Greetings Everyone. We all gage known the magical powerful healing benefits of Karuna Reiki®. This is an ideal Modality which deals with the compassionate action of dealing with own self, embracing your uniqueness, accepting self, healing shadow self, healing your past, addictions, hurts, traumas, etc and working beautifully with multidimensional energies as well helping one to be on tune with our own higher self. Many have wonderfully explored this modality with various combinations of symbols as well as Karuna and Usui Reiki together. However, in this article, I wish to share Karuna Reiki® Healing Guided Meditation.
Few Notes of Karuna Reiki®
- Sit or lie down comfortable but your hands, palms, legs should be not crossed. Your body should be an open channel.
- Draw symbols either with fingers, or mind’s eye or simply visualize.
- Intoning means Chanting symbols name with a gradual rise and fall of itch of voice. This creates vibrations in each and every cell of the body.
- Each symbol has to be drawn once (either in front of you in the air or on palms or respective chakra wherever mentioned in step by step Healing procedure), then intone its name thrice.
Karuna Reiki Healing step by step procedure:
- Grounding – Draw & Intone Kriya symbol in golden color. You can draw using both hands on both sides of the body by drawing mirror 7 number, then uncoil both hands outwards of body. Visualize all channels of connection, etheric cords including family, ancestors, home, karmic cords, etc being cleansed and grounded.
- Centering – Deep abdominal breathing 3 times. Draw & Intone Shanti symbol in golden white color. Feel that all fears, anxiety are removed and transmuted, you are relaxed & calm.
- Intention – State the purpose of doing healing, your issues, problems. This is to direct the healing energies.
- Invocation – Call your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters to help you, guide you, protect you & heal you in the entire healing process.
- Draw & Intone Om symbol in golden color. Keep chanting it for few times to awaken the soul within you. Visualize your auras being cleansed, healed, protected, and expanded to be in perfect alignment with the Cosmos, Higher Consciousness.
- Draw & Intone Zonar symbol in golden color. Feel that the Divine Light is entering into your body, unblocking your subconscious mind and all your dormant DNA too.
- Draw & Intone Halu symbol in vibrant colors. Visualize being inside a pyramid of Divine Light perfectly shielded, and each and every cell, DNA is perfectly assimilating the Healing energies, you see yourself as a light body channel healing your Shadow Self, sexuality, physical abuses.
- Draw & Intone Harth symbol in golden green color at the Heart chakra. Visualize all negativities insecurities, jealousy, pains, hurts, bad habits, addictions are transmuted, your heart chakra being expanded and you are receiving Divine Blessings with love, gratitude, and grace.
- Draw & Intone Gnosa symbol in violet gold color, at Third Eye chakra. Focus on the third eye and continue with deep abdominal breathing. That’s activating your various clairs and intuitions. You may seek guidances with regards to your issues.
- Draw & Intone Iava symbol in violet gold color. Place hands at the Heart chakra and affirm: “I am a Divine Being, I am Divine’s Perfect Unique Creation, I am a Vessel of Love, I am a Master of Life and Co-Creator of Destiny.” Visualize all negative cords of attachments been cut, transmuted for healing Mother Earth. Your vibrations are now raised, and so the vibrations of entire Cosmos too raised.
- Draw & Intone Rama symbol and mentally let the symbol go at both feet in red golden color. Visualize that all your chakras are cleansed, healed, alligned, balanced and grounded to Mother Earth. You are now standing tall, perfectly rooted like a tree, dealing with all life challenges with ease. Affirm: “All my Desires have been manifested for the highest and greatest good of all. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.” Visualize the same.
- Express gratitude to everyone whomever you have invoked, including Mother Earth & Karuna Reiki®.
- Drink a glass of water for even distribution of energies and rest for a while.
Loads of Love & Light!
Article by Charisma Phatak
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Charisma Phatak is an engineering graduate and a MBA from nationally acclaimed institutions. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and Healer, with a long standing Reiki experience of 13 years. She practices Usui Reiki, Karmic Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Tiger Reiki, Angel Reiki, Lavender Flame of Quan Yin, Wagle Reiki, Celtic Reiki, DNA Reiki, Magnified Healing, Imara Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, and Divine Light Ascension (DLA).
She, along with her sister Jhilmil Bhalwar is the co-owner of “Supreme Reiki Centre” at Pune, India. Her life with Reiki has been like unlocking the door to unlimited happiness!! Find Charisma at
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