere and anytime.
I would recommend everyone buy a book on using Homeopathy for acute health issues, buy a basic remedy kit, take Reiki to as high a level as feels right for you (I loved William Rand’s Holy Fire III Master Reiki for its wonderful Holy Fire Symbol) and then also check out Perelandra online and Machaelle Small Wright’s books on how to do conings. Her MAP book (Medical Assistance Program) is a wonderful introduction to doing conings and working with the White Brotherhood for healing. She also details in her gardening books about conings for clearing energy in physical areas or healing plants and animals with the White Brotherhood and the Nature Consciousness’s help.
*Please note that the White Brotherhood is NOT a white supremacist group. It is simply the name for a collective of disincarnate, high vibrational beings who know how to heal and can be connected to at any time. They’re a bit like the Ascended masters or connecting to the Archangels. Coning sessions simply require that you be relaxed, unbothered and awake, so simply find a quite time and place where you won’t be disturbed. Different health/illness issues can be addressed with different Deva’s and White Brotherhood teams.
And that’s it. When I add these three methods to good ol’ fashioned modern medicine (which I like too), I feel supremely confident that my self-developed health care system is always ready for me to call upon and heal myself when needed, and who doesn’t love that?
Article by Colin Johnson
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Colin Johnson took level 1 Reiki from Beth Gray (one of Takata’s 22 masters) at the age of 15 (1991), level 2 from Colleen Kennard at the age of 16 (1992), level 3 at the age of 28 from Winterhawk and stopped doing Reiki at the age of 30. After 14 years of not doing Reiki, he took it up again at the age of 44. Colin retrained from William L. Rand in his Holy Fire Reiki classes and completed Master level in Dec of last year. He spends a good deal of his time doing distance Reiki on people who are desperately ill.
Reach Colin at Reiki Pure and Simple (
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