When our underlying Root chakra is grounded in feeling safe, and as we move up the spiritual chakras (wheels) we find that we are our own joyful creator in the realm of the Sacral chakra. The desire to experience pleasures of life come from this place, homed in the pelvic bowl, between our pubic bone and naval. A freely flowing Sacral chakra feels valid in their emotions. Whether joy, sadness, anger, or annoyance, we internally understand that our feelings are valid. We may have full expression of these emotions without any resistance or need to suppress them.
Creatively expressing oneself through any form is part of Sacral chakra energy. To dance, paint, craft, bake, quilt, hula-hoop, sidewalk chalk and any other creative, joyful expression is manifested from the Sacral chakra. Notice that there is an undertone of childlike playfulness and joy in Sacral chakra activities.
It’s OK to Say Yes to Joy
Fun, pleasure, joy, and creativity are all vital parts of the human experience. Depending on how we might have been raised (religious/cultural background), we might be made to feel that our desires and emotions are unimportant or invalid. We are all worthy of the good that the universe has to offer. It is okay to say yes to pleasure, joy, creativity, and fun! Give yourself permission to taste the sweetness of life!
Signs of blocked energy in the Sacral Chakra:
- You cannot orgasm
- You avoid art projects
- Don’t prioritize time for fun and play (programmed to be productive)
- You keep asking why you are in the situation you are in and feel like life is on repeat
- You feel isolated and/or feel that life is rigid
- You have an addiction
Sacral Chakra blockage may manifest physically as:
- Infertility or dis-ease of the fertility organs (any pelvic bowl organs dysfunction such as vaginitis, endometriosis, PMS (for women); enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction (for men) to name a few)
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Lower back pain
- Water retention or easily dehydrated
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove blockages, heal the stuck emotional energy, and free ourselves from old survival patterns that don’t serve our higher purpose. Try combining your Reiki practice with your favorite creative expression. For example, start your art project with a Reiki blessing of the craft materials, ask your Reiki guides to be present and heal your Sacral Chakra as you allow the creative energy to flow through.
Think of ways of doing Reiki outside the box. Reiki can bless many expressions of creativity. I even had a Reiki student choreograph a belly dancing performance to CKR. What is your Sacral chakra expression calling you to create?
Did you enjoy this article? Keep reading Part Two on Sacral Chakra: Healing Childhood Trauma
Article by Christine Renee
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Christine Renee is a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Coach with over 20 years of Reiki experience and 15 years of Shamanic experience. Combining the two modalities came naturally to her as she found power animals, spirit guides, angels, and galactics working alongside her during sessions and ceremonies. Christine believes that trusting your intuition, your guides, and your higher self are all integral pieces to embodying the Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. She challenges healing practices which restrain the practitioner’s innate spiritual abilities and ties them to rules, manuals, and gurus! She believes in her clients tapping into their own wisdom, mixing modalities, and breaking old paradigms of healing. She is founder of ReikiCafe University, cohost of the ReikiCafe Radio podcast, and supports a community of over 4,000 members in the ReikiCafe Community Facebook Group
I liked the article, as I could not co-relate creative nature of some of friends to active Sacral chakra…previously. Thanks…
So glad you liked it! Feel free to learn more about the Chakras at http://www.reikicafeuniversity.com