I have been practising and teaching Reiki for more than 25 years. Sometimes I come across students who tell me that they are not practising Reiki due to some beliefs or lack of awareness. I have also met other teachers and practitioners with similar issues. Perhaps some of you reading this article have experienced the same!
My reason for writing this article is to talk about creating awareness for people who are interested in Reiki as well as practitioners and teachers who have abandoned practising it.
Our Reiki journey could be compared to a tree that starts out as a small seed but sown and grown in the right environment transforms into a beautiful tree giving shade and oxygen to so many people. Similarly, once the seed of Reiki has been planted in the mind of a person, then nurtured and developed in the right environment, that person could transform and become a great provider of spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing.

Image by geralt
Reiki’s work is so deep and mysterious, and people often expect instant results from their treatment. When I teach Reiki, I tell my students the importance of remembering and talking to their client before or after the treatment and explain the following points:
- Everyone has experiences that are unique and right for them, therefore, it is better to avoid discussing or comparing them with other people.
- When a client falls asleep, it’s a positive sign as the alpha state helps bring deep results.
- Sometimes when a client experiences visions or colors during the treatment, it is important that both the client and the practitioner do not get attached to that experience because if they don’t have a similar experience again they might feel deflated.
- If a client feels in awe of you then remind them that we are just channeling the energy. Reiki has its own intelligence that clears any blockages and creates the balance where necessary.
- It is normally an imbalance in our subtle body such as our emotions, feelings, memories, etc. that tend to cause the problems in the physical body. Since Reiki is subtle energy, it is the most effective method of treating a person holistically.
Article by Anjuli Bahadur
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Anjuli Bahadur
Anjuli has followed her intuition since childhood. The turning point in her life came when she first experienced Reiki. She knew immediately that this was her calling.
Reiki has helped her restore the balance in life and as a result, she has now total faith and confidence in Reiki energy. Anjuli has also studied and practised complementary therapies and NLP but her work in teaching and practising Reiki has always dominated. Since retirement, she is often asked to send Distant Reiki. She would like to see more people practising Reiki and therefore she has written a book called Reiki Awareness Handbook, available as a paperback and ebook on Amazoṇ. You can reach Anjuli through her Facebook page – Reiki Awareness.
This is a great highlight of the basic principles that are often so easily forgotten as a practitioner.
Thank you for such a great reminder as I can see how this will help to encourage other practitioners to be more active in knowing how best to handle certain situations that are so often encountered.
Dear Seema, I really appreciate your sincere comment. 🙏
Beautifully explained about the Reiki technique.. This treatment surely works if ones believe in it, and in my recent experience I have become a firm believer in Reiki. Thanks to Anjuli and her support.
Thank you for your lovely comment Sunila. I am so glad to hear about your belief in Reiki. God bless 🙏
Anjuli has helped me prepare for ivf treatment and now I’m in my first trimester. Distant reiki has help me keep calm and relaxed, as i was feeling tense due to having miscarriages in the past. It has also been great for pain relief, due to my body having uncomfortable reactions to the fertility drugs. Hopefully this pregnancy continues to progress. Thank you Anjuli for you support during this time
Dear Natalie, thank you very much for your comment and appreciation for Reiki energy 🙏