Gyoshi-Ho is a Japanese technique that uses our eyes as the way in which to send out Reiki. This is a technique that I learned during my training for First Degree. It’s most often used with clients. You allow your eyes to soften, almost like they are out of focus. Follow your normal routine for activating Reiki in your hands, except, your intention is for the energy to flow from your eyes. You then use this form of Reiki to send the energy by looking at the area or place where you would like it to be sent.
Gyoshi-Ho is one of my favorite ways to connect to my natural environment. This is different from sitting down with a plant and sharing energy. It’s also not the same as sharing your Reiki energy with a tree. The way I use Gyoshi-Ho while outdoors creates an intense, vivid, and vibrant connection between myself and my surroundings. It helps me see the auras of the trees, plants, and wildlife, and their frequency resonates.
My method to make this connection is pretty simple, but I find it to be one of the most genuine ways to feel like I truly am interconnected to all life. I first decided upon what park, trail, or area that I will visit. It doesn’t need to be far, just a place, where you are in nature and are comfortable with your surroundings.
As I begin walking (this can absolutely be done while sitting), I notice the plants, the ground, the sky above. I feel my feet making contact with the path. I deeply breathe in the air and pay attention to the scents that surround me.
Next, I ask permission to share Reiki with the outdoors. I almost always get permission and then proceed with the next steps.
I then pause in my movements and soften my gaze. I use my closeness to the earth and sky as visuals to invite in the Universal Energy. When I begin to feel the vibration, I then softly focus my gaze. With absolute love, honor, and respect in my intention, I use Gyoshi-Ho to send Reiki to the individual plants, animals, birds, water, stones, trees. I then send it collectively to the entire area as a whole. This is when Nature really comes to life for me. I find myself connected to the life-force of this wild area that I am in. Every plant, leaf, tree, animal around me begins to vibrate and pulsate with energy. My gaze is still soft and I can begin to see colors that hadn’t been there before, and see the auras of this outdoor wonderland. My breathing becomes deeper and my whole body begins to vibrate on the same frequency as the flora and fauna. I am completely connected to everything through this Reiki with Gyoshi-Ho.
Each and every time that I take a walk in the wild and use this technique, I am awed at the beauty and reciprocity of the natural world. I feel more alive in those moments, when I can breathe in harmony with nature. It’s a deep, visceral connection that always leaves me euphoric.
Not so long ago, I was on a trail and spotted a few crows. I tried this out on them and the one crow turned his head to stare at me. We held eye contact for a few minutes. He had a message for me, but I didn’t receive it at that moment.
The next morning, I looked out into my yard and there were about a dozen crows. I usually only get Starlings and Sparrows. I saw the crows and knew they were a gift. That was the message the crow had sent me. He was showing that he appreciated the Reiki energy and that I had created a bond between us. That specific crow was not in my yard, but he had sent them to me.
Reiki is truly a Universal Energy and is for everything. It should be shared freely with the Earth and all of its inhabitants. Take a walk and see nature through the eyes of Reiki.
Article by Carrie Anderson
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Carrie earned her Ph.D in Metaphysics and Energy Healing through World Metaphysical Institutes. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and holds degrees in several types of Reiki. Her focus is on Distance Reiki. Carrie is a Master Level Psychic Intuitive and gives daily readings. She combines Reiki and Divination to create unique readings. She is accredited through World Metaphysical Association and Council of Holistic Healers. She also has certifcations in Teen Guided Meditation,. Additionally, she is a Professional Yoga Facilitator with a focus on Gentle Yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. Carrie is a co-author with Mellisa Dormoy for the book, “Easy Mindfulness for Today’s Teens”. She is an active member of the Natural Healer Society and may be reached at
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