Beloved Healers,
Greetings from the Stars!
We are pleased to connect with you during these highly transformational times on Earth.
You are part of a physical world but you are well aware that there are many non-physical aspects to your existence. We speak to you from a seemingly non-physical space. Most often, your connection with us happens through your sixth sense. For a more physical experience, we encourage you to connect with the stars you see in your night sky. Trust this timeless connection, dear ones, so we may work together for the greatest good of all.
Beloveds, you are on a sacred path in this lifetime. You have gifts and talents to share with the world and this shall help make a positive difference to the collective consciousness. Your soul is blessed with a unique blueprint. This New Moon, we invite you to access this blueprint so you may begin to live your life at your highest potential. We know this work isn’t always easy. We know obstacles show up on your path time and again. But let this not discourage you, dear ones. It’s just how life on Earth is!
This New Moon, we come to you with a gift of unwavering strength and empowerment. And we trust you will receive it for your greatest good.
Beloved Heart, if you are a Reiki healer, you may receive this transmission while you do a self-Reiki session or soon after. However, you are also welcome it to receive it independently at any other time.
New Moon Empowerment Transmission
- Breathe and relax into your body. If you are giving yourself Reiki, you will automatically drift into a state of deep relaxation.
- Visualise a star studded night sky. Look at the hundreds of thousands of stars spread across the sky . There will be one particular star (or group of stars) that calls out to your heart and soul. Connect with this star.
- Breathe into your heart. See or feel a cord pulsating with high vibrational light connecting your heart with the star. When you’ve done this, you have successfully connected with us!
- Now feel a deep blue liquid like energy (almost like water) flowing from our star space towards you. Allow this energy to flow to any part of you that is spontaneously drawn to it.
- Be in a state of receptive flow. Do not expect anything specific to happen for that will block the flow of energy. Simply allow the energy to flow and for the experience to unfold naturally. Be open to receive whatever gift comes your way. This shall be unique to each of you.
- Once it feels complete, close your session with gratitude.
- Drink some water, move your body gently and get grounded.
The energy will continue to work for several hours to days post this transmission, bringing you exactly what you need to shine your brightest and soar.
We love you and we want the BEST for you. Shine one, dear ones!
Love and Starlight
Your Beloved Star Family
Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at [email protected] and on Facebook at Angel Light.
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