The term “Spirit” always sends a chill down the spine and we all fear that we never encounter one. Spirits are someone who left their body but have not been able to cross to other side of the world to take a peaceful rebirth in some living form or other. While few are good spirits, others can quiet possibly create havoc in our life. However, I learnt that instead of calling them as Spirits, I prefer calling them ENERGY as they are also a part of our Universe and everything in the Universe is nothing but ENERGY.
One such case I healed was of a client who never had peace all her life. Something or other kept happening in her life which used to take away her peace and keep her emotionally drained. She herself been into Alternate healing modalities like Reiki, Access Bars, Theta healing, Crystals, etc, she took up self-healing, used crystals, took sessions of PLR; but nothing seemed to help her for long term. Once while giving a Access Bar session to her client, she saw two visions which she realised that she used to see them earlier too but she had never healed them. Intuitively she requested to take up her healing as her past efforts to access past life to resolve the problem had not worked.
Her first vision was that of someone falling off the bridge and other was that of someone in a jail, sitting in solitude with head bowing down in the knees. She didn’t know if both visions were connected, so I started healing both the vision purely on basis of intuition. So initially I started passing healing energies to both vision without any judgement. After few sessions I started dissolving cords with healing light to both the vision realising in subsequent healing sessions, that both the visions were connected to each other and that the cords had stopped dissolving.
So I started taking guidance from my crystal “KYNAITE” as to why I wasn’t able to dissolve them. I even started requesting AA Michael to protect me completely during this healing as intuitively I started getting jitters as something unnerving was going to unfold. After two to three sessions of healing and trying to dissolve the cords unsuccessfully and taking regular guidance and protection, I started feeling some “ENERGY” near my left ear. I started calling in angels to help me communicate to this Energy. I started healing the visions as well as Energy. I started asking questions like:
- Are you connected to these visions?
- Are you connected to my Client in any way?
- Are you the reason of her loss of peace?
- Please feel safe to connect to me communicate to me.
After more three sessions, it started communicating, making it very clear that Energy would not allow my Client to be at peace. I started praying angels to help me for better communication and stay with me while I used to communicate to Energy. I used to give clear instructions to AA Michael to always protect me and be ready if the Energy happens to harm me or the client in any ways. I kept sending healing energies while continuing my communication with Energy. Due to confidentiality, I will not be able to share the communication between me and the Energy. Slowly I started understanding that he was mellowing down and was less adamant with each passing day and finally conveyed that if my client could connect to him for one last time, he would leave peacefully.
Later when I conveyed it to my client, about the whole event, she was initially hesitant to connect to the Energy although she is Reiki Level II practitioner. After she was mentally prepared she did connect to the Energy, asked forgiveness from the bottom of the heart and felt that the Energy left in peace. She has been peaceful ever since the Energy left.

Image by Waldo93
Procedure that I used to follow to heal this Case:
- First Three Days:
- Initiate Reiki Energies, Client and their Guardian Angel.
- Expressing Gratitude to all.
- Setting Intention for peace of mind for Client.
- Connecting to vision 1 with the help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Healing vision 1 without any judgement for first 10 minutes.
- Connecting to Vision 2 with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Healing vision 2 without any judgement for next 10 minutes.
- Closing the session with Gratitude.
- From Fourth to Seventh Day:
- Initiate Reiki Energies, Clients and their Guardian Angel.
- Expressing Gratitude to all.
- Setting Intention for peace of mind for Client.
- Connecting to vision 1 with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Healing as well as dissolving the cords between client and vision 1 for first 10 mins.
- Connecting to vision 2 with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Healing as well as dissolving the cords between client and vision 2 for next 10 mins.
- Closing the Session with Gratitude.
- From Eighth to Eleventh Day:
- Initiate Reiki Energies, Clients and their Guardian Angel.
- Expressing Gratitude to all.
- Setting Intention for peace of mind for Client.
- Connecting to vision 1 with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol
- Healing as well as dissolving the cords between client and vision 1 for first 5 minutes.
- Connecting to vision 2 with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Healing as well as dissolving the cords between client and vision2 for next 5 minutes.
- Healing as well as dissolving cords between both the visions for next 10 minutes.
- Closing the Session with Gratitude.
- From Twelfth to Twentieth Second Day:
- Initiate Reiki Energies, Clients and their Guardian Angel.
- Expressing Gratitude.
- Setting Intention for peace of mind for Client.
- Connecting to both visions with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Healing as well as dissolving cords between both the visions for first 10 minutes.
- Connecting to Energy with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol
- Communicating as well as healing the Energy.
- Closing the Session with Gratitude.
Procedure followed by my Client:
- Initiate Reiki Energies.
- Expressing Gratitude.
- Connecting to Energy with help of Power, Healing and Distance Symbol.
- Communicating with the Energy.
- Closing the Session with Gratitude.
It was a beautiful experience for me to communicate to someone who belonged to other world who are been largely misunderstood and what they all need is love and care too. I hope this experience of mine will help my Healer friends to heal self or others and set nor just the client but the Energy as well. God bless all the Energies who have not been able to cross over peacefully.
Article by Amisha Vasant Haria
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After 6 years of corporate job as Equity Research Analyst, Amisha Vasant Haria took a break for her marriage. After settling down in her new home, she started organizing events in 2012 at orphanages, old age homes, street schools, and on outskirts of Mumbai once every month for 5 years. While she was satisfied doing social service she was looking out for something which would give her financial independence and ended up getting attuned to Reiki. As she always says, Reiki chose her and she started the journey of healing. Afterward, there was no looking back for her. Along with her healing and attunements in Reiki, Money Reiki and Karuna Reiki, she also runs Access Bars for her clients. She also makes customized candles and provides with programmed crystals for healing as required by other healers. She has her own whatsapp group called Soul_Reeconnect where she sends inspirational posts, shares tips on various matters, helps with techniques, etc. Reach Amisha Vasant Haria at or by phone at 9820852076.
Great! thank you for writing
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