Article by Gustavo Cristian Fritz
This time I want to address a topic that appears repeatedly in the Reiki courses that I offer, especially when there are students who come back for a particular level to refresh their knowledge.
While practicing Reiki new questions or thinking perspectives may arise depending on the experience that the student is going through.
Many times I see students who are worried about some negative experience during the Reiki session and their first comment is: you said that nothing bad could happen to us during a session, and my answer is always the same: that’s true, as long as we’re doing it the right way.
What do I mean with “the right way”?
When we just started practicing, everything usually goes well. Why do “negative” experiences happen to the most experienced? In my experience, the answer is simple: because the practice makes us feel too confident and neglect some aspects of it. Especially for those who do it professionally and treat several people during the day.
The beginner starts the sessions with the manual in hand, reviewing every detail before the session, experiencing some healthy anxiety to do everything perfectly and correctly. Those who have experience usually “relax”, especially in some basic care practices that I think is always good to remember.

Image by miz306
Taking care of our space and practice implies taking care of ourselves and our clients. Therefore it is always suitable:
Before performing a Reiki session:
- Prepare the space in which we are going to perform the session: every day ventilating it, placing some water vessels that we will renew daily, lighting some aromatic candle or incense according to our taste. Energetically cleaning the space using the techniques learned in the 2nd level of Reiki – if we have already taken it. Having the intention to be a place of Light and Healing protected by our spiritual guides.
- Prepare ourselves, wearing some special clothes that we have for this healing practice, preferably white or light colors.
- Wash our hands thoroughly with the intention of purification before starting the session.
- Perform a little meditation; we can use the Gassho meditation learned in the 1st level of Reiki in order to connect with the Rei energy or some other brief meditation of our preference.
At the beginning of the Reiki session:
- Receive the client with joy, letting him know that we value his effort to heal whatever his Soul needs to heal.
- Once the client is on the table or chair ready to start the healing session, ask his Higher Self for permission to do it. Invoke both yours and his guides to support the process with the highest possible healing result at this time of evolution, to protect the space and each of the participants.
- Personally I like to use this invocation of Archangel Michael:
“In the name of God that I Am, I invoke you beloved Archangel Michael, and I ask you to place a circle of Light, a ring: “You shall not pass!” around us that protects us, this place, and this practice to make it the greatest for all of us.
I call upon the Ascended Masters, our Guardian Angels, and all beings of Light that can assist us so that this Being can be healed, in harmony with his/her I Am presence and according to what’s good, just, and necessary for him/her in This moment of his/her evolution.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
At the end of the Reiki session:
- Thank both yours and client’s guides for the healing support received.
- Cut all energetic cords with the auric field of your client; we can use the “dry shower” or Ken Yo Ku learned in the 1st level of Reiki.
- Thank the client for his/her willingness and give him/her a few minutes to rejoin.
I hope that these recommendations, which you probably already knew, will help you to enjoy even more your practice of this wonderful technique, which if treated with respect and awareness, will give us only joys and blessedness.
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Gustavo Cristian Fritz is a Reiki Master and holistic therapist in Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is dedicated to the dissemination of Reiki and Shiatsu among other therapies. After 10 years of applying these techniques, Gustavo is leaving the practice of chemical engineering to fully engage in these activities and provide outreach sessions in all places where he is called. Gustavo can be contacted through his email,, or his website
Lovely! Thank you for sharing!
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