Hair loss is a major issue nowadays; I have been treating my daughter’s hair loss issue for quite some time. Our physical health depends on our emotional state.
During the ascension period, many of us have experienced great stress. Some of the reasons that cause hair fall are stress, anxiety, fear, chronic fatigue, insomnia; we tend to lose a great amount of our precious hair.
There are two essential factors that lead to hair loss:
- Internal factor – dietary deficiency, imbalance of our mental and emotional body
- External factor triggering the hair loss
Few internal factors known to us:
- Hormonal changes – are related to pregnancy/ childbirth, menopause, and thyroid problem
- Medical conditions – include alopecia areata which is an immune system-related and causes hair loss, scalp infections such as ringworm and a hair-pulling disorder called trichotillomania
- Stress or shock due to the death of close ones (breakups or divorce)
- Family history of baldness
Few other reasons for hair loss could be caused by external factors too:
- Radiation therapy to the head
- Certain types of medicine or drugs
- Excessive use of styling product
In this article, I will share with you the chakras that require treatment, including the scalp. As in most of the cases, underlying emotional health factors are a major determinant for hair loss.
A medical practitioner claims 50 to 100 hair strands falling out on a daily basis is a normal phenomenon as in most of the case they are replaced by the new one. The issue arises when the hair growth is stopped completely leading to baldness.
To start with, make a list to identify the hair loss issue:
- Mark the year and month the hair started falling at an alarming rate
- Any specific health issue or incidents taking place around that time
A Reiki practitioner may take notice of several other things from diet to lifestyle or any medical report if wishes to. It’s completely on one’s discretion and judgment of the issue for their client/patient.
One has to treat any health issue associated along with hair loss issue; treating exclusively will not work in most of the cases.

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Chakras to be treated for alopecia areata
In-person healing session:
- First, start with the attitude of gratitude
- Ground your client first and then ground yourself (grounding technique)
- Visualize the white colour light cleansing the scalp. There are specific points on the scalp for cleansing so one may keep visualizing the outer layer and the thin underlying layer of the scalp getting cleansed from the dirt. Do this technique 3 to 4 times a day
- Heal all the main chakras (back and front)
- Root chakra and the groin area
- Sacral chakra (front and back)
- Solar Plexus chakra (front and back)
If the thyroid is detected, then visualize a violet colour light penetrating the Throat chakra and going out from back Throat chakra again; reverse the procedure from back to the front Throat chakra.
Also, heal the Third Eye back and front with the same procedure.
If emotional stress (death or relationship breakups) is the cause of hair loss, then treat these chakras until the energy is ceased to flow.
- Heart chakra, Crown chakra and minor chakras (jaw chakra) shall be treated first.
- Throat, Solar plexus chakra, Sacral chakra, basic chakra, knee chakra and sole chakra shall be treated later.
In a distance healing session:
Prepare the Reiki intention box or prepare a crystal grid for healing and practice the same procedure through surrogate or visualization; one may also send chi balls to specific chakras with the intention to heal the associated disease and hair loss.
Prepare crystal water for hair loss to apply it after hair wash by your client.
Reiki crystal water recipe for hair loss:
- Keep your crystal soaked (4 to 5 tumbles of Amethyst and 5 tumbles of Moonstone)
- In water for 12 hrs in sunlight (preferably in a shade) in a glass bowl
- The ¼ cup of water and ¾ cup of apple cider vinegar works wonders in almost all types of hair loss
If we incorporate daily chakra healing with an intention to heal hair loss and apply the Reiki crystal water recipe, then I am sure you will see a huge difference in the reduction of hair fall and improvement of the quality of hair.
Article by Saummitta A Mazumdar
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Saummitta A Mazumdar is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and counselor. Her interest in occult studies started at very young age when she met with her school principal’s father. She is a Reiki practitioner and healer and combines various healing modalities including DLA (Divine Light Ascension). She has an MBA in human resource from a reputed institute. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Excalibur Reiki, deep healing Reiki and Divine Light Ascension and she is a a beginner in Pranic Healing. You can contact Saummitta via her website or follow on Facebook at and
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