Article by Maria Mison
How many of us feel like we’ve made so much progress in a day, in terms of feeling optimistic and good about a business, a relationship, an issue – only to lose it the day after? Many suffer a lot of anxiety or have a belief that good feelings and energies can’t last. How many of us have had self-sessions that feel great at the moment – but can’t quite stick or carry over the rest of your life?
You have to put time stamps on your Reiki and on your intentions. Send stuff in advance. If I were to be completely honest, even the perception and conception of time is only as real as you believe it and if we were to be really candid about how we perceive time – we think things fade. We think things get worse, we catastrophize as a hobby.
Not that bad things don’t happen, that’s not the source of the difficulty here. We don’t have this neutral awareness hardwired to take things as it is. To not judge things as good as bad, and you know what? That’s okay.
We can work on that, you can Reiki that.
First, take any time that you’re left idle or waiting, waiting for the bus, being stuck in transit, or falling in line. And patiently, really rack up the feeling of Reiki you are channeling into your personal space. This would be best done with your eyes open, going about your day while in things where you don’t “do much”. This is so that you can train yourself to receive and channel Reiki even in normal things, with your eyes open to distractions and all, so that you don’t feel peace only when you “drop out” or “into” a meditative state.

Image by Virvoreanu-Laurentiu
Have the intention of channeling the highest energy you’ve ever experienced or fathom, then say – multiply that by 2. Then raise that feeling exponentially by 3. Work it up to 100 like lifting weights. Continuously break your concept of how strong of an energy you can channel. This is like weight training, your energy will get better at attraining to more healing, neutrality and openness.
Next, feel your current energy field. Then think, okay I’m sending that Reiki to tomorrow. Did you feel your personal space/ your energy field suddenly collapse? Be smaller? Be dirtier? Be constricted? If you’re clairvoyant or whichever, you can actually see this. Now just work on that energy, weave any of your strong intentions, or just rack up some pure Reiki in there. Undo what anxiety you already see impending. Make it light.
If you’re on a plane trip for 5 hours, I swear you can do your entire year ahead of you. You can feel which dates are heavier, which appointments and work landmarks grip at you harder, or what expectations on yourself you weigh yourself down with. Send Reiki to all of that, to all those future selves. An interesting facet of this exercise is that it’s like carving out the sand/grit/dirt on your calendar as if you’re digging to the core of your truth and being each day and each time. And as the energies ground themselves better each day, you can actually see yourself being more balanced, being more integrated, grounded, and in your personal power as the days progress.
An intention that would be very powerful to program alongside this is to HZN, your most authentic being back to yourself. Self-actualization, self-realization, and self-integration. Because most of us still have egos, and might use Reiki to ‘spiritually bypass’, with almost a religious like fervor – deny our painful experiences. I advice channeling wholeness, not just happy light. Wholeness to come to every moment as all of your power – a power that is different from Reiki, but who’s revealing could be aided by it. Your soul, your unique imprint and signature, your beingness.
Program that too it’s so large that it also takes time to ground into your metaphysical space, and even more energy/time to ground into your physical body and waking life, and everyday actions. Have the intention of being wholly steeped in it, fully, always, every cell and inch of you. You will feel more yourself with this, do this right and you will feel like a new person coming into the next day without the lost progress.
Let me know how this exercise goes for you in the comments, or come see my blog.
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Maria Mison
Maria Mison is a shaman and a dreamwalker from the Philippines; Reiki level two, and Seraphim Blueprint level four practitioner.
By day she is as a healing plant and mushroom lad, an urban poverty fighter, and a dancer. Newbie tarot reader, all-around Lover. You can find her in where she blogs about life and likes talking to literally everyone on the interwebs.
Nice article, but isn’t reiki best for losing all attachments to situation working on self, no matter how is the healing going, sometimes one energy block comes, it takes days to dissolve which you may feel worse, but then it’s over and you feel like brick came off your head. Sensei Usui gave us the precepts – for today do not worry, do not anger, be thankful, be kind to self and everyone, work and practice diligently.. These are enough if you take out one by one eg. Do not worry and give a like 10 min 15 min a day meditation on this , eventually in a month or two you feel so much better and less worried. And by that way, there’s no need to reiki every situation, because they cause you no more worries over time. its like working on the root problem not the symptom, in my opinion