Well, not exactly, but pretty close. You can send Reiki energy everywhere and at any time, and you can “treat” everything with Reiki.
This is a technique you can use to enhance the quality of the drinking water with Reiki.

Image by =Lonely.X.Poet=
- Clear your mind and enable the flow of Reiki
- Place your hands around the glass or cup of water
- Imagine the Power Symbol, and repeat its name three times
- Visualize the healing energy permeating the water and clearing it
- Imagine that you’re holding a golden ball of light or energy which surrounds the glass of water
- Draw the mental healing symbol in your mind with the intent that it protects the water and whoever drinks it
- Drink the water and let its energy revitalize your body
You can of course get creative and tweak this method to suite you better. Or just follow your intuition and do what feels right in that moment.
The water that’s been treated with Reiki will be absorbed by your body’s cells, it will be used in the metabolism, it will enhance your overall health. Not to mention, it will taste better :). Cheers!
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I’ve been doing a similar thing with reiki and my Glenwood water. I get 5 gal bottles and have a cooler. I trace the power symbol, saying it’s name 4 times for the 4 directions, then visualize the energy swirling through the water..I do this each time I change out the empty for a full one. We do stay well here!! 🙂
Lovely ????????????????