Article by Haripriya Suraj, Reiki Master
The Heart chakra is a beautiful space in our being. It acts as a connecting bridge between the lower and higher chakras. When it is in balance, the Heart chakra is as a wellspring of nourishment and love. However, it is also one of the most traumatized chakras in people.
Some factors that cause the Heart chakra to shut down are-
- Challenging childhood experiences- not receiving unconditional love as a child, dysfunctional family, and educational setups
- Possessing the conditioned belief of not being ‘good enough’, which may lead to a loss of self -image and self-love
- Societal and religious conditioning that gives birth to judgmental tendencies, thereby creating major rifts between people
- Strained romantic relationships, experiences of betrayal and painful breakups
- Unhealed grief over loss of loved ones through relationship breakups or death
- Guilt over past mistakes or resentment towards others who may have wronged us
- Energy imprints from unhealed past life experiences
If you are reading this article, the good news is that you are not an unconscious human personality bound by circumstances anymore. You are not a helpless child trapped in a dysfunctional family either. You are not your past. The past is over and everything in it served a spiritual purpose.
In the present moment, you are a spiritually conscious adult who is waking up to your inner truth. You now see yourself not just as a human adult but as an aware and empowered Being of light! And this awareness alone is half the battle won. Now it’s up to you to take your life into your own hands and heal your tender heart, so it may then reveal its Divine magnificence to you.
Here are four steps to heal the heart-
- Love Yourself – The very first step is to begin to love yourself a little more with every passing day. Make it a point to tell yourself “I love you” at least once a day. Do not wait for others to say this! You have all the love you need within you. Whenever you practice Reiki self-healing or when you’re resting, visualize pink light flooding your body. Feel the energy of love filling you to brim. Direct this energy to your own self and say “I love you.” It may not feel authentic in the beginning. But it’s a good idea to fake it till you make it! Old habits take time to dissolve. Simply keep at it and you will eventually begin to find it easier to love yourself.
- Forgiveness and Clearing Work – As you begin to love yourself, it is also good to do energy work to clear traumatic memories that have hurt your heart. Sign up for a past life regression session. Take an inner child workshop. Practice Hooponopono. Recite forgiveness decrees (as taught by Elizabeth Clare Prophet). Do whatever you feel guided to. But do the inner work and allow the past pain to melt away from your loving heart. This will also support your self-love practice. If you need additional support, do find a competent therapist to work with one on one.
- Gratitude – Make gratitude a part of your life. Nothing complicated. Every day, simply notice the many blessings in your life and feel thankful for all of them.
- A beautiful flower blooming in your garden? Say “Thank you!”
- Enjoying a cup of tea after a long day? Say “Thank you!”
- Feeling vibrant and healthy? Say “Thank you!”
- Received some money? Say “Thank you!”
- This simple practice of constantly saying ‘Thank you’ for your blessings can nourish the heart in unimaginably powerful ways.
- Bring Joy into your Life – Remember the last time you had a hearty laugh? Wasn’t it therapeutic? Make it a point to do something each day that gets you to smile or laugh for a short while. Join a laughter club. Get silly with a child and have some fun. Smile at yourself whenever you pass by a mirror. Dance. Do something that makes your heart sing with joy! Have a little statue of Lord Maitreya, popularly known as the ‘Laughing Buddha’ in your altar or vicinity. Connecting with this bubbly Master can inspire you to allow more joy into your life!
As you follow the four steps – loving yourself, clearing past trauma, practicing gratitude and inviting greater joy into your life – your heart will be restored to its original divine glory. It is also recommended that you do some form of energy protection work each day. This will ensure that the inner work that you do is not sabotaged by mismatched energies absorbed from elsewhere.
Sending you love and light!
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Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer and Starseed Lightworker. Reiki is her constant companion from which she derives peace and contentment. She is deeply connected with the Stars and Angels and they form an integral part of her Reiki practice. Her core mission is to help bridge the worlds of Spirit and Science and to help people connect with their unique soul missions. Haripriya offers Reiki healing sessions and training programs in Bangalore, India. Reach Haripriya at, on email at and on Facebook at Angel Light.
My one of the favorite writers here is you mam.
I love and like all your articles, my inner sense insists me to acknowledge, like, appreciate and practice whatever your write.
I suggest readers to practice heart chakra meditation by the author, available on reiki rays along with what has been recommended in the article for complete healing. Healed heart chakra gives a joyful state feeling throughout the day.
Thank you so much ma’m 🙏🏻
Dear Donna,
Thank you very much for the E-books which I have gone through with great delight.
With loving good wishes,