Article by Rene Mic
Namaste to All.
Amongst current worldwide situation where it’s been really important to keep ourselves isolated and safe, it’s high time we should have our me-time to introspect, regenerate, and rejuvenate. We have all the time that we were looking for very long. I am considering this as a break from my usual routine away from chaos. This is the time when we can halt and introspect our purpose.
Today I would share a few techniques with the help of that we can work on our chakras to keep them in balance. At the same time, they can be aligned with each other and rejuvenate.
Our Chakras are the energy centers of our bodies through which energy flows and expands. Origin of the word ‘Chakra’ is from the ‘Sanskrit’ language. The meaning of Chakra is ‘Wheel’ or ‘Cycle’. As wheels are capable of driving and balancing a vehicle, similarly Chakras in the body are capable of moving, stopping, and balancing the human body. There are seven chakras named Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana), Solar Plexus (Manipura), Heart Chakra (Anahata), Throat Chakra (Vishuddha), Third Eye (Ajna), and Crown Chakra (Sahasrara).
Due to excessive collection of physical, mental, and emotional debris, these seven chakras become stagnant resulting in the hindrances to the free flow of life force through them. This may cause physical, mental, or emotional ailments in the body. Through Reiki, we can maintain the balance in chakras to live a balanced and healthy life.
You need colored tea-lights or candles associated with 7 Chakras. VIBGYOR (in reverse order) to remember the code for colors associated with Chakras.
Red – Root Chakra
Orange – Sacral Chakra
Yellow – Solar Plexus
Green – Heart
Blue – Throat
Indigo – Third Eye
Violet – Crown Chakra
If color candles are not available, you can use white candles.

Image by Adamo Corazza
- Invoke Mother Reiki, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and your Guardian Angels.
- Now take a candle and draw Reiki symbols (CKR and SHK and CKR) if you are attuned to them; say symbol names.
- Keep the candle between both your palms and give Reiki to the candle.
- Ask AA Michael to keep you grounded and protected throughout the ritual.
- Ask Mother Reiki, AA Raphael, and your Guardian Angels to cleanse, heal, balance and energize your chakra (say the name of the chakra for which you’re performing the ritual. For example, if the ritual is for the Root chakra, you will take a red color candle and say its name).
- Light up the candle and look at the flame until you feel connected to it.
- Visualize that your chakra is getting cleanses, energized with the energy. You might feel heat or sensation in the body part where chakra is located.
- Be in this state for 10-15 minutes. Slowly open your eyes once you are done with the ritual.
- Express your gratitude to Mother Reiki and divine energies. Be thankful to your body.
- Doing grounding exercises and drinking water is always advisable at the end of every Reiki session.
You need to remember some important points while doing chakra balancing
- Always work on a single chakra at a time (highly recommended).
- Give a gap of a day or two while moving from one chakra to another. If you have done Root chakra ritual, then while moving to Sacral chakra, maintain the gap of at least one day.
- Maintaining the order means to start from Root then move to Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.
Note: Don’t leave the candle unattended. Do not alter or stop your medications.
Love, Light, Gratitude.
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is
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