Article by Rene Mic
An old Chinese proverb says “A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.”
By taking simple steps daily we can achieve milestones. Similarly, by adding Reiki to our daily lives we can achieve great success. Have you ever thought that how wonderful it could be if we infuse Reiki to our lives for everyday activities? Reiki is a wonderful tool in manifesting large goals but by adding it to our daily life we may bring noticeable changes that can lead to amazing improvements. We can send Reiki energy/healing to our daily chores and it may positively impact our lives. What are these chores and how can we infuse them with Reiki?
Here are a few tips.
- Bon Appetit: So what’s on the menu? What is the special ingredient to make a wonderful meal? Love and of course Reiki. No matter what you are having in your meal, just give Reiki to your food.
- Once your food is ready (cooked), draw Cho-Ku-Rei (if you are attuned to) on both your palms.
- Speak symbols name.
- Now rub your palms till you feel the warmth.
- Place your hands over the food. Ask Reiki to remove any kind of impurities or negativity and bless the meal with divine love and energies to maintain the love and warmth among family members.
- Send Reiki for 3-5 minutes daily for at least one of your meal.
- Best practice is to enjoy this meal together with your family.
- Water-Water Everywhere: Water is an essential part of our lives. It covers almost 71% of Earth’s surface. The human body contains 72%(approximately) of water. Such an important element of life can be made more functional when energised with Reiki. Charge water with Reiki energy and then use it for drinking, cooking food, bathing, and other household chores. You can also use this water for your plants to boost their growth.
Image by jamie_nakamura
To charge water:
- Draw Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki, Cho-Ku-Rei (if you are attuned to) between your palms.
- While drawing speak symbols name loudly.
- Keep your palms over water and invoke Reiki.
- Say loudly as if water is listening “Dear Reiki, energise this water with your divine love and energies so it can detoxify, heal, and energise me and work for my greatest and highest good wherever used. Thank you.”
- Send Reiki energy to the water for 3 minutes or more.
- Water is ready now for use.
- You can also charge a small amount of water and mix it later with other resources.
- O My Cell: The one most important gadget for us, our Cell phone. It is with us all the time like a true companion. It’s an alarm clock, a messenger, an entertainer and a lot more. But it emits harmful radiations too. Hence we need to protect ourselves from its harmful rays and effects.
- Before you start using your phone visualise a bubble around your phone.
- Energise this bubble by sending Reiki energy to it.
- Intend that this cell phone should perform for your highest good, keeping you safe from harmful rays and over usage of it.
- Have a safe journey: Once you are in driving seat and started your car, send Reiki to your vehicle.
- Draw Cho-Ku-Rei (energetically) on four sides of the car
- Ask Reiki to energise these symbols so they can protect you and your vehicle from all directions. They will keep you safe and help you get through the traffic smoothly hence make you reach on time for your important meetings or events.
- You can send Reiki energy by keeping your hands on steering wheel visualising that Cho-Ku-Rei symbol you have drawn reaching every part of your car and performing well for your highest good.
Important Tips:
a) Always express your Gratitude to Reiki before and after the process.
b) Be thankful to Universe, God for everything.
c) Express your gratitude and love towards your gadgets and vehicles too. As it also contains energy. Do not disrespect things by throwing them here and there carelessly. Keep them clean and tidy.
Love, Light, Gratitude….
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Rene Mic is a Post Graduate and worked in corporate profile as an Administration Manager for over 10 years. She is a Reiki Master, Angels Practitioner, and Tarot Card Reader. She finds Reiki as the best gift of Divine that taught her to heal not only self and others. Reiki enables her to heal mother nature and its elements too. It connects her to his soul and mother earth as well. Her aim is to spread love and light to this planet for the well being of all. She resides in Delhi NCR, India. Her email ID is
Well explained and easy to follow once an individual decides to do so.. thankyou
Dear Aarti,
Thank you for your kind appreciation. We’re also grateful to all Reiki practitioners and Reiki Master Teachers who decide to share their valuable wisdom with us! Blessings. 🙏